
Experienced farmers will fertilize corn on rainy days, not only to save money and effort, but also to achieve better results.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Why do farmers choose to fertilize corn on rainy days? In fact, this is not to say that farmers have to choose rainy days to fertilize corn, but choosing rainy days to topdressing corn has many advantages. Although at present, many farmers choose the so-called one-shot fertilization.

Why do farmers choose to fertilize corn on rainy days? In fact, this is not to say that farmers have to choose rainy days to fertilize corn, but choosing rainy days to topdressing corn has many advantages. Although at present many farmers choose the so-called one-shot fertilization method, basically no fertilization after sowing, but for most farmers in the corn Bajie or big trumpet mouth period will choose topdressing, after all, when entering the reproductive growth stage, the fertilizer demand of corn will also reach its peak.

Here are some advantages of fertilizing on rainy days.

Save labor

Conventional fertilization is basically the method of ditching, in the corn field, after all, everyone knows that the plant is as high as, even the use of fertilization equipment will inevitably have to pay a lot of effort, and have to endure the trouble of corn leaves rubbing against the skin. I'm afraid only those friends who have fertilized the corn field themselves can understand the taste.

On the other hand, if you apply fertilizer on rainy days, it will be sprinkled directly, which will reduce the labor intensity to a certain extent.

Save cost

The fertilizer effect of chemical fertilizer is relatively fast, and if the weather is hot after fertilization, such as ammonium bicarbonate or urea, it will volatilize, so farmers basically use watering or fertilization after fertilization. it's easy to dissolve the fertilizer.

On rainy days, farmers directly spread chemical fertilizer into the fields while it rains, thus avoiding watering, saving at least 30 yuan per mu of land in terms of cost.

Improve fertilizer use efficiency

After fertilizing in rainy days, chemical fertilizers will quickly dissolve into the soil. For the current fertilizers for corn topdressing, there are basically no more than several fertilizers such as ammonium bicarbonate, urea, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, potassium chloride, and so on. These fertilizers are soluble fertilizers, which are rapidly dissolved in Rain Water and seep into the depths of the soil, improving the utilization rate of fertilizer.

In fact, farmers fertilize on rainy days, more out of convenience and cost considerations, otherwise, who is willing to go to farmland to fertilize in spite of heavy rain? in rural areas, many farmers are often seen to pay attention to the weather forecast every day. On that day, when it is forecast that it will rain, they will quickly buy chemical fertilizer and load it into the car, ready to quickly sprinkle it into the field when Rain Water is coming. Only friends who have experienced busy farming can have a deeper experience.

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