
How to apply compound fertilizer?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to apply compound fertilizer? Please introduce the application method of compound fertilizer, which has the characteristics of high nutrient content and fixed proportion of nutrient content, because the proportion of N, P and K required by different soils and different crops is different. Therefore, it is best to test the soil before use to understand the texture and nutritional status of the soil.

How to apply compound fertilizer? Please introduce the application method of compound fertilizer, which has the characteristics of high nutrient content and fixed proportion of nutrient content, because the proportion of N, P and K required by different soils and different crops is different. Therefore, it is best to test the soil before use to understand the texture and nutritional status of the soil, and pay attention to the combined application of N fertilizer and N fertilizer in order to improve the efficiency of N, P and K. In particular, three 15% or three 16% compound fertilizers should avoid single use and waste P and K fertilizers. With the increase of grain production, the phenomenon of soil element deficiency has been shown, and now producers begin to produce more multi-component compound fertilizers. At present, there are mainly three kinds of compound fertilizers on the market: the first is special fertilizer for crops. When choosing, farmers should choose the corresponding special fertilizer according to different crops. The second is the special fertilizer for crops with pesticides. This kind of fertilizer is mainly used as base fertilizer, and one application can not only ensure the nutrients needed by crops, but also control underground pests and seedling diseases. The third is high content granular organic compound fertilizer. The application of this type of fertilizer reduces the amount of fertilization, the number of times, reduces the amount of labor, and improves work efficiency. Although the compound fertilizer is efficient and time-saving. But it is not an omnipotent fertilizer, so we should pay attention to: 1. It should be applied in combination with a variety of fertilizers. Although most of the compound fertilizers are diversified, the manufacturers are equipped with the main and needed elements of the whole crop, but the secondary elements can not be completely matched, so they can not completely replace the organic fertilizer. Where possible, it should be used in conjunction with mature organic fertilizer, which can improve fertilizer efficiency and nutrient utilization, at the same time improve soil, activate beneficial microorganisms in soil, and more importantly, save cost and reduce environmental pollution. Better conditions can be used in conjunction with bio-organic fertilizer, so as to provide a large number of beneficial microorganisms for the soil and activate soil nutrients. Although the special compound fertilizer is produced by determining the nutrient ratio according to the fertilizer demand characteristics of crops, it is difficult to fully meet the requirements of the actual growth of crops in soils with different fertility levels, so it is necessary to use some elemental fertilizers according to the situation of crop seedlings. For example, some N fertilizer should be added to the leafy vegetables that need more N in the poor ridge soil, and some K fertilizer should be applied to the peanuts and watermelons which need more K in the K-deficient soil (such as sandy field). two。 Grasping the characteristics of compound fertilizer, applying 2.1 compound fertilizer has a long fertilizer effect and should be used as base fertilizer. No matter it is special fertilizer for crops or ternary compound fertilizer, it is better to apply base fertilizer. This is because the early stage of crop is very sensitive to P and K, so P and K fertilizer is required to be applied early as base fertilizer. In addition, coating and granulation processes are adopted in the production process of compound fertilizer, which has slow and stable fertilizer efficiency, slower decomposition than elemental fertilizer, less nutrient leaching and high utilization rate, so it is suitable to be used as base fertilizer. The general dosage is 30 to 40kg per mu. In addition, according to the law of fertilizer demand of different crops, available N fertilizer should be added in time to meet the nutritional needs of crops. 2.2 the content of compound fertilizer varies greatly, so attention should be paid to selecting suitable varieties. According to the region, soil and crops, choose to use economical and efficient compound fertilizer. Generally, high content compound fertilizer is used in economic crops, because of its high content, it is necessary to avoid direct contact between seeds and fertilizer, so as to avoid affecting seedling emergence, burning seedlings and rotting roots. When sowing, the seed should be 5-10cm away from the compound fertilizer. 2.3 attention should be paid to the scope of use according to the composition of compound fertilizer. The composition of compound fertilizer varies with different brands and contents, so it should be selected according to soil type and crop type. For example, compound fertilizer containing nitrate should not be applied in leafy vegetables; compound fertilizer containing ammonium ion should not be applied in saline-alkali soil; compound fertilizer containing chloride ion should not be applied on taboo crops (such as tea trees); compound fertilizer containing sulfate should not be applied in acidic soil. Otherwise, it will reduce the fertilizer efficiency and even poison the crops. In addition, the application of compound fertilizer should cover soil deeply. It can not be spread on the surface, because it is not easy to be absorbed by the soil in time, resulting in the decomposition and volatilization of N fertilizer in the hot sun, the loss of K fertilizer in the rain, and the small mobility of P in the soil, which is not easy to be absorbed and utilized by crop roots on the surface. At the same time, fertilizer can not be dissolved and decomposed in the case of drought, and the fertilizer efficiency is very poor. Click to get more compound fertilizer application techniques