
Planting time and method of sweet potato: when and how long will sweet potato be planted?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Sweet potato is a high-fiber vegetable, which is of great benefit to the digestive system of the human body, and it is also very popular with consumers when the sweet potato is on the market. How is the sweet potato grown? Do you want to know that it usually comes on the market at

Sweet potato is a high-fiber vegetable, which is of great benefit to the digestive system of the human body, and it is also very popular with consumers when the sweet potato is on the market. How is the sweet potato grown? Do you want to know that it usually goes on sale from September to October, so when is it planted? Let's take a look.

Generally, sweet potato vines are used when planting sweet potato, and the length of planting is about 5 to 7 leaves. When planting sweet potatoes, only 1 or 2 sweet potatoes can grow when the buds are cut off and buried in the soil, and the growth is slow. When planting sweet potato vines, the roots of each leaf grow sweet potatoes and grow faster. When planting sweet potatoes, dig trenches in the nursery to make beds with good drainage, and then bury the sweet potato vines with 5 to 7 leaves in the soil at 45 degrees, and wet the soil after planting (only one root will grow in the plant. Each leaf will grow roots) continuously watered for about a week, see sweet potato leaves protruding and sprouting, fertilizing and swapping vines for about a month after planting, rattan must be done every Monday. The harvest began three months after planting. Water should be watered once a week in summer so that the soil is too dry for sweet potatoes to grow. In summer, sweet potato ant weevil should be paid attention to, less insect pests should be planted in autumn, more crops should be planted in summer, and sweet potatoes will grow less in autumn and winter. All-day sunshine is the best for sweet potato planting, the leaves grow luxuriantly, and the more time it takes to practice photosynthesis, the better the sweet potato grows.

The fastest way to germinate sweet potatoes: the temperature should be controlled at a suitable temperature (15 to 25 degrees). Keep a certain degree of humidity in the room.

1. Temperature: sweet potato likes warm and cold. It takes 3 days to root at 20 ℃ and only one day at 27-30 ℃. The stem and leaf grow faster when the temperature is 25-28 ℃, and the stem and leaf grow faster when the temperature is above 30 ℃, but the tuber expands slowly.

2. Light: sweet potato likes light. Under the condition of sufficient light, the leaf color is thicker, the leaf age is longer, the stem is sturdy, the stem transport tissue is developed, and the yield is higher.

In what month did sweet potatoes begin to grow in the south? There is a two-year four-ripe system in the southern district. Rotation, one season of spring potatoes and one season of summer potatoes, and other crops at other times