
Do you like to attract mosquitoes when you grow flowers? Add a little mint to the water and there are no more aphids on the leaves.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Huahua went around the small garden in the evening and was bitten by mosquitoes for several bags in half an hour, not to mention all kinds of bugs. It makes people crazy! So, for flower friends who grow flowers, all kinds of mosquitoes often appear in their homes.

Huahua went around the small garden in the evening and was bitten by mosquitoes for several bags in half an hour, not to mention all kinds of bugs. It makes people crazy! So, for flower friends' homes, there are often all kinds of mosquitoes, today Huahua will teach you a few good ways to kill them thoroughly, so that mosquitoes never dare to enter the house again!

Spray some peppermint water and all the aphids will die!

Flower cultivation Daquan

Every time I see aphids at home, Huahua always feels like goose bumps. Some flower friends always think that no matter how the aphids are killed, what can they do? Let's try peppermint spray!

How to use it:

1. If you have a mint flower friend at home, you can pick a handful of peppermint leaves, cut them up and squeeze the juice to get peppermint juice.

2. Find a clean bottle, add about 10 drops of peppermint juice and 10ml medicinal alcohol, and finally add 500ml water to stir well. (the water in 500ml is probably the amount of water in a standard mineral water bottle.)

3. Spray the mixed peppermint alcohol solution directly on the plant with aphids, remember to spray both sides and sides, about once a week, you can kill the aphids!

4. If there is no fresh mint at home, the same effect can be achieved with peppermint essential oil. Because mint contains insecticidal ingredients, and medical alcohol can destroy the body structure of aphids, so the effect of killing aphids is still good.

Put a coin in a plastic bag, and flies will never enter the door again!

Flower cultivation Daquan

Huahua passed by the community a few days ago, saw many neighbors hanging a plastic bag on the windowsill, from a distance to see a flash, how is this going on? Only later did I know that it was to prevent flies!

How to use it:

1. Prepare a clean watertight plastic bag, or plastic gloves, which are filled with water.

2. After that, prepare 3-5 washed coins, one yuan will be fine, and throw them directly into a plastic bag full of water.

3. Tie the plastic bag tightly and hang it directly by the window to stop the flies from entering the door!

4. Why can coins and water prevent flies from entering the door? Because the fly has compound eyes, plastic bags filled with water and coins will scatter light, we look fine, but the fly will feel very scary, so it does not dare to fly towards the window, so it can not enter the door! Flower friends can give it a try!

Spray some onion water, all the red spiders are gone!

Flower cultivation Daquan

What is the hardest bug to kill? That must be the red spider! Killing comes out one at a time, and it's annoying over and over again! It just so happens that summer is coming, so why not try onions?

How to use it:

1. Buy a fresh onion from the supermarket, then chop it up, and mash it if possible. If you are worried about the hot eyes when cutting onions, you can cut onions in water.

2. Convert the onion and water into a solution according to the proportion of 1:50, soak in a container for more than 24 hours, and let the onion soak fully in water.

3. After soaking for 24 hours, filter out the onion residue and spray the onion water directly on the plant. Remember to spray both the front and back. It only takes 3-5 times to make the red spider disappear!

4. Onion has a strong and spicy smell, for red spiders, it can achieve a good driving effect, remember to spray many times, the effect is the best.

Raise pots to drive mosquito plants, mosquitoes all scare away!

Flower cultivation Daquan

The most annoying thing in summer must be the endless stream of mosquitoes! But many flower friends don't want to take medicine at home. What should I do? Huahua teaches you to raise some mosquito repellent plants today.

How to use it:

1. Mosquito repellent grass

If you want to repel mosquitoes, mosquito repellent is the first choice. Because the aroma of mosquito repellent contains citronellal, the stronger the flavor the higher the temperature, the stronger the mosquito repellent effect. Basically, 1-2 pots in each room will be fine.

2. Evening incense

After the evening incense blossoms, the flavor is very rich, as long as you put a pot by the window, mosquitoes dare not come near it all night. But the smell of nocturnal incense is too strong, it is best to put it on the balcony or ventilated window, if put in the bedroom, it may cause insomnia!

3. Moxa grass

Flower friends who have moxa grass at home should not waste it. Dry the moxa grass and boil it directly in a pot to spread the flavor throughout the room, or spray it on the plant in a spray can, which can basically drive away mosquitoes!

Spray some essential oil + toilet water, and all the little moths will run away!

Flower cultivation Daquan

It is easy to recruit small moths in summer, especially those who raise flowers, often recruit the larvae of moths and butterflies, at this time we need wind oil essence and toilet water!

How to use it:

1. Prepare a clean bottle, drop the essential oil into about 5-10 drops, then add 5-10 drops of toilet water as well.

2. Finally, add 600-800 times of water to the bottle, mix the two solutions well, and spray them directly on the plant in a spray can.

3. The mixture of wind oil essence and toilet water not only has a strong mosquito repellent effect, but also has an excellent insecticidal effect on the larvae of moths and butterflies. You might as well give it a try.

Sprinkle some ash on the noodles and the snails will run away!

Flower cultivation Daquan

The continuous heavy rain in recent days has led to the emergence of snails in many flower friends' homes, especially those with small gardens, and the yard is full of snails!

How to use it:

1. Sprinkle lime

The snail was afraid of flooding, so the snail basically climbed out after the rain. So we can usually sprinkle a layer of lime on the surface of the basin soil. if the snail accidentally touches the lime, it will lose water and die in the body. Over time, the flowers at home will not be eaten by snails. But be careful not to sprinkle lime on the leaves.

2. Sprinkle some plant ash

In the evening, sprinkle dry plant ash directly on the stems and leaves of flowers and plants, you can choose to spray water on the leaves and sprinkle some, so that snails will not climb up to the flowers to nibble!

3. Sprinkle some chopped eggshells

After the eggs at home are crushed, they are thrown directly on the basin. Because the edge of the eggshell is sharp, when the snail climbs from the eggshell, it will scratch its skin so that it will never climb onto the flowerpot again!

Spray some pepper + pepper spray, Xiao Hefei will run away!

Flower cultivation Daquan

Speaking of Xiaohei Fei, it must be the pain in the heart of the florist. No matter how he kills, he can't be killed, and it comes out again after a while! Don't be afraid, Huahua will teach everyone to kill Blackie Fei with pepper and pepper today, leaving no trouble at all!

How to use it:

1. If you have Zanthoxylum bungeanum at home, grab a handful of Zanthoxylum bungeanum, put it in the pot, and add 3 times as much water to bring it to a boil.

2. Buy some fresh chili peppers in the market, put in about 5 chili peppers, then throw them directly into the pot and boil them with pepper for about half an hour. If you find it troublesome, you can also squeeze the chili into juice before using it.

3. Filter out the pepper and pepper with a filter, spray the pepper and pepper solution with 10 times the water, spray directly on the leaves, about 3-5 times in a row, you can completely kill all the small black fly and small black flying worm eggs!

That's all for Huahua today!

What other good insecticidal methods do you have?

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