
Grow flowers and rotten roots? The pelvic floor pad is loose and breathable, and the nutrients are full of new buds.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, When summer comes, we have always stressed that the flowers and plants at home should be watered more frequently to prevent them from dying of dry and heat, but if this amount is not determined, it will easily cause stagnant water and rotten roots and yellow leaves, so most flower friends grow flowers.

When summer comes, we have always stressed that the flowers and plants at home should be watered more frequently to prevent them from dying of dry and heat, but if this amount is not determined, it will easily lead to stagnant water and rotten roots and yellow leaves, so that most of the flowers are watered to death, so how can this problem be avoided? In addition to holding hands, we also have to think of ways in the flowerpot to choose loose and permeable soil when planting, we can also pad something at the bottom of the pot to increase water permeability and avoid rotting roots. let's take a look at what is suitable for the bottom of the flowerpot.

walnut shell

Fresh walnuts are on the market this season. leave the shell after eating walnuts, break them a little with tools and put them in the sun for about 3 days for disinfection. They can be used to spread them directly at the bottom of the flowerpot and lay a layer on it.

Litchi shell

In addition to walnut shells, litchi shells can also be used, because litchi shells contain sugar, so they must be washed and dried in the sun before they can be placed in flowerpots, which can not only prevent rotting roots, but also be used as fertilizer.

Hairy bean shell

Yes, it is the beans we usually eat. It is easy to buy edamame beans with shells in the market this season. You can only use them after drying their shells, but do not use them if you have cooked them with salt.

Broken ceramic tile

If you feel that the above several still need to be treated before use, then use broken tiles, you can pick up some everywhere, pad in the bottom of the flowerpot can also help cool it, especially suitable for all kinds of flowers that are afraid of high temperature.

Broken bone

After eating the meat, the bones are left behind, cleaned and boiled again to remove the salt flavor, and then crushed in the sun can be used to pad the flowerpot, and the bones are rich in phosphorus and calcium, which are especially suitable for all kinds of flowering plants and can make the flowers bloom more vigorously.

When flower friends buy new flowers and change pots, don't forget that they must put something on the bottom of the pot. they can make the flowers grow better, avoid water and rotten roots causing yellow leaves, and bring nutrients to the soil.