
This pot of green leaves has a different color and will survive as soon as it is inserted.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Tiger tail orchid, leaf-shaped thick on the tip, upright like a sword, very strange. The color of the leaves is also "different", with white and green stripes and marble-like stripes. This kind of green plant, maintenance is simple, not only for leaves, but also for flowers.

Tiger tail orchid, leaf-shaped thick on the tip, upright like a sword, very strange. The color of the leaves is also "different", with white and green stripes and marble-like stripes. This kind of green plant is easy to maintain, not only for foliage and flowers, but also suitable for long-term indoor cultivation. Moreover, the tiger tail orchid survives as soon as it is inserted, and it is a good product for interior decoration.

Why is it said that tiger tail orchid will survive as soon as it is inserted? Tiger tail orchid is strong in growth, easy to sprout, and can be propagated by ramet or cuttage. Ramet is carried out in the growing period, or cut and planted in combination with turning the basin and changing the soil, generally after April is better.

And use the way of leaf cutting, that is, cut several segments of the whole leaf, each section is 7cm long, dry for 2 days, wait for the leaf to show wilting shape, insert it into the sandy soil in the basin, the depth is 1 inch 3 of sandy soil, but be careful not to reverse the cuttage. The potted soil should be kept moist and not too wet. It will take root and survive in about 30 days.

In addition, the conservation of the green plant of Tiger tail Orchid needs to pay attention to the following aspects:

1. Tiger tail orchid is a green plant, which likes warmth, chills, drought tolerance and dampness. The best growth temperature is above 20 ℃. It does not require high lighting. It can be placed not only in places with sufficient indoor light throughout the year, but also in windows facing north where the light is weak. It can generally grow well.

2. In terms of soil requirements, 7 parts of humus soil and 3 parts of coarse sand mixed with a little rice chaff ash can be planted in pot. Turning the basin and changing the soil are generally carried out every 3-4 years.

3. The growth period of Cymbidium is in summer and autumn. at this time, the orchid grows vigorously and needs to use the organic nutrient solution commonly used by plants, which is 500 times mixed with water and fertilized every 7 days. At ordinary times, we should also pay attention to fertilization. We can use potassium dihydrogen phosphate and organic nutrient solution to wet alternately, once every half a month, to promote the green and shiny leaves of Tiger tail Orchid.

4. Potted Magnolia can survive the winter safely when the room temperature is about 10 ℃ in winter. In a short period of 2-3 ℃, it can also survive the winter, but the potted soil should be kept dry and not too wet, otherwise it is easy to cause rotten roots. Especially in the early spring is still in the dormant period, if the basin soil is too wet, or once too much watering, nine times out of ten will rot the root.

But after the rotten roots, flower friends can cut it from above the rotten part of the tiger tail orchid and store it indoors or in plastic bags. When the weather turns warm after the Qingming Festival, it will be sliced and propagated.