
This flowering period is more than half a year. The peculiar flower pattern is better than the green pineapple. The hotter the weather, the more beautiful the flower.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The flower I share with you today is Beautiful Sakura. Beautiful cherry is born to like sunshine and is not tolerant to shade. In terms of temperature, it prefers high temperature weather. Even in hot summer, Sakura can blossom well and be loose and fat.

The flower shared with you today is Beautiful Sakura, which is naturally more sunny and not shady. In terms of temperature, it likes high temperature weather. Even in hot summer, Sakura can blossom very well. In a loose and fertile environment, the flowers will be more luxuriant and gorgeous. Let's take a look at how Beautiful Sakura is raised.

How to raise the beautiful girl Sakura, the key point of the family conservation of the beautiful woman Sakura:

Mei Nu Sakura does not have high requirements for soil, but it is necessary to ensure that the soil of Mei Nu Sakura should be fertile, loose and strong drainage, so as to ensure the growth of Mei Nu Sakura. Generally, neutral soil with high humidity can be selected. The cultivation soil with loose, fertile and good drainage performance should be selected in the pot substrate, and the rotten organic fertilizer and some superphosphate should be applied to the bottom of the pot before planting.

How to raise the beautiful cherry, watering the key points of the family care of the beautiful girl:

Because the root system of beautiful cherry is shallow, we should pay attention to watering in summer to prevent drought. During the maintenance period, too much or too little water is not conducive to growth, too much water, the stem is thin and weak, the number of flowers is reduced; lack of water, plant growth and development is poor, there will be the phenomenon of early fruiting.

How to raise the beautiful cherry, the light of the key points of the family care of the beautiful girl:

Sakura needs to be maintained in shade in spring, summer and autumn. When the temperature is high, if it is maintained in direct sunlight, the leaves will obviously become smaller, the branches will shorten, the feet will yellowed and fall off, and the growth will be very slow or enter a semi-dormant state.

How to raise the beautiful cherry, the key point of the family care of the beautiful cherry:

Sakura prefers to live in a high-temperature environment, its growth temperature is generally 15-25 degrees Celsius, the summer temperature can be controlled below 34 degrees Celsius. The temperature of Beautiful Sakura should not be lower than 5 degrees Celsius in winter, otherwise it will freeze to death.

How to raise the beautiful cherry, fertilize the key points of the family care of the beautiful cherry:

Like other plants, beauty cherry like fat can follow the principle of "light fertilizer applied frequently, less and more times, and complete nutrition".

Today's trick, big sister, share:

[mangosteen is good or not, you can see it here. It is so easy to learn this skill to choose mangosteen.]

More tricks, please pay attention to the tricks, sister!

? END?

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