
Planting technology and management of wax gourd: how to fertilize wax gourd? What disinfection of wax gourd field for many years?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Do you know the planting and management techniques of wax gourd? If you want to grow your own wax gourd, let's take a look at the following introduction. Growing things in wax gourd fields that have been planted for many years is to be disinfected, so how to disinfect them? 1. Cultivation period: planted in various regions of the province

Do you know the cultivation technology and management technology of wax gourd? If you want to grow your own wax gourd, take a look at the following introduction? In the winter melon planted for many years to grow things, is to disinfect, then how to disinfect it?

1. Cultivation period: The cultivation period in each region of the province is as follows: middle February to late March, July to early September in the north, and the most suitable period is February. From mid-August to early February of the following year, the optimum period is September and January to February.

2. Seed treatment: once the wax gourd seeds are dried, they are not easy to germinate, so the seeds purchased in the market are often not ideal for germination at appropriate temperatures, because the seed coat of wax gourd seeds is thick and difficult to absorb water. Farmers keep their own seeds of mature fruit, can use a knife to scrape off the skin, with the whole fruit dried preservation, until the seeds are cut open before planting, can improve the germination rate. Sun-dried seeds purchased from seed dealers can be soaked in 40% Benomyl+Thiram wettable powder (trade name: Wanli T) diluted 1,000 times for 1 hour, and then soaked in clean water for 72 hours to absorb sufficient moisture for germination. After this treatment, germination and seedling can be produced or direct seeding can be carried out in this nursery.

3. Planting: The planting of wax gourd can be divided into two methods: seedling and direct seeding.

(1). Seedling: White gourd transplant difficult, should use plastic bag (width 15 cm) or plug seedlings, the bottom two corners of the bag must be cut off, in order to drain ventilation. The bag is filled with culture soil or medium. The culture soil is decomposed into compost (clean compost is needed to avoid spreading wilt) 1/3 and field soil 2/3, plus a little chemical fertilizer. Soilless media can be purchased melon seedlings with the king of the ground media. Winter melon germination needs a higher temperature, should be artificially controlled at 30-33℃ temperature germination, after 48 hours began to sprout. Sow 1 germinating seed per plastic bag or tray. Seeds laid flat, young roots downward, sown to a depth of ca. 1 cm. After sowing, it should be covered with plastic cloth to keep warm and rain proof. Sprinkle water once a day, the amount of water should be applied according to the dryness of the culture soil or medium, not too wet; seedlings can be unearthed after about 4 days. After sowing to seedling period, if the climate is cold, irrigation should be around 10 a.m., when the temperature rises; afternoon irrigation, easy to cause low temperature obstacles, resulting in poor germination, poor seedling development, must pay attention. During the incubation period, a thermometer should be placed to observe the temperature. If the temperature exceeds 35℃, the plastic cloth should be removed to facilitate the growth of strong seedlings. At about 25℃, the seedling days need 20-25 days, at which time the seedlings have about 4-5 leaves.

(2). Direct seeding: After the seeds are disinfected and soaked for 72 hours, when the ground temperature is above 15℃, 2-3 seeds are sown per hole. After covering with soil, cover with a layer of decomposed compost to prevent soil consolidation and rain erosion, so as to facilitate seed germination and seedling growth.

4. Planting density: wax gourd plant large, to creeping cultivation, usually local varieties of row spacing for 3.7-4.0 meters, plant spacing 1.5-1.8 meters. Nongyou seedling company's first generation hybrid varieties such as small green, green tiger, etc. suitable for dense planting, row spacing of 2.5 meters, plant spacing of about 50 cm.

5. Soil preparation and windbreak: The method of planting winter melon varies according to the planting method. There are two kinds of planting methods: "one-way row planting" and "row planting on both sides of the furrow." Base fertilizer application rates per plot (10 acres) are approximately as follows: 1,000- 1,200 kg compost, 20-25 kg sulfuric acid, 40-45 kg calcium superphosphate, and 12-15 kg potassium chloride. When planting in January to February, corn plants can be used to block the wind to facilitate the growth of wax gourd. Plant 4 rows of corn in December as a windbreak according to the direction of the seasonal wind.

6. Cultivate soil and press: After planting for about half a month, gently cultivate soil at the root to 1 cm below the cotyledon, and press it with both hands to avoid root shaking and affecting fertility. This operation is especially important in areas with strong seasonal winds, otherwise it is often broken or scratched at the junction between the hypocotyl and the taproot.

7. Fertilization: wax gourd plant is big, fruit is also big, need sufficient nutrient, otherwise plant is weak, fruit cannot grow. In addition to applying base fertilizer, it is still necessary to apply chemical fertilizer for about 3-4 times to promote growth and fruit setting. Fertilization rates for direct seeding cultivation are as follows:

1. After germination, when the leaves are unfolded, 200-fold sulfuric acid solution is 200 ml per planting hole

2. 4-5 pieces of this leaf compound fertilizer No. 1 15kg

3. 20-24 kg compound fertilizer No. 1 at the initial stage of lateral vine occurrence

4. 6-8 kg sulfuric acid and 5-6 kg potassium chloride before flowering

For the second and third topdressing, ploughing and furrowing are used first, then compound fertilizer is applied, and planting beds are formed one by one to complete the whole beds so as to cover grass.

What disinfection for many years? Spraying or watering. Dilute the pesticide with clear water to a certain concentration, spray it on the surface of soil with sprayer, or directly irrigate it into soil, so that the liquid medicine can penetrate into the deep layer of soil and kill germs in soil.