
Cabbage planting: what is cabbage root rot?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What is cabbage root rot? How to control cabbage root rot? Please introduce the harm and causes of cabbage root rot: mainly in the seedling stage or shortly after planting, the stem base epidermis turns brown, rot, followed by root rot, the diseased plant is easy to pull out. The disease overwinters with mycelia in seeds and soil.

What is cabbage root rot? How to control cabbage root rot? Please introduce the harm and causes of cabbage root rot: mainly in the seedling stage or shortly after planting, the stem base epidermis turns brown, rot, followed by root rot, the diseased plant is easy to pull out. The disease overwintered with mycelium in seeds and soil. The disease occurs on cabbage plants covered with plastic film or cultivated in small arch greenhouse or plastic greenhouse in early spring, which belongs to low temperature and high humidity disease, and the pathogen spreads with irrigation water. Prevention and control methods of cabbage root rot: 1. Cabbage seed treatment: select excellent varieties, soak the seeds with 800 times wilting Antai solution for 4 hours for disinfection, remove and rinse with clean water twice, accelerate germination and sow seeds after leaching, or disinfect with 1% salt water. 2. Cabbage seedling bed soil treatment: bed soil was disinfected with 1000 times liquid carbendazim, or mixed with withered Antai 1000 times solution, or matrine powder 11000 times could be used to control underground pests. The seedling bed should be flat to facilitate watering in the future, and the thickness is generally about 10 cm. Using organic bioactive fertilizer as seedling fertilizer can significantly improve the resistance of cabbage to root rot. 3. The method of sowing and raising seedlings of cabbage: the germinated seeds are sown on the seedling bed and then covered with soil, generally covering soil of about 1 cm, and sand loam is suitable for covering soil. Cover the soil with plastic shed cloth to increase the temperature to facilitate seedling emergence. Pay attention to do not flood irrigation, in order to prevent high humidity and low temperature, causing a variety of seedling bed diseases. 4. Cabbage seedling bed management method: after the seedlings are unearthed, sprinkle water at the right time to prevent water shortage, but do not flood irrigation. When 30% of the seedlings emerge, spray the seedling bed and seedlings with wilt Antai 500 times liquid for 2-3 times to prevent blight, sudden collapse and root rot, with an interval of 7-10 days. Spraying Weisheng D1300 solution for 1-2 times after seedling emergence, with an interval of 10-15 days, can promote the robust growth of seedlings and prevent the invasion of diseases. After the seedling is big, pour the seedling in time, take the plant as the unit, the interval is 2 inches. After pouring the seedlings, they should be watered and should not be flooded. Let out and air the seedlings in time before transplanting to make the seedlings aging. The day before transplanting, the flood water should be watered once and thoroughly. 5. Cabbage planting management method: when planting, spray the seedling bed and seedlings with 300 times of wilting Antai liquid or 50% root rot Ling 500 times solution and other fungicides to prevent seedlings from entering the greenhouse with bacteria. When planting, it can be planted between leek and cabbage, which can reduce the root rot of cabbage, this is because leek can produce a strong and special smell, which can be dewormed and sterilized. Click to get more cabbage planting techniques click to get more vegetable planting techniques