
How to plant longan trees scientifically?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to plant longan trees scientifically? How to manage longan tree also ask experienced netizens to help introduce longan, also known as longan, which has the effect of tonifying heart, nourishing blood and calming the mind, and is a well-known staple of medicine and food. Mainly produced in Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan and Taiwan and other places. The planting network has arranged the scientific planting of longan.

How to plant longan trees scientifically? How to manage longan tree also ask experienced netizens to help introduce longan, also known as longan, which has the effect of tonifying heart, nourishing blood and calming the mind, and is a well-known staple of medicine and food. Mainly produced in Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan and Taiwan and other places. The planting network has sorted out the scientific planting methods and management methods of longan, which are listed in detail below for netizens' reference. Longan planting method 1. Longan planting site selection: longan should be planted in sunny, well-ventilated, deep soil layer (preferably red soil, sandy or clay, pH 5, murmur6, organic matter content above 2%), no frost damage, wind damage, and a mountain area with a slope of less than 15 degrees, preferably with sufficient water sources available nearby. Second, longan planting hole preparation: for longan to create a deep rooting soil layer-digging large planting hole, compressing fertilizer to improve soil. The newly planted longan should dig a large planting hole of 1m x 1m XO.8, and put 10kg of green manure, 30kg of organic mud, 0.5kg of quicklime and 15kg of rotten livestock manure in the upper layer, and backfill a certain amount of topsoil, which can be planted after retting and ripening from 2m to March, so that the planting hole is rich, deep, rich in organic matter and good air permeability, which lays a good foundation for the growth of longan. Third, set up drainage and irrigation ditches for longan: longitudinal ditches with a depth of 50 murmurs and a width of 60 cm each are dug on both sides of the main and main roads of longan calibration holes, connecting the back ditches and horizontal ditches of all levels of terraces. In order to reduce the scour of Rain Water, the longitudinal ditch should be repaired into a bamboo shape or weeds grow at the bottom of the ditch. A 3 m x 5 m x 1.5 m reservoir and a fertilizer pool are set up every 15 MUR 20 mu to facilitate irrigation, pesticide application and fertilizer and water retting. Fourth, the planting and planting period of longan: it can be planted according to the characteristics of longan varieties. Generally, it can be planted with 30 longan plants per mu. Do not blindly pursue dwarfing and dense planting. The planting time should be before and after Ching Ming Festival when the temperature rises or before the spring shoots germinate. The planting depth is related to the seedling stage, and the covering depth of the circular branch seedling is about 5 cm higher than the original soil ball, which must not be too deep and trample to cause root loss. After planting, 10 kilograms of fixed root water was irrigated to 15 kilograms per plant. Management method of longan tree fertilization of young longan tree: fertilization can be applied one month after longan tree planting, and it is suggested that "one shoot and two fertilizers" should be applied, that is, the first fertilizer should be applied when the shoot top bud germinates, the new shoot elongation basically stops and the leaf color changes from red to green. In addition, organic manure was applied every year from November to December. For the first time in the first year, 15 grams of urea and 15 grams of sulfur-containing compound fertilizer were applied to each plant, and 10% urea or 30% rotten human feces and urine 2 Murray 3 kg were also applied. From now on, the amount of new fertilizer will gradually increase, and each time the new shoot will increase by 20% and 30%. Since the second year, the amount of fertilizer applied to new shoots has increased by 15% and 20% compared with the last time. Generally, fertilizer is applied in 4 shallow holes or shallow ring grooves on the outer edge of longan tree rhizosphere. Fertilizer is applied in the holes or ditches, and the soil is covered after application. It is better to apply liquid fertilizer in the dry season. At the same time, 0.2% Murray 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be applied in combination with spraying. Pruning of young longan trees: after planting, longan trees were mainly pruned in a small degree for 1-3 years after planting, and four evenly distributed and robust main branches were cultivated at the trunk height of about 30 Murray 50 cm, and then the main branches extended naturally, cutting off dense branches and branches of diseases and insect pests to form a three-dimensional fruiting crown. Fertilization of longan fruiting trees: 1. Longan flower-promoting fertilizer: generally applied before December to February of the following year, according to the amount of 10 kg of each tree bearing fruit, applying sulfur-containing compound fertilizer 200ml 250g, urea 100Mel 150g, raw bran powder 200g, calcium superphosphate 400ml 500g plus livestock manure 10ml 20kg (mixed retting for one month before application) Combined with winter garden cleaning, each plant applies quicklime 1MUR 1.5kg. 2. Longan strong fruit fertilizer: from Xiehua to the first physiological fruit drop, according to the result of 10 kg, each plant applied urea 100ml 200g, compound fertilizer 200ml 250g, potassium chloride 250ml 300g; 3, longan fertilizer before fruit harvest: before the end of June, it was estimated that each plant applied 200g urea and 250g compound fertilizer. 4. Longan shoot-attacking fertilizer: during the growth period of summer and autumn shoots after fruit harvest, 200 grams of raw bran powder and 10 kilograms of rotten livestock manure were applied within 7 days after fruit harvest, and then fertilizer was applied once for each shoot sprouting and when the new shoots began to turn green. 5. Longan tree fertilization method: opening holes or ditches at the crown dripping line, applying urea, compound fertilizer and other fertilizers that are easy to move to the lower layer should be applied shallowly, with a depth of 5murm 10cm; organic fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer should be applied deeply, and the hole depth should be 20ml 30cm. In dry season, liquid fertilizer should be applied, the soil should be covered after application, and the position should be rotated one by one. The watering of longan tree: 1. Keep the soil relatively dry before flowering (after autumn shoot maturing-later stage of flower bud differentiation). 2. From flowering to autumn shoot emergence, the soil should be kept moist, the water supply should be balanced, water should be irrigated (or drenched) in case of drought, and stagnant water should be eliminated in time in case of rain. The method of controlling the shoot and promoting the flower of longan tree: 1. The trunk with a diameter of about 8 Murray 10 cm was girdled before the winter shoot sprouted. 2. For the new shoots extracted after November, the new shoots should be removed manually below 10 cm, or sprayed with ethephon solution or other shoot control agents when they are less than 5 cm. 3. For the fruit trees that may sprout slightly in winter but not in winter, paclobutrazol can be sprayed in the middle and last ten days of December to inhibit winter shoot germination. The methods of strong flower and fruit protection of longan tree are as follows: (1) cutting or cutting the ear of longan tree, delaying flowering time to avoid flowering in overcast and rainy days; (2) spraying compound nucleotide fruit protectant at flowering stage to increase fruit setting rate and prolong flowering period; (3) releasing bees to attract flies at flowering stage, shaking flowers after rain, spraying water in dry days, artificial pollination and so on. Results the pruning methods of longan trees were as follows: longan trees were generally divided into autumn pruning and spring pruning, autumn pruning was in the first 7-9 months, and spring pruning was carried out when the white spots of flower buds were seen after "the Beginning of Spring". The pruning objects were mainly to cut off dense branches and diseased weak branches. the amount of pruning should not exceed 15% of the total branches from a small amount of scattered light to the ground. Winter management methods of longan trees control methods of gall mites in longan trees