
Flower maintenance method: how to make indoor jasmine blossom more often

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The jasmine flower is pure white and sweet, and the whole space will be filled with fragrant flowers during the flowering season. it used to be a subtropical flowering shrub, but now it has become a popular potted flower all over the world. but many friends found that after raising jasmine indoors,

The jasmine flower is pure white and sweet, and the whole space will be filled with fragrant flowers during the flowering season. it used to be a subtropical flowering shrub, but now it has become a popular potted flower all over the world. but many friends find it more and more difficult to bloom after keeping jasmine indoors.

First of all, it is necessary to choose a suitable variety. Single jasmine blossoms are the most fragrant, while double jasmine blossoms have fewer flowers, but the flowers are particularly amazing.

After that, it is necessary to prepare suitable soil for jasmine flowers. Jasmine flowers like to grow in slightly acidic, rotten and fertile soil with good drainage capacity, and it is best to have a certain water retention capacity, so as to ensure that they grow well.

In addition, it is necessary to add appropriate mature organic fertilizer to the bottom of the basin when putting it on the pot, so as to ensure sufficient nutrients and keep the jasmine blooming.

When transplanting potted jasmine, A Jing rhizome can be directly removed from the container, and the pot soil can be changed when the pot soil is semi-dry. After that, prepare a large container and add enough rotten organic fertilizer to the bottom of the new pot. After that, pile manure soil and peat soil are added appropriately, and the rhizome of jasmine is properly covered with soil. After that, it is necessary to water thoroughly and maintain a little scattered light in the maintenance position to avoid exposure.

If you want to reproduce a jasmine, the easiest way is to cut a stem directly from the mature jasmine, which is very suitable for cutting in summer and autumn. The cut stem is about 9 centimeters long, and the leaves at the bottom of the stem are removed. 3 leaves can be left at the top, cut oblique at the bottom of the stem, the soil is slightly moist, and the stem of jasmine is cut directly in the soil, maintained in a warm and ventilated place, keep the basin soil moist, and soon take root.

In the growing period of jasmine, it is necessary to ensure that the soil of jasmine is slightly moist, but the basin soil cannot be too moist. It is necessary to replenish the soil in time after the soil is slightly dry. After waiting for about 3 cm of soil under the basin soil to dry, you can replenish water in time.

Each watering should be thoroughly watered, and pay attention to that the leaves can not be stained with water for a long time, otherwise it is easy to cause leaf spot disease, and the leaves that are too luxuriant at the bottom of the rhizome can be cut off, which is conducive to ventilation and light, and reduce diseases and insect pests.

Indoor maintenance of jasmine, in addition to ensuring a warm environment, appropriate light, but also to maintain a certain amount of air humidity, keep the soil slightly moist, when the air is dry, often spray water around to humidify.

During the growing period, jasmine can be supplemented with thin organic liquid fertilizer or average fertilizer once a month, which is beneficial to growth, and a circle of rotten compost around the edge of the basin can also promote growth.

In addition, the most important thing to pay attention to is pruning. Dead leaves, diseased leaves or withered flowers should be cut off in time throughout the growing season.

Be careful not to prune the jasmine before it blossoms, which will affect the flowering. After the end of the winter preparation, the jasmine can be re-cut, and the best pruning after the end of the frost preparation can promote the growth of more branches.

In winter, the basin soil can be covered with a few centimeters of pine needle soil or manure soil to ensure that the roots will not be frostbitten.

How to make indoor jasmine blossom more often

China Garden Network, Nov. 1: Jasmine flowers are pure white and sweet, and the whole space will be filled with fragrant flowers during the flowering season. it used to be a subtropical flowering shrub, but now it has become a popular potted flower all over the world. but many friends find it more and more difficult to blossom after keeping jasmine indoors.

First of all, it is necessary to choose a suitable variety. Single jasmine blossoms are the most fragrant, while double jasmine blossoms have fewer flowers, but the flowers are particularly amazing.

After that, it is necessary to prepare suitable soil for jasmine flowers. Jasmine flowers like to grow in slightly acidic, rotten and fertile soil with good drainage capacity, and it is best to have a certain water retention capacity, so as to ensure that they grow well.

In addition, it is necessary to add appropriate mature organic fertilizer to the bottom of the basin when putting it on the pot, so as to ensure sufficient nutrients and keep the jasmine blooming.

When transplanting potted jasmine, A Jing rhizome can be directly removed from the container, and the pot soil can be changed when the pot soil is semi-dry. After that, a large container is prepared to add enough rotten organic fertilizer to the bottom of the new pot. After that, pile manure soil and peat soil are added appropriately, and the rhizome of jasmine is properly covered with soil. After that, it is necessary to water thoroughly and maintain a little scattered light in the maintenance position to avoid exposure.

If you want to reproduce a jasmine, the easiest way is to cut a stem directly from the mature jasmine, which is very suitable for cutting in summer and autumn. The cut stem is about 9 centimeters long, and the leaves at the bottom of the stem are removed. The top can leave 3 or 4 leaves, the cut at the bottom of the stem is oblique, the soil is slightly moist, and the stem of jasmine is cut directly in the soil, which is maintained in a warm and ventilated place, keeping the basin soil moist, and will soon take root.

In the growing period of jasmine, it is necessary to ensure that the soil of jasmine is slightly moist, but the basin soil cannot be too moist. It is necessary to replenish the soil in time after the soil is slightly dry. After waiting for about 3 cm of soil under the basin soil to dry, you can replenish water in time.

Each watering should be thoroughly watered, and pay attention to that the leaves can not be stained with water for a long time, otherwise it is easy to cause leaf spot disease, and the leaves that are too luxuriant at the bottom of the rhizome can be cut off, which is conducive to ventilation and light, and reduce diseases and insect pests.

Indoor maintenance of jasmine, in addition to ensuring a warm environment, appropriate light, but also to maintain a certain amount of air humidity, keep the soil slightly moist, when the air is dry, often spray water around to humidify.

During the growing period, jasmine can be supplemented with thin organic liquid fertilizer or average fertilizer once a month, which is beneficial to growth, and a circle of rotten compost around the edge of the basin can also promote growth.

In addition, the most important thing to pay attention to is pruning. Dead leaves, diseased leaves or withered flowers should be cut off in time throughout the growing season.

Be careful not to prune the jasmine before it blossoms, which will affect the flowering. After the end of the winter preparation, the jasmine can be re-cut, and the best pruning after the end of the frost preparation can promote the growth of more branches.

In winter, the basin soil can be covered with a few centimeters of pine needle soil or manure soil to ensure that the roots will not be frostbitten.

Flower maintenance method: how to make triangular plum bonsai blossom

Potted triangular plum

Triangular plum, commonly known as leaf flower, rhododendron, Le rhododendron, Pueraria lobata, scarf. Scientific name: Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd. Mirabilaceae, genus Cymbidium. Native to South America, Brazil, Peru, Argentina. Large evergreen trailing woody vine with branches often arched and drooping. Most of the flowers are 3 in one place. It was discovered at the end of the 18th century and was not introduced to England until the 1920s and was introduced to China in the 1950s. At the beginning of the introduction, it was only cultivated in botanical gardens in southern provinces and exhibition greenhouses in big cities in the north. It was not pushed out in Guangdong, Yunnan and Fujian until the 1980s. Because of its easy cultivation and strong adaptability, Prunus angustifolia has gradually become a native tree species in South China.

Triangular plum has a long flowering period, more flowering, wide plant adaptability, strong vitality and rich flower color, divided from petal shape: compound and single petal; divided from cultivation methods: cutting, grafting, natural variety; from flower color division: purplish red, white, orange yellow, light red, peach red, rose red, bright red, and red-white mixed shape. It can be used not only as landscaping, but also as a family pot.

Anyway, they are all blooming, so let's talk about how to blossom flowers all over the branches.

Full style: that is, the whole tree is full of flowers. The method of promoting flowering is that after topdressing 1:1:1 compound fertilizer 45 days in advance, the water is controlled, and after the leaves are wilted, a small amount of water is added, combined with foliar spray. This is repeated until all the leaves fall off and pour water through. What is born at this time will be full of trees and flowers. The process must be carried out in full sunlight.

Triangular plum is a plant that likes high temperature and strong sunlight, so potted plum should always be placed in a sunny place. This is not only beneficial to its vegetative growth, but also conducive to reproductive growth.

1. Frequent exposure

Triangular plum is a plant that likes high temperature and strong sunlight, so potted plum should always be placed in a sunny place. This is not only beneficial to its vegetative growth, but also conducive to reproductive growth. The practice shows that the plants treated with strong sunlight have short internodes, full growth, large number of flowers, deep flower color and long flowering period.

2. Pruning frequently

The growth period of Prunus mume is long and the growth rate is fast. The plant shape can be fixed and maintained by timely pruning and coring. Picking the heart also helps to promote new technology and make it blossom more, because flowers only bloom at the top of the new branch. Pruning is generally carried out in spring and summer. Pruning after mid-August will affect flowering and should not be carried out again. The pruning objects are inner bore branches, weak branches, only long branches, cross branches and so on, and some over-long branches should also be cut short with 1 or 2 bud holes.

three. Strict control of water

Purple triangle plum should begin to buckle water before flowering, that is, in mid-August. After watering once, wait for the leaves and buds to droop before watering. The degree of withholding water is based on the fact that the plant does not dry and die. It was treated repeatedly until the embryonic form of flowers appeared in the axils of the leaves at the end of the branch, and then gradually returned to normal watering. Buckling water increased the concentration of cell sap, thus promoting the differentiation and formation of flower buds.

4. Skillful fertilization

Triangulated plum is very sensitive to urea. Urea is still needed at the initial stage of flower branch growth to facilitate flower branch growth. The most important thing is the last two. If you master the two well, you can overcome the adverse effects caused by lack of sunshine.

Triangular plum is not cold-resistant, once the temperature drops suddenly, the plant will lose a large number of leaves, and the leaves below 3 ℃ are easy to be frozen, so you must not overwater them. It should be placed in an environment of 10 ℃ to 15 ℃, irrigated every 10 days or so, wait for spring buds and grow leaves, and then gradually increase the amount of water. Otherwise, it will lead to rotten root death.