
Propagation and cultivation techniques of Metasequoia glyptostroboides

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Propagation and cultivation techniques of Metasequoia glyptostroboides.

Propagation and cultivation techniques of Metasequoia glyptostroboides.

Metasequoia glyptostroboides

1 Propagation and breeding

1.1 Cuttage seedlings. The rooting ability of Metasequoia glyptostroboides cuttings decreases with the increase of tree age, and cuttings are generally taken from 1-3-year-old seedlings.

1.1.1 Spring planting. Generally, the length of cuttings is 10 ~ 15 cm, the upper end is cut flat at 1 cm from the bud, and the lower end is cut obliquely. The cutting part of the cuttings on the branches is better in the tip and middle section of the young trees, and they are cut along with picking. In order to improve the survival rate of Metasequoia glyptostroboides cuttings, the cuttings "winter storage" method is generally adopted in addition to the treatment with growth hormone. In winter, cut the sturdy branches from the mother tree and cut them into cuttings, and tie them into a bundle of cuttings every 60 to 100 in thickness. Select the place with leeward, sunny direction and good drainage, dip the base of the cuttings in bundles, bury them vertically in the wet sand, and cover the mat above to prevent the soil from freezing rain and snow into rotten strips. The practice shows that the cuttings of Metasequoia glyptostroboides after winter storage can soften the basal tissue and take root easily after insertion, which is beneficial to improve the survival rate and seedling rate. After Metasequoia glyptostroboides cuttings, the temperature rises slightly, as long as properly watered to keep the seedbed moist, there is no need to shade immediately, which can improve the soil temperature and help cuttings to take root. After late April, shading begins, covering early in sunny days and uncovering late in sunny days, but not in rainy days. After the summer day, gradually shorten the shading time, after the first ten days of September, can no longer shade. We should often loosen the soil and weed. After rooting, the cuttings were fertilized for 2 ~ 3 times to promote the growth of seedlings.

1.1.2 Summer insertion. From late May to early June, the highest temperature should reach 27 ℃ ~ 28 ℃. When the ear is not dry in the early morning, select the semi-lignified twigs with a length of 14 ~ 18 cm, retain the top tip and upper 4 ~ 5 feathered leaves, insert 4 ~ 6 cm into the soil, and cut 70,000 ~ 80,000 plants per mu. The twig has strong physiological activity and strong regeneration ability, and it can take root 20 ~ 25 days after cutting. After shading, spray 3-5 times a day to keep the seedbed moist. The shading time is gradually shortened from late August, and the shade shed can be removed after late September to promote the Lignification of seedlings to survive the winter.

1.1.3 Autumn insertion. It can be carried out from the end of August to the first and middle of October, before the first defoliation. Cuttings should choose branches with short internodes and strong growth, and avoid cutting cuttings with long branches with long internodes. The length of cuttings is 12 ~ 20 cm, preferably with apical tip or terminal bud. When picking and cutting cuttings, the cuttings should be put into a bucket or basin in time to keep the cuttings moist. On the whole bed, it can be cut in the water, or it can be drilled with a thin stick, and the row spacing is 3 cm × 10 cm. If the bed is not moved, the row spacing can be 5 cm × 15 ~ 20 cm. After cutting, water thoroughly for the first time. Early autumn cutting, the temperature is still high, to appropriate shade, pay attention to regular watering, to keep the seedbed soil moist. Late cutting, should be properly watered, do not need shade. The cuttings healed and took root in about 1 month. After the arrival of the first frost, covered with plastic film, heat preservation and light transmission, which is beneficial to the root development of cuttings, it will be planted in bed according to a certain row spacing in March next year, and large seedlings will be cultivated. Metasequoia glyptostroboides planted in autumn for a long time, a wide range of sources, and the effect is good.

1.2 sowing and raising seedlings. Metasequoia glyptostroboides seed source is few, a small number of seeds had better use nutrition cup seedlings. The land with sufficient water source, good drainage, few diseases and insect pests and rich and loose soil should be selected for sowing and raising seedlings. The preparation of the bed should be meticulous and fully fertilized. The sowing time is generally from March to April, and it is suitable when the ground temperature reaches 12 ℃. Strip sowing (row spacing 20 ~ 25 cm) or sowing, sowing amount 1 ~ 1.5 kg per mu. Before sowing, fill enough bottom water and sow the seeds with fine sand. It is appropriate to cover the soil with no seeds. After sowing, the grass was covered and sprinkled properly, and it began to germinate in about 10 days. after the seedlings basically came out, the grass cover should be removed and shaded in time. During the period of seedling growth, grass should be pulled, soil loosened, watering and topdressing should be applied several times. The shade shed can be removed gradually after September. 1-year-old seedlings can be as high as 40 cm. In the coming spring, you can go out of the nursery to plant or move the bed to cultivate big seedlings.

2 afforestation

Metasequoia glyptostroboides are afforested with seedlings. The "four sides" greening should plant 4 ~ 5-year-old seedlings with a row spacing of 3 m × 4 m or 4 m × 6 m. For afforestation in mountainous areas, gentle slopes with deep, fertile and moist foothills, valleys, gullies and valleys with good drainage should be selected. Generally, it is better to use 2-3-year-old seedlings. When planted in pieces, the row spacing of the initial planting density can be 2 m × 3 m. When planting large Metasequoia glyptostroboides seedlings, we must bring more lodging soil, keep the lateral roots as far as possible, and plant along with them to avoid the influence of wind and sun on survival. It is better to plant at the end of winter, which is convenient for the rapid recovery of the injured root system and the higher survival rate.

3Disease and pest control

To control the red blight of Metasequoia glyptostroboides, 1 ∶ Bordeaux solution or 50% bacillus wettable powder can be sprayed during the onset period; 1% Bordeaux solution is sprayed 4-5 times on the crown immediately after the end of the plum rain season, once every 10-15 days to control the occurrence of the disease. To control Plutella xylostella, the larvae were sprayed with 800 ~ 1 000 times of trichlorfon or 1 000 times of fenitrothion.

Cultivation and Management techniques of Metasequoia glyptostroboides

Metasequoia glyptostroboides is a deciduous tree of the genus Metasequoia of Taxodiaceae. It is native to Sichuan and is widely cultivated in Beijing and the south. Metasequoia glyptostroboides trees are tall and straight, with beautiful leaves, which are suitable for isolated or arranged planting, and are good materials for landscaping. The main points of its cultivation techniques are introduced as follows, for reference only.

Morphological characteristics and ecological habits

Metasequoia glyptostroboides can be up to 30 meters high, with a spire-shaped crown of young trees and a wide round head of old trees. Bark grayish brown, roughly subwhorled, branchlets opposite. Leaves alternately opposite, base twisted into 2 rows, pinnate, strip-shaped, flat, 1 cm to 4 cm long. Monoecious, unisexual. Cone subglobose, 2 cm to 3 cm long, dark brown after maturity, drooping, seeds flattened, Obovate, narrowly winged.

Metasequoia glyptostroboides is a positive tree, but it often grows poorly when planted in the shade of the building. It is hardy and can survive the winter safely in Beijing and the south. Like deep and fertile sandy loam, can also grow normally in plain sandy soil, do not like clayey soil. It has a certain saline-alkali tolerance and can grow normally in pH8.7 and mild saline-alkali soil with 0.2% salt content. Like to be wet but not resistant to waterlogging, nor to drought. It has strong resistance to sulfur dioxide, chlorine and other toxic and harmful gases.

Water and fertilizer management Metasequoia glyptostroboides likes a humid environment but is not resistant to stagnant water, so water management is particularly important.

For newly transplanted Metasequoia glyptostroboides, it is appropriate to keep most of the soil moisture in the soil, not too dry or too wet. The first three water should be watered at the initial stage of transplanting, and then it can be watered once a month, with little or no watering in the rainy season, and frozen water at the end of autumn.

The thawing water should be poured in time in the early spring of the following year, and then it still needs to be watered once a month, and the stagnant water in the tree hole should be eliminated in time after the heavy rain to waterproof the rotten roots. The third year can be watered according to the second year method. From the fourth year, it is only necessary to pour thawing water and frozen water every year, and other seasons are not too dry and reliable for natural precipitation growth. For the newly transplanted seedlings, in addition to normal watering, leaf spray can be carried out if the conditions permit, which is beneficial to slow down the seedlings.

Metasequoia glyptostroboides like fertilizer, should apply sufficient base fertilizer when transplanting, can use dried chicken manure or cow and horse manure, can also use sheep manure, but all should be fermented by maturity. The base fertilizer should be evenly mixed with the cultivated soil. Some rotten leaf fertilizer or cow and horse manure can be applied at the end of autumn. In the following year, urea was applied in combination with thawing water in early spring, three-element compound fertilizer was applied in mid-late June, and no fertilizer was applied in autumn. Early winter can also be fertilized according to the first year method. Urea can be applied once a year in early spring from the third year.

The common disease of metasequoia glyptostroboides is blight, which mainly occurs in the seedling stage. Reddish-brown amorphous or oval disease spots appeared in the main root and the base of the ground stem of the damaged seedlings. the stems and leaves of the diseased seedlings wilted during the day and recovered at night and early in the morning. The disease spot continues to expand around, and gradually sunken, and finally around the stem for 1 week, the base of the stem becomes brown and rotten. Some xylem is exposed, cortical cracking is ulcerated, and finally the diseased plant shrinks and dries up, and the plant dies, but generally still stands and does not fall down, so it is called standing blight.

Under moist conditions, light brown arachnoid mycelium could be seen in the disease site and its nearby topsoil, which was not significant, and granular sclerotia was formed in the later stage. There is no obvious white cotton flocculent mold in the disease department, which can be distinguished from catchment disease.

The prevention and control of blight should start from the time of breeding, first of all, we should choose the place with high terrain, good drainage, convenient water source, shelter from the wind and sun to raise seedlings. Secondly, the management of seedbed should be strengthened, the fertile, loose and disease-free new bed soil should be selected, and the old bed soil must be disinfected. Fertilizers should be fully ripened and evenly applied. According to soil moisture and weather conditions, watering should not be excessive each time and should be carried out in the morning. When the humidity of the bed soil is high, sprinkle the dry fine soil to reduce the humidity. Do a good job of seedbed heat preservation at the same time, more light transmission, appropriate ventilation.

If Rhizoctonia solani occurs, spray 65% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600 times dilution, 60% mancozeb wettable powder 500 times dilution or 62.2% chloramphenicol 600 times dilution. Spraying once a week and spraying two or three times in a row can effectively control the disease.

The common pests of Metasequoia glyptostroboides are grubs, big bag moth and pine oak caterpillar. If grubs occur, 3% isofenphos-methyl granules, 3% Weimudan granules and 5% phoxim granules can be used to treat the soil with 2.5 kg to 3 kg per mu. If there is a large bag moth, light can be used to trap and kill male adults and spray 1.8% chlorhexidine 3000 times solution to kill the larvae. If pine and oak caterpillars occur, light can be used to trap adults and spray 3000 times of high osmotic phenoxyvir EC to kill the larvae.

The crown of trimmed Metasequoia glyptostroboides can grow into a cone naturally, so it is necessary to maintain the natural tree shape as far as possible in cultivation. In the seedling stage, we should pay attention to the protection of the branches at the base of the trunk, do not make it form a bare leg. In the seedling stage, the overdense branches can be thinned according to the tree shape, and some overgrown branches can be cut short to prevent them from disturbing the tree shape. In addition, the branches of diseases and insect pests should be thinned in time.

There are two propagation methods of Metasequoia glyptostroboides: sowing and cutting. because cutting is simple and easy, and a large number of seedlings can be obtained at one time, cutting is often used for propagation.

The cuttings are mainly in spring. The mother plant of ear picking is better to sow seedlings, and the seedling age is 3 to 5 years old. Annual branches can be selected as cuttings. The length of cuttings is 10 cm to 12 cm, the lower cut is horseshoe-shaped, 10 branches a bundle, before cutting can be quickly dipped in ABT rooting agent, can effectively promote cuttings rooting. The row spacing of the cutting plant is 50 cm × 50 cm, spray water in time after cutting, and then buckle the shed. A shade net should be set up at the beginning of May to prevent it from seeing the bright light at noon. The plastic shed can be removed in late May and sprayed three times in the morning, middle and evening every day. The three-element compound fertilizer was applied once in the middle of July. Sprinkle cow and horse dung at the end of autumn with a thickness of 10 cm, then spray 75% chlorothalonil wettable particles 1000 times, and then buckle the shed to prevent cold.

After sprouting at the beginning of April of the following year, the plant was transplanted with a row spacing of 80 cm × 80 cm. During the management period, attention should be paid to pulling out weeds and loosening the soil after irrigation. Transplanting was carried out in the third year, and the row spacing was 150 cm × 150 cm. The fourth year can come out of the nursery.

Cultivation techniques of Metasequoia glyptostroboides

Metasequoia glyptostroboides is a specialty of our country, it likes light, moisture, fast growth, sowing cuttings can reproduce, it is an ideal tree species for landscaping.

1. Ecological habits: Metasequoia glyptostroboides is a large deciduous tree of Cunninghamia lanceolata of Taxodiaceae. Metasequoia glyptostroboides is sunny, cold-resistant and shade-resistant, has strong adaptability and grows best in deep, fertile and humid acid soil.

two。 Cultivation: planting along with planting, if long-distance transportation is needed, the seedling root should be soaked in water before planting to make it absorb enough water and promote survival. Dig big holes and apply basic fertilizer before planting, so as not to hurt the roots. After planting, the seedlings should be fully irrigated, watered thoroughly and sprayed with new high-fat film to shorten the slow seedling stage.

3. Management: topdressing fertilizer can be applied during the growing period, and it can be properly trimmed at the seedling stage (the trimmed mouth needs to be coated with wound anti-corrosion film). Do not prune after 4-5 years, so as not to destroy the tree shape. Small seedlings are planted with mud, while large seedlings are planted with soil balls. The survival rate of planting is high in spring. Resistant to pruning, can be cut into a ball, can be used as a hedge. Populus tomentosa is evergreen all the year round, resistant to pruning, growing rapidly and easy to survive. it is a good material for pruning and hedgerows, and can also be used as an ornamental.

4. Garden uses: Metasequoia glyptostroboides trunk straight and straight, tall and beautiful, green leaves, golden leaves after autumn, is a famous courtyard ornamental tree. Metasequoia glyptostroboides can be isolated, arranged or group planted in parks, courtyards, lawns and green spaces. It can also be planted to create scenic forests and adapt to evergreen cover plants; metasequoia can also be planted in front of buildings or used as street trees with good results.