
Ganoderma lucidum planting technology: what should we pay attention to when planting Ganoderma lucidum?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What should we pay attention to when planting Ganoderma lucidum? Hope that experienced netizens can help introduce the farming network that needs to be paid attention to in planting Ganoderma lucidum in order to sort it out, which is listed below for your reference. 1. Matters needing attention in the cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum 1. Production and key points of cultivated species: raw material formula is cottonseed hull 60%, miscellaneous sawdust 20%, wheat bran 2.

What should we pay attention to when planting Ganoderma lucidum? Hope that experienced netizens can help introduce the farming network that needs to be paid attention to in planting Ganoderma lucidum in order to sort it out, which is listed below for your reference. 1. Matters needing attention in the cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum 1, production and key points of cultivated species: the raw material formula is cottonseed shell 60%, miscellaneous sawdust 20%, wheat bran 20%, sugar 1%, bean cake 2%, gypsum, lime 1.5%, magnesium sulfate 0.4%. When preparing, dry mix the main material and mix it evenly, then dissolve sugar, lime and magnesium sulfate in water, spray it in the main material and then turn it, and inoculate when the water content is uniform (60 / 65%). It is best to use 17 × 35cm propylene simple material in the strain bag, piercing at both ends and inoculating at both ends. Each bag can hold 0.5 kilograms of dry material. When loading, it should be loose and tight, and the mouths of both bags should be tied tightly. After the bag is packed, it is sterilized under atmospheric pressure (or high pressure) in time, and when the temperature reaches 100 ℃, it can be maintained for 9 hours, and after the cease-fire, it can be stuffed for another 6 hours to dry the bag in the pot. When the temperature of the bag drops below 30 ℃, it can be inoculated. Vaccination should be strictly controlled to achieve aseptic operation and reduce pollution. During the germicidal stage, the light should be dark, the air humidity should be controlled below 70%, and the temperature should be kept at 24 ℃ 28 min. Turn the bag every 10 days, clean up and deal with the pollution in time. Generally, the mycelium can be filled with material bag after 30 days, and the hyphae can be expanded after 7 days, and the mycelium culture is the same as the cultivated species. 2, need to pay attention to after Zhi: from late April to mid-October can be arranged to produce Zhi. When the Ganoderma lucidum bag is full of mycelium and the primordium begins to appear, the management of Ganoderma lucidum can be carried out. Purple Ganoderma lucidum because of its short handle or even no handle, so when covering the soil can not completely take off the bag, should leave a 2-3cm bag at one end, take off the rest, and then cover the soil. The soil should be covered below the 0.5cm of the bag mouth to prevent the sesame layer from touching the soil and affect the quality. About 50 bags per square meter, the distance between the bags is about 2cm. Sprinkle water with a spray pot after covering the soil, so that the remaining soil at the head of the bag is washed away, and the mouth of the bag must be cut off in two days. The sesame border should not be too wide, and 80cm is suitable. After soil covering and finishing, the temperature should be controlled. The temperature should be controlled between 22 ℃ and 30 min, and the air temperature should be controlled at 85%. Increase the light and ventilation so that the buds can form early and differentiate quickly. Under suitable conditions, it takes about 40 days from cultivation to picking. The sign of the maturity of Ganoderma lucidum is that the cap changes from thin to thick, the color changes from light yellow to reddish brown, the white growth circle around the cap has disappeared, and a small amount of spore powder is scattered in the tube. The fungus cap turns to lacquer color. Mature Ganoderma lucidum has stopped growing, the ability of anti-stress and anti-miscellaneous bacteria has been weakened, coupled with the high temperature and humidity of the sesame shed, so it is susceptible to miscellaneous bacteria. Therefore, it should be harvested in time, which can be cut off from the root of the sesame stalk with a sharp knife or twisted directly by hand, and the collected Ganoderma lucidum should be put in a clean cement field to dry in time to strictly prevent sundries from sticking. It can also be dried at 40 ℃ and 60 min, so that the moisture is reduced to 12%. 2. Pest control 1, Penicillium Trichoderma (Penicillium) and Alternaria: on the culture material, the growing point of the stalk of Ganoderma lucidum and the seed layer under the cap are easy to be damaged. The initial hyphae of Penicillium are white and loose, and after sporulation, they are light green or turquoise. The initial hyphae of Trichoderma are grayish white or white dense cotton floc, and soon produce conidia of yellow rice dumplings, black or dark green. The fecundity of green mold is strong, and the mycelium growth is inhibited after being infected by Ganoderma lucidum, and the fruiting body can not be produced in serious cases. After the fruiting body is infected, it will rot to death in severe cases. The damage of Alternaria is rampant in hot and humid summer, which mainly spreads rapidly at the mouth of the culture bag and the root and edge of the fruiting body, producing a large number of orange powdery spores. For the prevention and treatment of miscellaneous bacteria, carbendazim injection can be selected, and the fruiting body can be scrubbed or covered with carbendazim plus lime, and can be removed, burned or buried deeply in severe cases. 2. Bacteria flies: bacteria flies lay eggs on the surface of the culture material. After a few days, they hatched into maggots, which drilled into the culture medium to destroy the mycelium, harming the fruiting body and feeding on the tissue in the later stage. Bacteria, flies and other pests should be mainly controlled, and 0.2% dimethoate or 0.2% enemy should be sprayed inside and outside the culture bag before entering the shed, so as to completely kill the insect. Click to get more planting techniques of Ganoderma lucidum