
How to disinfect grape seedlings?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to disinfect grape seedlings? What's the use of grape seedling disinfection? Also ask the netizens who know to help introduce that the disinfection of grape seedlings is mainly an important measure to prevent traditional sowing of diseases and insect pests. In general, autumn and winter is an important season for grape seedling sales and procurement, so the disinfection of grape seedlings is the first step of grape planting.

How to disinfect grape seedlings? What's the use of grape seedling disinfection? Also ask the netizens who know to help introduce that the disinfection of grape seedlings is mainly an important measure to prevent traditional sowing of diseases and insect pests. Generally autumn and winter is an important season for grape seedling sales and procurement, so the disinfection of grape seedlings is the first step of grape planting, so the disinfection methods of grape seedlings are sorted out in the field network, which are listed in detail below for netizens' reference. Disinfection methods for grape seedling diseases and insect pests: method 1, soak branches or seedlings for 15 minutes with 50% phoxim 800 times solution or 80% dichlorvos 600 ml 800 times solution. Soak and dry, then pack, transport or plant immediately. Method 2. Fumigate with methyl bromide, put the seedlings in an airtight room, fumigate for 5 hours under the condition of 20 °C / 30 °C, the dosage of methyl bromide is about 30 g / m3, the dosage can be increased appropriately under the condition of low temperature, and the dosage can be reduced appropriately under the condition of high temperature. During fumigation, an electric fan can be used to promote air flow and improve the fumigation effect. During fumigation, the seedlings should be prevented from dehydration. Method 3. Soak the seedlings in warm water of 43 ~ 45 degrees Celsius for 2 hours, then soak them in the solution of copper sulfate and dichlorvos for 15 minutes, soak them out, dry, pack, transport or plant. The preparation method of coordination solution of copper sulfate and dichlorvos: add 1 kg of copper sulfate and 80% dichlorvos 150 ml every 100 kg of water, mix and stir evenly. The best time for disinfection of grape seedlings: the disinfection of grape seedlings must be carried out before the seedlings are transported. When planting, it is best to disinfect it again. The management method of greenhouse grapes the method of making grapes bear fruit several times a year