
What should I pay attention to when planting yam?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, What should I pay attention to when planting yam? Please also have experience to help introduce the network to sort out the main points that need to be paid attention to when planting yam, the following detailed list for netizens to refer to. Point one, select the soil loose plot, yam tuber easy to expand: soil loose for yam rhizome...

What should be paid attention to when planting yam? Also ask experienced netizens to help introduce the key points that Chinese yam needs to pay attention to when planting yam, which are listed in detail below for netizens' reference. First, choose the land with loose soil, the yam tuber is easy to expand: the looseness of soil is very important for the elongation and expansion of yam rhizome. The planting ditch should be about 1 meter deep, the sandy loam is loose and breathable, the temperature is raised quickly, and the early seedling is good, which is conducive to tuber elongation; the clayey soil is cold and hard, and the air permeability is poor, which is not conducive to root elongation, but the fertility is good. No matter what kind of soil, it is possible to apply more than 1000 kilograms of cow and horse dung or crushed crop straw (wheat straw and rice husk) per mu, which not only increases soil organic matter, but also improves soil permeability. Large stones, tiles and gravel in the soil should be removed so as not to cause damage to the roots. It is better to dig trenches in advance before freezing, which is conducive to weathering soil and form a good soil structure. Irrigation should be carried out as soon as possible, so as to raise the ground temperature as soon as possible. Second, the base fertilizer of Chinese yam should be fully used, and there are conditions to cover plastic film: more than 3000 kilograms of rotten chicken and duck manure or pig and sheep manure per mu, more than 50 kilograms of potassium sulfate compound fertilizer and about 50 kilograms of diammonium phosphate. Conditional application of biological fertilizer and bean cake fertilizer 100 kg, boron-zinc-iron micro-fertilizer each 1 kg, fully mixed with the soil and filled in the planting ditch. After filling with water, the seeds can not be sown until the ground temperature rises to 15 ℃. After sowing, plastic film should be covered to increase temperature and preserve soil moisture, and attention should be paid to timely removal of plastic film at the end of May in order to root. Third, yam seedlings must be treated, so as to prevent disease and insect pests: yam is easy to be infected with root rot and blight after sowing, and the simplest way is to deal with yam species. Chinese yam seeds can be soaked with chlorphenil (Shile) 1000 times or Amisi up to 1500 times, and then sowed after spraying along the ditch to ensure that the yam does not die in the seedling stage. There are many underground pests in spring, mainly mole cricket, golden needle worm, grub and ground tiger. The more effective method is to spray phoxim 1500 times along the ditch. Or using high concentration Ruisheng (thiazide) spray ditch to control underground pests, the effect is better and the safety is higher. Fourth, the stem and leaf of Chinese yam should be preserved in the middle stage of Chinese yam: in the middle stage of growth, there are more overcast and rainy days and high humidity, which can easily lead to anthracnose, brown spot, nailspore leaf spot, brown rot and virus. Can use Amicida 1500 times plus copper noble 600x spray, once every 15 days, a total of 2 times 3 times. Brown rot can be rooted in the above methods, especially after heavy rain. The key point of virus disease is to control whitefly and mites. Pay attention to the topdressing of chemical fertilizer, topdressing 2 to 3 times in the middle of growth, about 25 kg of potassium sulfate compound fertilizer per mu. Pay attention to timely removal of yam beans to reduce nutrient consumption. How to cut the yam hand itch how to click to get more yam planting technology click to get more vegetable planting technology