
Pleurotus ostreatus cultivation Picture: how to grow Pleurotus ostreatus indoors?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to grow Phoenix tail mushrooms indoors? Do you have any friends who can tell me how to do it? Pleurotus ostreatus is cultivated indoors, there are many methods, such as plastic bag planting, grain planting, box planting and bed planting; the more commonly used ones are bed planting and box planting; the following bed cultivation is introduced in detail (for reference). Phoenix tail mushroom bed.

How to grow Phoenix tail mushrooms indoors? Do you have any friends who can tell me how to do it? Pleurotus ostreatus is cultivated indoors, there are many methods, such as plastic bag planting, grain planting, box planting and bed planting; the more commonly used ones are bed planting and box planting; the following bed cultivation is introduced in detail (for reference). Pleurotus ostreatus bed cultivation method: Pleurotus ostreatus suitable cultivation time: Pleurotus ostreatus mycelium culture requires higher temperature, but fruiting body occurrence temperature is relatively low, and its suitable cultivation time should be determined according to different climatic conditions in different places. generally, it can be cultivated two or three times from September of the same year to May of the next year. The cultivation time can be extended by using tunnels, basements and so on. Preparation and treatment of culture materials: Pleurotus ostreatus can be cultivated with rice straw, bagasse, sawdust, cottonseed shell, waste cotton, waste paper and tea dregs. But it is required to be fresh and mildew-free. At the same time, disinfection should be carried out before cultivation. The disinfection methods are as follows: (1) Lime water disinfection: soak the culture material in the pool for 12 hours with 0.5% to 1% lime clarifier, pick it up and put it in a basket, rinse to pH7~7.5 with clean water, drain the excess water, and then go to bed. If there is no test paper to measure the pH, rinse until there is no yellow water flowing out of the straw. (2) boiling water immersion method: put the culture material in a wooden bucket, pour it into boiling water, soak for 15-20 minutes, pick up and drain the excess water, and then go to bed for cultivation. Sowing method of Pleurotus ostreatus: the sterilized culture material is spread on the bed according to 7-9 kg per square meter. specific method: first spread a layer of culture material on the bed, sprinkle a layer of bacteria, and the amount of seed accounts for about 40% of the inoculation. Then spread a layer of culture material, after a little compaction with your hands, sprinkle the remaining 60% of the bacteria on the bed and gently press down with a plank to make the bacteria stick together with the culture material to facilitate the development of bacteria. Finally, it is covered with plastic film to keep warm and moisturize. The hyphae could grow all over the bed after cultured at 25: 27 ℃ for 15 / 18 days. Daily management methods of Pleurotus ostreatus: 1. Before mushroom production, the temperature of the mushroom should be controlled within 27 ℃ after sowing, more than 30 ℃. In the morning and evening, the doors and windows should be opened for ventilation and cooling, to avoid burning mycelium and to avoid light, so as to facilitate the normal growth of mycelium and accumulation of nutrients. It is found that there is a small amount of green mold infection on the bed, which should be removed in time. If a variety of molds are contaminated at the same time, the film should be removed, ventilation should be strengthened, the humidity of the culture material should be reduced, and lime powder should be scattered on the contaminated site. Wait for the mold to be eliminated, then cover the film. When the hyphae grew through the bottom of the bed for 3-5 days, the material surface film was removed to enhance ventilation and increase scattered light to induce the rapid formation of primordia. 2. After the management fruiting body is formed, the coordinated management of moisture, ventilation and light should be carried out according to different growth stages. The main results are as follows: (1) after 20-25 days of sowing, the mycelium can knot to form primordia, so it is necessary to increase the number of ventilation and scattered light in management. And spray a small amount of water to keep the material surface moist and promote the further formation of the primordium. If the hyphae have grown all over the bed, but the mushroom buds do not grow for a long time, it is mainly due to high temperature, so cooling and increasing humidity should be taken to promote the rapid formation of primordia. (2) the coral stage changes from primordium development to uneven short culm shape, and continues to grow to form coral shape, that is, the coral stage. At this time, the conditions such as temperature, humidity, light and air are more strict. If the temperature is higher than 24 ℃, the time lasts 1-2 days, and the light and air are insufficient, the mushroom buds will turn yellow, the stalk will be slender, and even wither and die. At this time, ventilation, water spraying and increasing light should be taken to meet their fertility requirements. (3) at the bud stage, the cap is formed; the fold begins to appear and the spores begin to produce, and the management at this stage is basically the same as that at the coral stage. If the mushroom body bifurcates and does not form a bacterial cap, it is due to insufficient light, so scattered light should be appropriately increased to facilitate the normal growth of mushroom buds. (4) Microwave curling appeared on the edge of the mushroom cover during the mature period, and the spores began to distribute. In management, the amount of spraying water should be increased, spraying 2 or 3 times a day, and mastering light spraying, fine spraying, and often keeping the material surface wet. Sufficient water, mushroom weight, good quality. Avoid flood sprinkler irrigation during the harvest period, so as not to cause mycelium degradation and rotten grass and mushrooms. Harvest method of Pleurotus ostreatus: as the fruiting body grows, the cover is fully expanded and the edge is slightly upward, so we should pay close attention to the harvest. The method is to hold down the culture material with the left hand and hold the mushroom handle with the right hand and twist it. After picking a tide of mushrooms, clean the bed, compact the material, and stop spraying water for 2-3 days to facilitate the growth of mycelium. After sprinkler management, new sub-entities grow quickly. Each Pleurotus ostreatus is 7-10 days apart. General management can produce Pleurotus ostreatus, about 50-60 days from sowing to the end of mushroom harvest, and 80-90 days when the temperature is low. Click to get more cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus