
How to plant leaves with Chinese wolfberry?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to plant leaves with Chinese wolfberry? Please introduce in detail the planting method Lycium barbarum has strong adaptability to the soil and can grow in arid, sandy and saline-alkali soil, but the semi-alkaline soil with deep, loose, fertile and good drainage is the best. Chinese wolfberry can be planted with reference to the following methods: seeds.

How to grow leaves with wolfberry? Please describe the planting method in detail Lycium barbarum L. has strong adaptability to soil. It can grow in arid, sandy and saline-alkali soil, but it grows best in alkaline soil with deep, loose, fertile soil and good drainage performance. Lycium barbarum can be planted by referring to the following methods: Seed propagation: Generally sown at the end of March and early April. 1, seed treatment 7-10 days before sowing, the mature dried fruit with 40-50℃ warm water soak for a day and night, the fruit will absorb water swelling, separate the seeds, clean, and then the seeds and 5-10 times the fine sand mixed, add warm water wet germination, after 5-7 days can germinate. 2, seedbed preparation to choose flat terrain, good irrigation, fertile sandy loam or light loam, deep ploughing 20 cm, each mu of decomposed organic fertilizer 4000 kg, compound phosphorus fertilizer 25 kg, rake fine leveling, make 1 meter wide flat bed, 3-4 days before sowing irrigation water. 3. Sowing is generally ditching, ditching according to row spacing of 15 cm, width of 5 cm, ditch depth of 2-3 cm, seed quantity per mu of 0.5-0.7 kg, covering soil and light pressure. 4, seedling management after emergence should be timely shallow water irrigation, when the seedling height of about 5 cm to start thinning seedlings, when the seedling height of 6-8 cm fixed seedlings, plant spacing of about 5 cm. To timely intertillage weeding, seedling for the first time topdressing, urea 5 kg per mu. Found cutworms can be trapped with poison bait. 5. Transplant in time. Transplant when the seedling height is 80 cm. Dig pits according to row spacing of 2 meters and plant spacing of 2 meters, plant 2-3 plants in each pit, and apply sufficient base fertilizer. Cuttage propagation method: generally in late March to early April cuttage. 1, cuttage in Lycium barbarum before germination, collect strong growth, about 0.4-0.6 cm thick annual branches, piled into about 15 cm cuttings, each cutting has 2-3 buds. After treatment with α-naphthylacetic acid, the cuttings were placed on a hotbed at 24-26℃ for rooting. About 60% of the cuttings formed callus, and some of them grew white roots. According to row spacing 25 cm, plant spacing 15 cm cuttage, cuttage top 1-2 buds exposed to the ground, covered with plastic film. 2, seedling management cuttings germinate in time to remove the film, often keep the soil moist. Miao Qi can be applied after thin human excrement. 3. Transplant in time. When the seedlings are 50 cm high, they can be transplanted into the field. When seedlings should be less damage roots, do not break seedlings. The planting row spacing is 2 meters and the plant spacing is 1.5 meters. field management 1. Watering and fertilizing Lycium barbarum requires more fertilizer. In addition to applying sufficient base fertilizer when transplanting, topdressing is applied in late April, May and June respectively. Diammonium phosphate is applied about 15 kg each time. Before and after flowering, 0.2% urea and 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate are sprayed to the crown every 15-20 days. In late October, circular ditches can be dug at the edge of the crown of mature trees, 3500 kg of organic fertilizer and 50 kg of compound fertilizer are applied per mu, and the young trees are about half of the mature trees. Days should be watered in time, should be shallow irrigation, often keep the soil moist. 2. Cultivate tilled soil frequently. After each watering and fertilization, it is necessary to cultivate and weed. After each harvest, it is also necessary to cultivate. In autumn, it is necessary to dig about 25 cm deep to enhance light, improve ground temperature and kill underground pests. 3, pest control The main pests are wolfberry fruit flies, aphids, psyllids, mites, ladybugs and so on. 40% omethoate 1500 times solution or 25% kungfu pyrethroid 3000 times solution spray control. The main diseases are powdery mildew and gummosis. Powdery mildew can be sprayed with 15% triadimefon wettable powder 1500 times or 2% agricultural resistance 120 150 times at the early stage of disease, once every 7-10 days, and continuously sprayed 2-3 times. Glue disease can be found immediately after the knife will be affected parts of the skin scraping, and then 2% copper sulfate painting disinfection. recovery Lycium barbarum L. can be harvested 50-60 days after self-planting. Harvest vigorous branches first, leaving the rest of the young branches to continue to grow, when the new branches grow to 40-50 cm before the aging of the base leaves, cut young branches at the base, can be harvested in several times. Click for more Chinese wolfberry planting technology Click for more Chinese wolfberry planting technology