
How to control bacterial leaf streak of rice?

Published: 2025-04-01 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2025/04/01, What are the hazards of rice bacterial leaf streak? What method can be used to prevent and cure it? Also ask experienced netizens to help introduce the harm and control methods of rice bacterial leaf streak in the farming network, which are listed below for netizens' reference. The harm of bacterial leaf spot in rice: at the beginning of rice disease.

What are the hazards of rice bacterial streak disease? What methods can be used to prevent it? Please also have experience to help introduce the net farming collated rice bacterial streak disease hazards and control methods, the following list for netizens reference. The harm of rice bacterial streak disease: At the beginning of rice disease, the spots are dark green water-soaked small spots, and soon expand into dark green to yellow-brown thin stripes between veins, and both ends of the spots are infiltrated green. A large number of beaded yellow pus often overflowed from the lesion, which was gelatinous after drying. Bacterial effusions are rare on bacterial leaf spots, while bacterial spots are often covered with small bead-like bacterial fluid. When the disease is serious, the stripes merge into irregular chloasma to dry white spots, but many translucent stripes can be seen in the light. When the disease is severe, the leaves curl and the field presents a yellow-white color. Pathogenesis of bacterial leaf streak of rice: high temperature and humidity are beneficial to the occurrence of the disease. Typhoon rainstorms cause wounds, and diseases are easy to spread after that. Partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, irrigation too deep aggravated the disease. Bacterial stripe mainly overwintered on diseased rice seeds, straw and self-grown rice, becoming the main primary infection source. Germs mainly invade from stomata or wounds, and spread by wind, rain, dew, etc. Late rice is more susceptible to infection than early rice, and the disease is aggravated by excessive nitrogen application and excessive irrigation; late rice is seriously infected at booting and heading stages. The control method of rice bacterial streak disease: Method 1. Hybrid rice resistant to disease (resistant) was selected. Seed disinfection treatment was used to soak suspicious rice seeds in warm water. Rice seeds were preheated in warm water at 50℃ for 3min, then soaked in warm water at 55℃ for 10 min, during which they were stirred or stirred at least 3 times. After treatment, immediately take it out and put it into cold water to cool down, which can effectively kill the germs on the seeds. Method 2. Avoid partial and late application of nitrogen fertilizer, cooperate with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and adopt formula fertilization technology. Avoid irrigation water and deep water. Method 3. When stripes appear on rice leaves at seedling stage or in field, spraying should be done immediately. Commonly used fungicides are thiazem copper, Yeqingshuang, Xiaojunling, etc. 86.2% copper master (cuprous oxide), 20% silazole prochloraz. Click for more rice cultivation technology Click for more food crop cultivation technology