
How to control peanut bacterial wilt?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, What harm does peanut bacterial wilt have and how to control it? Please send the solution of the netizens to help introduce the farming network to sort out the harm and control methods of peanut bacterial wilt, listed below for netizens' reference. The harm of peanut bacterial wilt: peanut bacterial wilt, also known as peanut blast, from peanut seedling stage to harvest.

What harm does peanut bacterial wilt have and how to control it? Please send the solution to the netizens to help introduce the harm and control methods of peanut bacterial wilt in the farming network, which are listed below for netizens' reference. The harm of peanut bacterial wilt: peanut bacterial wilt is also called "peanut blast". Bacterial wilt occurs from peanut seedling stage to harvest stage, but the most serious disease occurs in flowering stage. In general, the production of the disease is reduced by 15%, the yield is reduced by 20%, and the serious field is more than 50%. It is possible that there is no harvest in the podding period. The diseased plants were slightly wilted at noon and returned to normal sooner or later, then the leaves of the whole plant withered and drooped, and finally withered and died. Cut open the stem of the diseased plant, you can see that the transport tissue near the ground has turned brown, squeezed by hand, there is a dirty white bacterial liquid flow out of the cut, pull up the diseased plant, the root has rotted, showing dark brown. The cause of peanut bacterial wilt: continuous cropping land is easy to occur, high temperature and rainy, high humidity, sometimes sunny and rainy weather is more likely to occur. The incidence of disease is less in fertile loam or sandy loam with good drainage and more in barren sandy soil. In general, vine-type peanut varieties have strong disease resistance, while erect peanut varieties are susceptible to disease. Prevention and control methods of peanut bacterial wilt 1. rational rotation: bacterial wilt mainly depends on the infection of bacteria living in the soil, and rational rotation with non-host crops, such as peanut and rice or corn, sorghum and so on, can eliminate bacteria in the soil and effectively prevent the occurrence of the disease. Second, improve the soil to prevent stagnant water, scientific fertilization: base fertilizer should be added with lime, plant ash and phosphate fertilizer. 40 kg of lime, 100 kg of plant ash and 25 kg of superphosphate should be applied per mu of base fertilizer, which can promote peanut growth and improve plant disease resistance. Method 3. Burn the diseased corn plants in time: after finding sporadic diseased plants, pull out the roots and burn them centrally, and sprinkle the diseased points with lime powder to prevent the spread of germs. Method 4. Using chemicals to control peanuts: at the initial stage of peanut flowering, 130 grams of carbendan per mu and 80 kilograms of water were sprayed on the roots of the soil surface, once every 7 seconds for 8 days, continuously spraying 2 meters for 3 times, and the control effect was more than 85%. Copper ammonia solution can also be used to prevent and cure the disease at the initial stage, and the specific methods are as follows: 0.5 kg of copper sulfate and 35 kg of ammonium sulfate are ground and then 1 kg of hydrated lime is added, diluted with 500 kg of water, 250 grams per litter, and the effect is better. Click to get more peanut planting techniques click to get more food crop planting techniques