
The culture methods of calla lilies: pictures and videos

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Calla lily is a bulbous flower of Araceae. Its leaves are ovate arrow-shaped, bright green. Its pedicel is higher than the leaves, and the fleshy inflorescence is hidden in the bud, which is horseshoe-shaped, white, yellow or pink, elegant and clean, fresh and generous. Potted plants can watch flowers and leaves, which is of great ornamental value. The farming network has been sorted out.

Calla lily is a bulbous flower of Araceae. Its leaves are ovate arrow-shaped, bright green. Its pedicel is higher than the leaves, and the fleshy inflorescence is hidden in the bud, which is horseshoe-shaped, white, yellow or pink, elegant and clean, fresh and generous. Potted plants can watch flowers and leaves, which is of great ornamental value. The farming network has sorted out the breeding methods and matters needing attention of calla lilies, which are listed below for netizens' reference. Selection of potted soil of calla: the potted soil of calla was mainly composed of sandy loam soil, garden soil and rotten leaves, and then mixed with organic fertilizer 1 to 5 to cultivate colored calla. Because the root system grows in the upper part of the sphere, the bottom of the basin soil should be covered with water-permeable slag or coarse-grained sand. Flowerpots should be shallow pots instead of bobbin pots. Whether sandy soil, loam soil or clay soil, the pH value of calla lily can grow well between 6 and 7.5. Calla lilies are suitable for growth: calla lilies prefer a semi-overcast environment and avoid being placed in strong light. The suitable temperature for calla lily growth is 15-25 ℃, and the indoor temperature should be kept above 10 ℃ in winter, otherwise the growth rate of calla will slow down or even stop growing. Calla lilies like a warm, humid environment, so pay special attention to keeping calla lilies warm during the winter. Methods of watering and fertilizing calla lilies: during the growing period, calla lilies should be watered frequently, and the ground around the flowerpot should be sprayed with water in the morning and evening to increase humidity. It is best to wipe the leaves with sponge in water for 5-7 days to keep the leaves fresh and clean. When the leaves are luxuriant, they should be thinned in time to facilitate the extraction of pedicels. From May to July, calla lilies should be watered less and create a relatively dry environment as far as possible. after all the leaves are withered and yellow, take out the bulbs, store them in a cool and ventilated place, and plant them in a pot in autumn. Fertilization of calla lilies: the fertilizer can be used with rotten cake fertilizer, and the thin liquid fertilizer mixed with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium can be applied every 10 days or so in the peak growing season. When fertilizing, do not pour fertilizer and water into the leaf sheath, so as not to cause rot. After seeing the bud, calla should increase the amount of fertilizer application, so as to ensure its long flowering period, large and gorgeous flowers, and make the buds bloom continuously and bloom all the year round. Tip: the application of ferrous sulfate can make the calla lotus leaves bigger, thicker, green, smooth and shiny, and the petiole is not easy to elongate, thus ensuring the beauty of the leaves. At the same time, it can promote the formation of buds and prolong the florescence. The specific method is to dilute ferrous sulfate into a 2% solution and pour it once every one month, each time thoroughly. Calla lily requirements for light: calla lilies like warm, humid and slightly shaded environment, but the flowering period should be sunny, otherwise the Buddha flame bracts will be green and affect the quality. Ensure 3 to 5 hours of light every day, otherwise the petiole will elongate and affect the ornamental value. Calla lilies are not cold-resistant and will be moved into the greenhouse in mid-October. In summer, under the condition of shade, we often spray water to cool and moisturize. Control methods of diseases and insect pests of calla lilies: there are not many insect pests in calla lilies. Within 7 to 10 days after each topdressing, spray twice with organophosphorus insecticides and 500 times of thiophanate methyl or carbendazim. The main disease of calla lily is root rot. During the growing period, we should pay attention to observe whether the leaves are yellowing, especially when the heart leaves begin to yellowing, irrigate the roots with 300 times liquid for two or three times. When watering, the surrounding uninfected plants should be watered together to control the spread of the disease. The first cause is improper watering when picking flowers, and the other is that the ball is not sterilized thoroughly. Matters needing attention in calla culture: first, because calla lilies enter the dormant period from June to July, the best breeding season is from August to September. Note that February and February-April are the season for calla lilies to bloom, so it is necessary to give calla lilies enough light to produce healthy flowers. Note that third, horseshoe lotus is poisonous, containing a large number of herbal calcium crystals and alkaloids, accidental eating will cause coma and other toxic symptoms. This species is a non-toxic plant included in the Chinese plant atlas database, and its toxicity is that the inflorescences of tuber, spawn and fleshy spike are poisonous. Chewing a small tuber can cause swelling in the tongue and throat. Click to get more calla lily planting techniques click to get more flower planting techniques