
Flower maintenance method: how to make triangular plum bonsai blossom

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The flowering method of triangular plum-the method of promoting flowering is to control water after topdressing 1:1:1 compound fertilizer 45 days in advance, and then add a small amount of water combined with foliar spray after the leaves wilt. This is repeated until all the leaves fall off and pour water through. What is born at this time will be full of trees and flowers.

Potted triangular plum

Triangular plum, commonly known as leaf flower, rhododendron, Le rhododendron, Pueraria lobata, scarf. Scientific name: Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd. Mirabilaceae, genus Cymbidium. Native to South America, Brazil, Peru, Argentina. Large evergreen trailing woody vine with branches often arched and drooping. Most of the flowers are 3 in one place. It was discovered at the end of the 18th century and was not introduced to England until the 1920s and was introduced to China in the 1950s. At the beginning of the introduction, it was only cultivated in botanical gardens in southern provinces and exhibition greenhouses in big cities in the north. It was not pushed out in Guangdong, Yunnan and Fujian until the 1980s. Because of its easy cultivation and strong adaptability, Prunus angustifolia has gradually become a native tree species in South China.

Triangular plum has a long flowering period, more flowering, wide plant adaptability, strong vitality and rich flower color, divided from petal shape: compound and single petal; divided from cultivation methods: cutting, grafting, natural variety; from flower color division: purplish red, white, orange yellow, light red, peach red, rose red, bright red, and red-white mixed shape. It can be used not only as landscaping, but also as a family pot.

Anyway, they are all blooming, so let's talk about how to blossom flowers all over the branches.

Full style: that is, the whole tree is full of flowers. The method of promoting flowering is that after topdressing 1:1:1 compound fertilizer 45 days in advance, the water is controlled, and after the leaves are wilted, a small amount of water is added, combined with foliar spray. This is repeated until all the leaves fall off and pour water through. What is born at this time will be full of trees and flowers. The process must be carried out in full sunlight.

Triangular plum is a plant that likes high temperature and strong sunlight, so potted plum should always be placed in a sunny place. This is not only beneficial to its vegetative growth, but also conducive to reproductive growth.

1. Frequent exposure

Triangular plum is a plant that likes high temperature and strong sunlight, so potted plum should always be placed in a sunny place. This is not only beneficial to its vegetative growth, but also conducive to reproductive growth. The practice shows that the plants treated with strong sunlight have short internodes, full growth, large number of flowers, deep flower color and long flowering period.

2. Pruning frequently

The growth period of Prunus mume is long and the growth rate is fast. The plant shape can be fixed and maintained by timely pruning and coring. Picking the heart also helps to promote new technology and make it blossom more, because flowers only bloom at the top of the new branch. Pruning is generally carried out in spring and summer. Pruning after mid-August will affect flowering and should not be carried out again. The pruning objects are inner bore branches, weak branches, only long branches, cross branches and so on, and some over-long branches should also be cut short with 1 or 2 bud holes.

three. Strict control of water

Purple triangle plum should begin to buckle water before flowering, that is, in mid-August. After watering once, wait for the leaves and buds to droop before watering. The degree of withholding water is based on the fact that the plant does not dry and die. It was treated repeatedly until the embryonic form of flowers appeared in the axils of the leaves at the end of the branch, and then gradually returned to normal watering. Buckling water increased the concentration of cell sap, thus promoting the differentiation and formation of flower buds.

4. Skillful fertilization

Triangulated plum is very sensitive to urea. Urea is still needed at the initial stage of flower branch growth to facilitate flower branch growth. The most important thing is the last two. If you master the two well, you can overcome the adverse effects caused by lack of sunshine.

Triangular plum is not cold-resistant, once the temperature drops suddenly, the plant will lose a large number of leaves, and the leaves below 3 ℃ are easy to be frozen, so you must not overwater them. It should be placed in an environment of 10 ℃ to 15 ℃, irrigated every 10 days or so, wait for spring buds and grow leaves, and then gradually increase the amount of water. Otherwise, it will lead to rotten root death.

Bonsai cultivation techniques and maintenance methods of triangular plum bonsai

Triangular plum habits, triangular plum like warm and humid climate, not cold-resistant, more than 3 ℃ can safely survive the winter, more than 15 ℃ before flowering. Like plenty of light. Lax requirements on the soil, in good drainage, mineral-rich clay loam in good growth, barren resistance, alkali resistance, drought resistance, avoid stagnant water, resistant to pruning. The leaf flower is native to Brazil in South America, but it was not cultivated in Europe until about the 1930s, and now it is cultivated all over China. It likes warm, humid, sunny environment and is not resistant to cold. Except in the south of China, it can be cultivated in open field and overwintering, and other areas need pot and greenhouse cultivation. Sandy loam with good drainage is the most suitable for soil. Leaf flowers are often propagated by cuttings, and it is easy to raise seedlings. In May and June, mature woody branches, 20 cm long, are inserted into a sand basin, covered with glass and kept moist. They can take root in about a month and blossom in two years.

Triangular plum bonsai culture method 1, basin selection: triangular plum soil requirements are not strict, resistant to barren drought, avoid stagnant water. It is better to use sandy soil rich in humus, loose, fertile and permeable, and avoid using clay. When potted, a portion of rotten leaf soil, peat soil, sandy soil and garden soil can be used, and a small amount of rotten cake residue can be added as base fertilizer to prepare culture soil. 2. Temperature: the suitable temperature for growth is 15 ℃ 30 ℃, of which 19 ℃ is from May to September and 13 ℃ from October to April of the following year. When the temperature exceeds 35 ℃ in summer, shading or water spraying, ventilation and other measures should be taken properly, and the ambient temperature of no less than 5 ℃ should be maintained in winter. The temperature for flowering is more than 15 ℃. In order to prolong the flowering period, it should be moved into the room for maintenance in time before the arrival of the cold spell at the beginning of winter. 3. Illumination: triangulated plums are happy to shine. Lack of light in the growing season will lead to plant growth weakness, affecting pregnant buds and flowering. Therefore, seedlings in addition to new pots should be placed in the semi-shade all the year round. Winter should be placed in front of the southward window, and the lighting time should not be less than 8 hours, otherwise a large number of fallen leaves are easy to appear. Short-day flowers, the daily light time is controlled at about 9 hours, triangle plum will bud and blossom in a month and a half. 3. Using soil: the growth rate of Prunus mume is fast, the root system is developed, there are many whisker roots, and the pot needs to be changed once a year. Due to long-term watering, fertilization and Rain Water erosion, the basin soil is easy to harden and needs to be loosened regularly and weeds are removed at the same time. Otherwise, basin soil hardening and stagnant water will easily lead to root rot or poor growth of Prunus mume. 4. Select varieties such as double scarlet, Yijin, orange yellow, mosaic red, silver edge white, single green leaf water red, orange red, cherry red, etc., which can bloom 2-3 batches of flowers a year in Hangzhou. 5. Cuttage propagation and breeding of seedlings: miniature bonsai triangular plum is quick and convenient to propagate with cuttage. In Hangzhou, the selection section is short from May to June, the diameter is 0.3-1cm annual Lignification or semi-Lignification branch, the cuttings are 6-8cm with 3-4 nodes, the front two leaves (or half leaves) are retained and inserted into the matrix after sterilization, moisturizing and light maintenance, fertilization outside the root for about 20 days, and strong light exercise gradually after rooting. After cutting for 45-60 days, a small amount of matrix was moved into the micro-basin as early as possible, and the seedlings were delayed for 2-3 days to enter the routine management. Miniature triangular plum seedlings can also directly look for small stakes of perennial dwarf branches, pruning roots and pruning on the basin, and can also be obtained by bagging and high-pressure propagation of zigzag old branches. 6. Objectives and measures of Prophase maintenance. Prophase maintenance is the foundation, and the goal is to shape and cultivate the crown. All measures are carried out around the dense branches, compact plant shape, concise and smooth shape. Twists or folds do not deliberately pursue twists and turns, the general trunk 1-2 bends, there are 2-3 branches can. Branches and leaves should be more than other woody miniature bonsai, but should not be too complicated to facilitate the overall balance of metabolism; according to the original characteristics of pots and materials, plant type pictures should be designed, branches and leaves trend and layout should be emphasized, so that branches and leaves are dense and orderly. The crown is about 1.5 times of the basin diameter. A, watering and fertilization: the basin is small in volume and less soil, avoid heavy water and thick fertilizer, the soil should be dry, not dry and not irrigated, sunny spring, late autumn in the morning and morning, early summer and early autumn in the morning and evening, small water and moist soil in the evening, the leaves can get rid of wilting and water thoroughly in the morning. Fertilizer should be mixed with some thin fertilizer water in the irrigated water at intervals of three to five, mainly nitrogen in the first few times, supplemented by phosphorus and potassium, and then dominated by phosphorus and potassium. In order to prevent Rain Water from growing too much, if you have the conditions, you can keep it under the sun and canopy. B, coring, pruning and pruning: determine the timing of topping according to modeling needs, generally 4-5 leaves can be peeled to depress the height of the plant and lower the branching position. After the formation of the primary branch, it is coring again to form the secondary branch. Plate binding should be early, planting to restore growth can be carried out, with a diameter of 0.6-0grad 8mm aluminum wire inserted into the soil, the other end and the branch into a 45-degree angle spiral winding, from the trunk to the twig, from bottom to top; when winding the aluminum wire should be close to the trunk, density moderate, after winding the branch will bend into the desired form, and finally with the aluminum wire to press the top leaf axil, to promote the twig node elongation to form a natural twig, disk binding should be carried out with the branch growth in a timely manner. Plastic bandage can also be used to bind thicker aluminum wire with twigs and then bend the shape. In the growth, branches are too long, but also timely appropriate pruning, short, back pruning, to promote re-branching, at the same time cut off overlapping branches and other redundant branches. C, spray short Zhuangsu: new branches are produced, starting to spray 5/1000 for a long time, once every 7-10 days. If 20-50PPM paclobutrazol is sprayed, the dosage should be controlled and the interval time should be prolonged. D, triangular plum is a strong positive plant, heat-resistant and not afraid of the sun, should be maintained under direct light, generally without shade. The semi-cliff of the cliff can be tilted, placed upside down, when the branches and canopies are initially formed, some flower-promoting measures should be taken, such as opening the basin distance, raising the ventilation, increasing the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, controlling the amount of watering, continuing to control the plant shape, and so on. 7. Florescence management: after planting for about two months, the bud may appear, then the disk binding is suspended, one branch, 3 or 4 inflorescences of double-petal varieties and 6 or 7 inflorescences of single-petal varieties. Concentrate nutrition to make double flowers bloom into balls, single flowers large and colorful. In order to prevent serious wilting, a small amount of water can be replenished at noon, and the water temperature should be close to the soil temperature. 8. post-anthesis management: triangular plum miniature bonsai can bloom three batches of flowers a year, and new plants cultivated by cuttings in May may also blossom twice in the same year. After flowering, it is necessary to cut back and truncate in time to maintain the plant type so as not to overgrow the branches; to apply thin fertilizer and water dominated by nitrogen and supplemented by phosphorus and potassium; to fasten new branches as early as possible, spray Daizhuangsu, and so on. 9. Overwintering: the basin is slightly affected by external temperature changes and is vulnerable to cold damage in winter. it is appropriate to put indoor sunny windowsill or warm cabinets, and strive to be no less than 8 degrees. In case of cold fallen leaves, it is appropriate to keep the basin soil dry, let it dormant, and pour a small amount of lukewarm water on the edge of the basin when it is too dry. If the temperature is high, the sun does not shed leaves, and it can blossom normally, it needs normal maintenance and management. 10. Post-maintenance: miniature bonsai planting for 1-2 years, turning over the basin, changing soil, pruning, or local soil replacement, lifting roots, and taking measures to make the main rod aging. After a year of maintenance, the initial appearance of the prototype, the transition from ordinary miniature bonsai to art bonsai, miniature bonsai, but also needs years of pruning as the main plate binding as the auxiliary modeling process. Triangular plum bonsai culture matters needing attention 1. Triangular plum should grasp the principle of "short, heavy and sparse" when pruning, that is, cut short horizontal branches and re-cut new branches. Remove dense branches and weak branches. Safflower triangular plum grows weakly and is pruned about once a year from March to April. Triangular plum needs to be fully pruned twice a year, the first before germination from March to April, and the second before the growth of new branches after blooming from November to December, in order to ensure exuberant flowering every year. 2. The common pests of Prunus mume are leaf beetles and aphids, and the common diseases are shoot blight. At ordinary times, it is necessary to strengthen loosening soil and weeding, remove dead branches and diseased leaves in time, and pay attention to ventilation so as to reduce the spread of the disease. Strengthen the examination of the disease, find the timely treatment of the disease, can be prevented and treated with dimethoate, topiramate and other solutions. In the usual maintenance and management work, pay more attention to its growth.

Methods and matters needing attention in bonsai culture of triangular plum

Triangular plum, also known as scarf, rhododendron, Pueraria lobata, triangular flower, etc., for the purple Rongli family, leaf flowers belong to rattan shrubs. Stems stout, branches pendulous, glabrous or sparsely pilose. Spines axillary, 5 Mel 15 mm long. Leaves papery, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, like warm and humid climate, not cold-resistant, like sufficient light. With a variety of varieties and strong plant adaptability, it is widely distributed not only in the south of China, but also in the cold north. Today, I will briefly introduce the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of Xiajiangmei bonsai.

The method of bonsai culture of triangular plum

Basin soil requirements:

Triangulated plum is lax on soil, resistant to barren and drought, and avoid stagnant water. It is better to use sandy soil rich in humus, loose, fertile and permeable, and avoid using clay. When potted, a portion of rotten leaf soil, peat soil, sandy soil and garden soil can be used, and a small amount of rotten cake residue can be added as base fertilizer to prepare culture soil.

Replacement of basin soil:

Triangular plum has fast growth rate, developed root system and many whisker roots, so it needs to change the pot once a year. Due to long-term watering, fertilization and Rain Water erosion, the basin soil is easy to harden and needs to be loosened regularly and weeds are removed at the same time. Otherwise, basin soil hardening and stagnant water will easily lead to root rot or poor growth of Prunus mume. Temperature conditions:

The suitable temperature for growth is 15 ℃ 30 ℃, of which 19 ℃ is from May to September and 13 ℃ from October to April of the following year. When the temperature is above 35 ℃ in summer, shading or water spraying and ventilation should be taken properly, and the ambient temperature should be maintained at no less than 5 ℃ in winter. The temperature for flowering is more than 15 ℃. In order to prolong the flowering period, it should be moved into the room for maintenance in time before the arrival of the cold spell at the beginning of winter.

Lighting conditions:

Triangular plums like the light, the lack of light in the growing season will lead to plant growth weakness, affecting pregnant buds and flowering, therefore, all the year round except the new pot seedlings should be placed in the semi-shade first. Winter should be placed in front of the southward window, and the lighting time should not be less than 8 hours, otherwise a large number of fallen leaves are easy to appear. Short-day flowers, the daily light time is controlled at about 9 hours, triangle plum will bud and blossom in a month and a half. Watering method:

Triangular plum should control the water before flowering, and the usual watering of leaf flowers should grasp the principle of "do not dry, do not water, water should be thoroughly". However, in order to make leaf flowers bloom neatly and more, water control must be carried out before flowering. The watering of leaf flowers has been controlled since September, and each watering can only be carried out after the potted soil is dry and the branches and leaves are soft and sagging, which is repeated for half a month and returns to normal watering after half a month. Do not apply fertilizer during the water control period, so as not to burn the root system.

Fertilization method:

Triangular plum is very sensitive to urea, such as improper fertilization period, improper proportion, it may produce the phenomenon of luxuriant leaves and few flowers, so urea must be applied with special caution. The summer temperature is high, Rain Water is more, and the plant is easy to grow. You can not apply urea alone. You can apply some fertilizer made from rotten vegetable leaf retting. It is best to use 0.2% KH2PO4 0.3% solution as foliar topdressing, fertilizing once every half a month. Urea can be applied once at the initial stage of flower branch growth to facilitate flower branch growth.

Matters needing attention in bonsai culture of triangular plum

Trimmed plum should grasp the principle of "short, heavy and sparse" when pruning, that is, cut short horizontal branches and re-cut new branches. Remove dense branches and weak branches. Safflower triangular plum grows weakly and is pruned about once a year from March to April. Triangular plum needs to be fully pruned twice a year, the first before germination from March to April, and the second before the growth of new branches after blooming from November to December, in order to ensure exuberant flowering every year.

The common pests of Prunus mume are leaf beetles and aphids, and the common diseases are shoot blight. At ordinary times, it is necessary to strengthen loosening soil and weeding, remove dead branches and diseased leaves in time, and pay attention to ventilation so as to reduce the spread of the disease. Strengthen the examination of the disease, find the timely treatment of the disease, can be prevented and treated with dimethoate, topiramate and other solutions. In the usual maintenance and management work, pay more attention to its growth.

On the triangle plum bonsai culture methods and points for attention Xiaobian introduced here, I hope to help you!