
What should I do with the broken banana trees in the banana garden after the typhoon?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Banana trees and typhoons are unique to summer in the south, especially in July and August, when typhoons make landfall frequently, and typhoons do great harm to coastal cities. Banana trees are no exception, just as corn is afraid of wind damage.

Banana trees and typhoons are unique to summer in the south, especially in July and August, when typhoons make landfall frequently, and typhoons do great harm to coastal cities. Banana trees are no exception, just as corn is afraid of wind damage and is prone to lodging, so will banana trees.

Characteristics of banana trees

First of all, let's take a look at the characteristics of banana trees. Although banana trees are called trees, banana trees are not woody plants, but belong to herbaceous plants. It's a bit of a surprise for friends who haven't seen banana trees. Banana trees produce only one banana fruit a year. After the fruit is produced, the old banana tree completes its task, and the fruit grower will cut down the old banana tree and let the new banana tree grow.

It is precisely because bananas are not woody plants that they are very prone to lodging. For the lodging banana trees, timely measures must be taken to reduce economic losses.

Lodging treatment method

For bananas with a high maturity of more than 60% in the banana garden, fruit growers should cover the banana fruits with banana leaves or bags in time, pick them in time, and then sell them. This can also recover some of the losses. After the fruit is harvested, the banana tree is trimmed, the banana tree is cut down, and the banana stump of about one meter is retained to promote the growth of new banana seedlings.

If the banana in the banana garden is still in the growing period and does not bear banana fruit, it can be cut off from the broken part, so that the banana tree can recover, sprout and grow new banana tree as soon as possible.

If the breaking of the banana tree is not very serious, it is lodging, and the stalk is not broken, the fruit growers should cultivate the soil and straighten it as soon as possible. In serious cases, a protective rod can be set up next to the banana tree to help the banana tree recover as soon as possible.

In addition, the drainage of the banana garden must be carried out in time after the typhoon, and the banana garden should dig trenches in time to prevent the banana tree from soaking in the water for too long, causing damage to the root of the banana tree and avoiding further loss of the orchard.

No matter whether lodging occurs in the banana orchard after the typhoon, the growth of banana trees will be affected to a certain extent, and the disease resistance of banana trees will decline. Fruit growers must do a good job in pest control. Insecticides and fungicides must be sprayed within three days after the heavy rain stops to prevent and control diseases. In addition, fertilizers should be replenished in time to promote the rapid recovery of banana trees.

Prevention of lodging

Finally, I would like to remind banana farmers that the most important thing is to prevent the lodging of banana trees. Banana orchard had better be in the place of shelter, preferably surrounded by shelterbelt, to reduce the harm caused by typhoon.

The protective stem can be set up in the process of banana tree growth to reduce the lodging of banana tree. Fertilization should be scientific, not a single application of nitrogen fertilizer, to avoid overgrowth of plants, to achieve a balanced use of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and more use of organic fertilizer.