
Mastering these four points is not a difficult problem to water flowers in summer.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Growing flowers all the year round, in addition to paying attention to reasonable watering in winter, watering plants in summer is also particularly important. If you accidentally miss watering for a few days, by the time you find that the potted flowers may have turned into hay! No.1 recognizes plant water scarcity signal summer moisture.

Growing flowers all the year round, in addition to paying attention to reasonable watering in winter, watering plants in summer is also particularly important. If you accidentally miss watering for a few days, by the time you find that the potted flowers may have turned into hay!

Recognition of Plant Water deficiency signal by No.1

The water evaporates quickly in summer, and the capacity of the general flowerpot is limited, which can easily cause the pot soil to be too dry and make the potted flowers die. So in summer, in addition to watering, we should also pay attention to their own potted flowers, if the leaves are withered and yellow, the potted soil is dry and cracked, and so on, the plants are often seriously short of water.

No.2 chooses the correct watering time

Summer watering should be more appropriate, under normal circumstances, summer potted flowers should be watered at least once a day, watering should be carried out in the early morning, basin soil temperature is low, watering should be thoroughly watered, that is, water flows out from the bottom of the basin. Be sure to avoid the wrong practice of watering flowers and plants regardless of time.

No.3 Mo irrigates water with large temperature difference

Flower lovers should still remember that watering flowers in winter should choose sunny noon and choose warm water to water flowers. Here, too, if you directly use cool household filtered water to water flowers, there is a large temperature difference with the soil, which will affect the absorption of plants, but is disadvantageous to plants.

No.4 high temperature summer shelter is also the key.

In summer, the flowers themselves and the pot soil evaporate quickly, so the plants are watered every day. In order to prevent plants from losing water too quickly, sunscreen or hay can be used to avoid summer heat, and even control the time of plants to see light every day. At the same time, sprinkle water around the plants to make the air less dry, which is conducive to the growth of plants.

Growing flowers in summer is no easier than growing flowers in winter. Flower friends should also do a good job of sunscreen and summer shelter in addition to proper watering. After all, the growing environment of potted flowers is different from that of open-air plants.

What if there is a problem with growing flowers? Wechat searches for "tasteful potted plants" to teach you how to grow flowers, so that you can grow any flowers. WeChat account: liuyi21a (long press to copy)