
Rational application of fertilizer to improve the efficiency of saving fertilizer

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, In the process of crop growth, one of the most commonly used measures for farmers to increase production is to increase fertilizer. As the agricultural saying goes, "one flower in a crop depends entirely on fertilizer", and some say, "planting is not as good as fertilizer." all this shows that farmers attach great importance to the use of fertilizer when growing crops. In the choice of fertilizer, there is.

In the process of crop growth, one of the most commonly used measures for farmers to increase production is to increase fertilizer. As the agricultural saying goes, "one flower in a crop depends entirely on fertilizer", and some say, "planting is not as good as fertilizer." all this shows that farmers attach great importance to the use of fertilizer when growing crops. In the selection of fertilizers, some farmers mainly choose organic fertilizers made by farmers, some mainly apply chemical fertilizers, and some mainly use farm manure combined with chemical fertilizers. From the perspective of production practice, general fertilization is positively related to crop yield, but the gain effects of different varieties of fertilizers and different fertilization methods are not the same. The observation and detection results of fertilizer use for many years show that the nutrient trend of crops after fertilizer application is generally reflected in four aspects: first, the released nutrients are absorbed and utilized effectively by crops directly; second, after nutrient decomposition, some nutrients volatilize in a gaseous state, such as ammonium bicarbonate, which is the most volatile. Third, after each heavy rain or rainstorm, more nutrients are lost with water, especially available nitrogen and available potassium fertilizer; fourth, some nutrients are fixed by soil adsorption and can not be supplied. But in terms of fertilizer categories, organic fertilizers lose less than chemical fertilizers, because organic fertilizers are released gradually. The loss of phosphorus and potassium in chemical fertilizer is less than that of nitrogen fertilizer. According to the soil fertilizer inspection department, the utilization rate of available nitrogen in ammonium bicarbonate is 27%, the utilization rate of available nitrogen in urea is 35%, and the nutrient utilization rate of high efficiency compound fertilizer is more than 40%. In the face of the reality that the cost of agricultural production is increasing year by year, especially the reality of fertilizer cost, in order to increase production and save money, save cost and increase efficiency, we must save fertilizer expenditure, reduce waste, and adopt comprehensive corresponding measures to improve fertilizer utilization efficiency. First of all, it is necessary to improve farmland infrastructure and enhance the capacity of water storage and water conservation. In farmland construction, large water can be discharged quickly, small water can drop quickly, water can be diverted in case of drought, and water can adjust fertilizer, so that the fertilizers applied into the soil can be quickly dissolved, transformed and utilized, and the waste of environmental imbalance of water and fertilizer can be reduced. Secondly, it is necessary to increase the application of organic fertilizer and the mixed application of farm fertilizer and chemical fertilizer. The nutrient content of fully mature farm manure is relatively complete, and insisting on the mixed application of chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer can improve soil physical and chemical properties and enhance soil fertility; second, it can make the advantages of late-acting fertilizer and quick-acting fertilizer complement each other; third, it can reduce the volatilization and loss of chemical fertilizer, enhance fertilizer conservation performance, and quickly improve fertilizer supply capacity. Third, it is necessary to apply fertilizer in a scientific formula to avoid the partial application of simple chemical fertilizer. Balanced fertilization for different soils and different crop formulations can not only prevent the antagonistic effect of excessive use of elemental chemical fertilizer, inhibit the nutritional function of other elements, but also meet the needs of different crops for different large amounts of nutrient elements. For example, potassium fertilizer should be applied to the soil with high sand content, boron fertilizer should be applied to the fields growing rape and cotton (18645, 75.00,0.40%), and corresponding trace elements such as zinc, magnesium and molybdenum should be applied according to different soil quality and different crops. Fourth, it is necessary to constantly update fertilization techniques to effectively ensure the quality of fertilization. First, we should advocate the application of high-content multi-component compound fertilizers and reduce the application of low-content compound fertilizers; second, we should actively try high-energy organic-inorganic compound fertilizers; third, we should promote organic-inorganic compound fertilizers; fourth, we should combine fertilizers with high contents of beneficial microorganisms; fifth, we should emphasize the deep application of fertilizers; sixth, we should apply liquid fertilizers at a reasonable dosage; and seventh, we should use drip irrigation to evenly apply liquid fertilizers where possible.