
Can succulent plants rest easy when they enter the dormant period? No wonder your succulent plant is dead.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, For summer, some succulent plants go into dormancy, but some succulent plants are still in the growing period. We need to know that succulent dormancy is actually a way for them to resist the harsh environment, dormancy and the human body need sleep.

For summer, some succulent plants go into dormancy, but some succulent plants are still in the growing period.

We need to know that succulent dormancy is actually a way for them to resist harsh environments. Dormancy is the same way that the human body needs sleep to replenish energy.

During the dormant period, the metabolism and water evaporation of meat are reduced, only by consuming the nutrients preserved in the body to maintain weak life activities, when the bad environment, the environment gets better, it will gradually resume growth.

At this time, although the succulent plant needs less water, it still needs water, so it doesn't have to be watered as frequently as in the growing season. However, it is necessary to extend the watering interval, reduce sunshine and maintain ventilation.

Avoid succulent plants dying of thirst, encounter cool evenings, take time to water them and water them thoroughly along the edge of the basin. There are still many places to pay attention to in the dormant period. In order to better maintain and manage the meat, we also need to learn to identify the dormant period of succulent plant growth and the corresponding period management.

Identification of growth dormancy of succulent plants

It is easy for a great god to distinguish between dormant and semi-dormant periods, but it is a bit tricky for beginners.

In fact, when succulent plants are dormant, their external appearance will change with a series of physiological changes in the body, as long as they are carefully observed and identified according to the changes of some characteristics of the plant.

Characteristics of dormancy period of succulent plants:

1. Look at the body color:

The color of the leaves is dull and dull; the color of the whole plant is basically the same; the color of the lower leaves changes color, or the whole plant changes color; the color and luster of the stem and branch tips are basically the same; the color and luster of the banded and petrified varieties are the same as that of the whole plant.

After the succulent plant enters the dormancy period, photosynthesis will no longer be carried out, and the chlorophyll and anthocyanins in the leaves will naturally gradually enter the dormancy state, so it can be concluded that those who have the same color and bleak color of the whole plant are basically dormant.

two。 Look at the state of growth:

The pointed leaf becomes wider and extends outward; the leaf becomes shorter and flat; the broad leaf extends outward.

There are a small number of fallen leaves, and the leaf tip or leaf tip withered, because after entering dormancy, succulent plants will automatically isolate all external water and nutrients, relying entirely on their own consumption to maintain the dormancy period.

Complete dormancy, the whole plant leaves, some varieties above the soil stem withered; stem tip, branch tip aging into obtuse angle; plant growth stagnation, which is the most obvious phenomenon, after entering the dormancy period, no matter how to water it, light will not grow.

3. View the root system:

The interruption color of the root is basically the same as that of the root; the root is older than the middle part of the root, the diameter of the root is gradually smaller, and there is no obvious new root system.

Characteristics of growing period of succulent plants:

1. Look at the body color:

New leaves with fluffy leaves are lighter or darker than old leaves; leaves glabrous, old leaves smooth and glossy, new leaves fresh and bright

The color of stem tip, branch tip and middle part of stem branch is dark or light, and there are two kinds of color, and there are obvious differences between the top and middle and lower part of banded and petrified varieties.

two。 View the root system:

Compared with the middle part of the root, the root tip is darker and lighter in color; the root tip has a tender shoot 3 to 5 mm long, and its diameter is larger than that in the middle part of the root; it has the largest new root system.

3. Look at the state of growth:

Heart leaves: pointed leaves are long and narrow, uneven, wide-shaped leaves close or curl to the middle; there are no fallen leaves, leaf wilt and other phenomena; stem and branch tips are fresh and tender, acuminate into acute angles; plants are full of vitality.

Management of dormancy period of succulent plants

When the succulent plant is in the dormant period, the absorption, synthesis, conversion and release of nutrient water are reduced or even stopped by the activity of active tissue in the body, and the plant will stop growing. At this time, we should pay attention to the following three key measures:

1. Water and fertilizer management

For the succulent plants entering the dormant period, it is necessary to keep the soil dry, that is, to maintain the loose structure of the soil and low humidity.

This does not mean that the water is cut off! The complete loss of water will destroy the loose structure of the soil and lead to soil consolidation, which is also very harmful to the root system, and in serious cases, it may also lead to the direct death of the meat.

Usually use water and fertilizer to achieve complete dormancy without watering, keep the soil dry; generally dormant to keep the soil moist; semi-dormant appropriate watering mouth fertilizer no matter what kind of dormancy, stop fertilization to avoid fertilizer damage to roots.

two。 Control temperature

Due to different varieties of succulent plants, the temperature they need during the growing period is different, and the temperature they need is very close when they are dormant. Practice has proved that the most suitable temperature is 25: 32 ℃ for summer dormancy, 2-5 ℃ for winter dormancy, and 7-10 ℃ for a few cold-resistant ones.

3. Shade

Succulent plants during dormancy are more vulnerable. Summer is those who do not enter the dormant period of succulent if not shaded, directly exposed to the sun, then there will be sunburn, not to mention dormant succulent. Therefore, do not be afraid of trouble, it is necessary to shade the succulent plants that enter the dormant period.

Finally, I would like to share with you the seven taboos of succulent watering in summer. if you want meat to spend the summer safely, these mistakes must not be made.

1. Watering at noon

Any plant is afraid of this trick, even if it is tanned into a dog at noon, it has to be watered in the evening. You can't stand it when you jump into an ice hole in summer.

two。 Transplanting and watering

It is inevitable to hurt the root after transplanting, and the plant needs a period of adaptation. In addition to spraying carbendazim insurance when transplanting introduced by many popular science posts, watering should not be too thorough.

3. Fertilizer and water are often applied

Succulent mostly do not like acidic soil, more resistant to barren, do not disrelish it to grow slowly always use Amoy rice water or fermented vegetable washing water and so on, that is the balcony garden set. If the soil becomes sour over time, it will not grow well.

4. Stagnant water in the heart of leaves

When watering, accumulating water on the leaves will not only leave water stains, but more importantly, it is easy to encourage the reproduction of bacteria and pests in the leaves. You may not care too much about this at ordinary times, but it's not wise of you to do this all the time once there are bugs.

5. Pelvic floor stagnant water

Friends who grow flowers are afraid of getting dirty and often serve as a base. Watering too much, or dew to catch up with the rain, the stagnant water should be poured out in time, otherwise it is easy to rot the roots.

6. Disease water supply

When it is found that plant pathogens, or the outbreak of insect pests, or inexplicably yellow, withered and rotten, etc., please remember to cut off the water first, analyze clearly and then take corresponding measures to remedy. At this time, water supply can only help it hang more thoroughly!

7. Timidity is not poured.

Having said so much, most of them urge you to see clearly that the situation is less watered, but it is not without watering, aren't you a little scared?

The methods we introduce are mainly aimed at sedum plants, which are not as drought-resistant as cacti, so don't be afraid.

Raising meat is hovering between more and less and finally finding the right amount, which is a fun thing that needs to be explored slowly.

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