
These 11 kinds of flowers are called orchids, not orchids, but they are beautiful. Have you ever raised them?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Many plant names in our lives have an orchid, but they are not true orchid plants, such as spider orchid, clivia, stapia and so on. Orchids have a long history in our country, and the love of orchids among Chinese people is deep, which may be caused by...

Many plants in our lives have orchids in their names, but they are not real orchids, such as orchids, magnolias, orchids, and so on. Orchids have a long history in China, and Chinese people love orchids deeply. perhaps because of this reason, many plants are named with orchids to show their love for them. Let's take a look at those flowers with orchid names.


It's called Lan, not Lan.



Let's first take a look at orchids. Orchids have a long history in China. It is said that Gou Jian, the king of Yue, planted orchids in the mountains of Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province as early as the end of the Spring and Autumn period. After the Wei and Jin dynasties, orchids have been used to decorate the courtyard.

In ancient times, most people collected wild orchids, which began to be cultivated in the court after the Wei and Jin dynasties, and then gradually expanded to the private gardens of the scholar-officials class. In the Tang Dynasty, the cultivation of Lanhui developed to general gardens and flower growers. For example, Li Bai, a great poet in the Tang Dynasty, wrote such poems as "the fragrant wind of orchids is far away, and the roots of Cymbidium grass flow".

Orchids in traditional Chinese flowers only refer to several species of terrestrial orchids distributed in Chinese orchids, such as Chunlan, Huilan, Jianlan, Mulan and Hanlan, which are commonly referred to as "Chinese orchids". There is a big difference between these orchids and tropical orchids in big colors. They have no eye-catching gaudy state and no huge flowers and leaves, but they are simple, quiet, elegant and elegant, which is very much in line with the aesthetic standards of the East.

China has always regarded orchids as a symbol of nobility and elegance, and juxtaposed with "plum, bamboo and chrysanthemum", collectively known as the "four gentlemen". "Lanzhang" is usually used to describe the beauty of poetry and prose, and "Lanjiao" to describe the truth of friendship. There are also orchids to express pure love, "gas such as orchid Xi long does not change, the heart if orchid Xi eventually does not change", "find a bosom friend of the orchid newspaper, a chat gift dream Xiaoxiang". In May 1985, the orchid was named as the fourth of the top ten famous flowers in China.

Gentleman orchid

Magnolia, also known as Magnolia, is a perennial evergreen perennial herbaceous flower of Amaryllidaceae, originally from South Africa. The big flower gentleman orchid leaf color is thick green bright, the flower is large and gorgeous, the plant is dignified and beautiful, enough fine flowers, leaves and potted flowers, can also be used as cut flowers.

The thick and smooth leaves of the gentleman orchid stand upright like a sword, symbolizing the noble character of being strong and resolute and unyielding; its plump flower appearance and bright colors symbolize prosperity, prosperity and happiness, so it is not too much to become the flower of a gentleman.

Afraid of heat but not cold-resistant, like semi-overcast and humid environment, afraid of strong direct sunlight, the best temperature for growth is between 18-28 ℃, below 10 ℃, above 30 ℃, growth is inhibited. The gentleman orchid likes the ventilated environment, likes the deep, fertile and loose soil, and is suitable to grow in the loose and fertile slightly acidic organic matter soil.

Hanging orchid

Cymbidium is a perennial evergreen herb of the genus Cymbidium of Liliaceae. the flower stem is extracted from the leaves and grows into a stolon and leaves in clusters at the top, with white flowers, often 2-4 clusters.

Hanging orchid roots and leaves like orchid, green all the year round, very beautiful. When the orchid blossoms, the flower stem protrudes from the leaves, the shape is elegant, the shape is unique, deeply loved by florists. And the air purification ability of hanging orchid is also strong, which is a good choice for many newly decorated families. Cymbidium has strong adaptability, easy to survive, low requirements for soil, and relatively shade-tolerant, so it has been cultivated in many families.

Sex likes a warm, humid, semi-overcast environment. It is adaptable, drought-resistant and not very cold-resistant. Instead of soil, it grows better in sandy soil with good drainage and loose fertility. Light requirements are not strict, generally suitable for growth in medium light conditions, but also resistant to weak light. The suitable temperature for growth was 15 ℃ and 25 ℃, and the overwintering temperature was 5 ℃.

Tiger tail orchid

Tiger tail orchid, also known as tiger skin orchid, thousand-year-old orchid, is a perennial herbaceous foliage plant of the genus Liliaceae. The leaf is erect, thick, with horizontal white lines, like a tiger tail, hence the name.

Tiger tail orchid varieties are Phnom Penh tiger tail orchid, short leaf tiger skin orchid and so on. Tiger tail orchid is very shady, but also can absorb harmful gases, suitable for decoration study, living room, office space, can be watched for a long time.

Tiger tail orchid has strong adaptability, warm and humid sex, drought resistance, light and shade tolerance. The requirement of soil is not strict, and the sandy loam with better drainage is better. The suitable temperature for growth is 20-30 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is 10 ℃.

Wind and rain orchid

Onion orchid and leek orchid are collectively called wind and rain orchid, because they are often in full bloom after heavy rain in spring and summer. Wind and rain orchid are perennial herbs of Lycoris family. The flowers of wind and rain orchid are very beautiful, their petals droop slightly in the sun, vermicelli pink, shining brilliantly.

The cultivation soil of Cymbidium is better in fertile sandy loam, the cultivation site should have sufficient sunshine, the shade is not easy to divide the bulb, and it is not easy to blossom. Fertilizer can be used organic fertilizer such as oil meal, compost or nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium fertilizer, once every 2-3 months, according to the proportion of phosphorus, potassium fertilizer, can promote bulb hypertrophy, good flowering. When the plants are clustered and crowded, the ramets must be forced. Strong in nature, drought-resistant and high-temperature resistant, easy to cultivate, and the suitable temperature for growth is 22-30 degrees.

Crab claw orchid

Crab claw orchid is an epiphytic succulent plant of cactus family. Crab claw orchid is called crab claw orchid because of its joint shape such as crab's secondary claw. Because it blossoms at Christmas, it is also called "Christmas cactus" abroad. Crab claw orchid has a variety of colors and is deeply loved by flower friends at home and abroad.

Crab claw orchid like cool, warm environment, more resistant to drought, afraid of summer heat, more resistant to shade. The suitable temperature for growth is 20-25 ℃, and the temperature during dormancy is about 15 ℃. Like loose, rich in organic matter, good drainage and ventilation of the matrix. Crab claw orchid is a short-day plant, under the condition of 8-10 hours of sunshine every day, it can blossom in 2-3 months, and the flowering period can be adjusted by controlling light.

Magnolia paniculata

Crane orchid is also called Paradise Bird, the flower shape is peculiar, the posture is graceful, the shape is like the crane to look at afar, hence this name. Superior linear sense and fresh and elegant form complement each other, known as the "king of fresh cut flowers".

The orchid is a perennial herb of the banana family, stemless. The florescence is in winter. The orchid is evergreen all the year round with beautiful leaves and strange flower shape. it can be planted in the corner of the courtyard for landscaping and flower beds and flower border embellishment.

Artemisia paniculata is a subtropical long sunshine plant. It likes warm, moist, sunny environment, afraid of cold, avoid extreme heat, drought and waterlogging. Loose, fertile sandy loam with good drainage and pH 6-7 is required. The suitable temperature during the growing period is 20-28 ℃.


Tequila, also known as tequila and flax, is a perennial evergreen large herb of the genus tequila in the winter family. Because its leaves are firm, the four seasons are evergreen, and the flowers are yellowish green, a large number of beads can be produced on the inflorescence after flowering. The place of origin usually takes decades to blossom, and after flowering, the mother plant dies and cross-pollination can bear fruit.

Tequila likes plenty of sunshine, slightly resistant to cold, not shade, likes cool and dry environment, the suitable temperature for growth is 15-25 ℃, and can be cultivated in the open field at the temperature above 5 ℃. The leaves of adult tequila only suffer mild freezing injury at the low temperature of minus 5 ℃, and the aboveground parts of minus 13 ℃ are frozen and rotten, and the underground stem does not die. It can sprout and develop leaves the following year and grow normally. Cold and dry in winter is the most beneficial to its growth. The drought resistance is strong, and the requirement for soil is not strict, so it is suitable to use loose, fertile and well-drained moist sandy soil.

Ball orchid

Cymbidium is a plant of the genus Cymbidium of the family Asclepiadaceae. Climbing shrubs, native to trees or stones, angry roots on stem nodes, like semi-shade. And the whole plant can be used as medicine. Belong to both beautiful and practical flowers.

Ball Lando attached to tree trunks and stone walls, like warm, dry, warm, high humidity, semi-shady environment, summer and autumn need to maintain a high air temperature, avoid scorching sun exposure, if the sun is too strong, the leaf color will turn yellow, the color will be coarse and dull, its suitable temperature is 20: 25 "C, except in the warm areas of South China, pot planting needs a greenhouse to survive the winter, the winter temperature is not less than 1 ℃, and there is sufficient sunshine for 3 hours a day to bloom. Often potted foliage in areas with insufficient light It grows exuberantly in the soil rich in humus and with good drainage, and is more suitable for more light and slightly dry soil.

One-leaf orchid

One-leaf orchid is Liliaceae, spider egg-holding plant, you read correctly, it is spider-holding egg. Because the shape of the green berries on both sides is like a spider's egg, and the underground rhizome exposed to the soil is like a spider, it is named "spider holding egg".

One-leaf orchid has strong adaptability and extremely shade-resistant, so it is an excellent shade-loving foliage plant for indoor greening and decoration. Magnolia has a certain refreshing effect on the air, can absorb formaldehyde, carbon dioxide, hydrogen fluoride also has a certain absorption, but also can absorb a certain amount of dust.

One-leaf orchid like warm and humid, semi-overcast environment, more cold-resistant, extremely shade-resistant. The suitable temperature for growth is 10: 25 ℃, while the range of growth temperature is 7: 30 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is 0: 3 ℃.

Sword orchid

Sword orchid, also known as Gladiolus, is a perennial herb of Iridaceae and Gladiolus. Its original species comes from the Cape of good Hope in South Africa and has been interspecific for many times. The cultivated varieties are widely distributed all over the world. The flower stem is higher than the leaf, and the Corolla tube is inflated in the shape of a funnel. The flower colors are red, yellow, purple, white, blue and other monochrome or multi-color varieties, which are very beautiful.

It is widely cultivated all over the world. The main producing countries are the United States, the Netherlands, Israel and Japan. Gladiolus is an important fresh cut flower, which can be used as flower basket, bouquet, vase and so on. Flower borders and special flower beds can be arranged. Dwarf varieties can be cultivated in pots. Together with cut rose, carnation and Fulang flower, it is known as the "four cut flowers in the world".

Gladiolus is a warm-loving plant, but too high air temperature is disadvantageous to its growth and is not cold-tolerant. The suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃ ~ 25 ℃. The corm can sprout in the soil temperature above 5 ℃. It is a typical long sunshine plant, long sunshine is beneficial to flower bud differentiation, lack of light will reduce the number of flowers, but after flower bud differentiation, short day sunshine is beneficial to the formation of flower buds and early flowering.

The bulbs of summer flowers must be stored indoors for the winter, and the room temperature should not be lower than 0 ℃. The cultivated soil is suitable for fertile sandy loam, the pH value is less than 7; especially like fertilizer, phosphorus fertilizer can improve the quality of flowers, potassium fertilizer can improve the quality of corms and the number of bulbs.

Fragrant snow orchid

Cymbidium belongs to Iridaceae and perennial bulbous herbaceous flowers. Also known as freesia, bulbs narrowly ovate or ovoid, leaves sword-shaped or strip-shaped, flower stems erect, flowers erect sessile, yellowish or yellowish green, fragrant, flowering from April to May and fruiting from June to September.

The main varieties are lilac "Blue Sister", bright yellow "cream cup", red "fast red", white "beautiful" and orange "Spring Day" and so on.

It is native to southern Africa and is cultivated in both north and south of China. Because the color is as white as snow and the fragrance of flowers is as faint as orchid, it is named Xiang Xuelan.

Xiangxue orchid prefers cool, humid and sunny environment, and its cold resistance is poor. The suitable temperature for growth is 15 ℃ ~ 20 ℃, and the lowest overwintering temperature is 3 ℃ ~ 5 ℃. The temperature difference between day and night is large, which is beneficial to growth and development. The suitable temperature is 10 ℃ ~ 15 ℃ at night and no more than 20 ℃ in daytime, otherwise the growth is poor. Like loose, good drainage, humus-rich soil.

During the growth of Xiangxue orchid, the bulb could promote rooting and germination under the condition of 13.5 ℃ ~ 15 ℃. Flower bud differentiation requires a low temperature of 8 ℃ ~ 13 ℃. Under the condition of short-day light, Xiangxuelan is beneficial to promote flower bud differentiation. After flower bud differentiation, long sunshine can blossom earlier. The bulbs are usually sown in September, the flower buds begin to differentiate in early November, and the differentiation is completed in late November. After May of the following year, the leaves withered gradually and the corms entered the period of natural dormancy.

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