
Stop complaining that your triangular plum only grows leaves and does not blossom to make it blossom at the following four points

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Triangular plum is also called bare leaf flower. Culture is well managed, full of buds, almost can not see leaves, and a variety of colors, colorful, with high ornamental value. The triangular plum blossom period is slightly different in different regions and climates all over the country.

Triangular plum is also called bare leaf flower. Culture is well managed, full of buds, almost can not see leaves, and a variety of colors, colorful, with high ornamental value. The flowering period of triangular plum varies slightly in different regions and climates all over the country, some blossom in winter and spring, and some in summer and autumn, as long as the flowering temperature should be controlled above 15 ℃. The longest florescence can be about 200 days. Every flowering period, I always hear flower friends complain that their triangular plums only grow leaves but do not blossom. In fact, it is not difficult to have more triangular plum blossoms, and it is not difficult to have a long flowering period. As long as you do the following four points, you will not worry about triangular plum blossoms.

1. Light. Triangular plum is a plant with strong light and short-day flowering. During the peak period of branch and leaf growth, there should be no less than 10-12 hours of sufficient light every day. When there is plenty of sunshine, triangulated plums will grow vigorously and store energy for flowering. To the flower bud differentiation period, it can no longer be given long-day light, give it 8 hours of light every day to promote its flower bud differentiation. If you want to artificially control its florescence, the specific operation is as follows: give sufficient light every day from 8: 00 a.m. to 4: 00 p.m., the rest of the time put the triangular plum in a dark environment, or find a black plastic bag to cover the plant, so that it can not see the light at all, with the temperature, water control and fertilization management above 15 ℃, so that it can bud and blossom in your preset time for about a month and a half. After flowering, the triangular plum should also be given sufficient light, long-term lack of light will cause the triangular plum to shed buds or leaves.

two。 Watering, water control, watering trilogy. The branches and leaves of Prunus mume should be given adequate water supply during the growing period, but in the early stage of flowering, if you want to blossom neatly and more, you must carry out water control management before flowering. That is, before the flower bud differentiation, the triangular plum can be watered with a small amount of water every time after the basin soil is dry and the branches and leaves are soft, so as to keep the plant from withering and dying. Repeat this for about 20 days, so that the triangular plum has a survival crisis, and then normal watering, so that about a month, triangular plum can bud and blossom, and the flowers are neat and prosperous. Do not flood water after flowering to prevent flowers from withering or falling early.

3. Fertilize. If you want the triangular plum to blossom more often, you can apply more rotten bean cake water or nitrogen fertilizer to store energy for flowering in its seedling stage or vigorous period of branch and leaf growth. When Prunus mume is about to enter the period of flower bud differentiation, the intake of nitrogen fertilizer should be stopped in time and the fertilizer based on phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied. Proper amount of rotten chicken manure can be buried around the basin in advance, or rotten cake fertilizer water can be applied every 15 days, combined with spraying 1000 potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution every 7-10 days, which can promote flower bud differentiation more quickly.

4. Trim. Triangular plums, like jasmine, are new branches blooming. Therefore, if you want the triangular plum to blossom more and have a beautiful plant shape, you should pay attention to shaping and pruning from the growing period of branches and leaves, so as to promote the growth of lateral branches and produce more flowers. And after each flowering period, the overdense branches, overgrown branches and weak branches should be thinned in time, and the flowering branches should be trimmed a little to promote it to blossom early and blossom more next time.