
How to treat aphids? there are more than a dozen tried at home, or these two methods are the most reliable.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Said the red spider, found that everyone's messages are complaining about aphids, it is right how the balcony can be less of this group of small nuisance! Closed balcony, poor ventilation, and then planted with Rosaceae or Compositae succulent tender leaves and plants, such attractive conditions, aphids.

Said the red spider, found that everyone's messages are complaining about aphids, it is right how the balcony can be less of this group of small nuisance! Closed balcony, poor ventilation, and then planted with Rosaceae or Compositae succulent tender leaves and plants, such attractive conditions, aphids will certainly come uninvited.

Aphids can be more righteous than red spiders, will not hide in the back of the leaves unknowingly devour flowers and plants, flower buds are the gathering place of aphids, fingers touch, wet and thick is the secretion of aphids, do not underestimate these secretions for flowers and plants can be fatal, for ants is jade jelly.

They are responsible for the "rain" under the tree.

Aphids, commonly known as greasy insects, belong to Homoptera pests with piercing and sucking mouthparts. Adults and nymphs often gather in leaves, tender stems, flower buds, terminal buds and other parts, gobbling up juice, making leaves wrinkled, curled and deformed. The secretion of aphids remains on the branches and leaves will cause plant coal fouling disease, so it brings the disaster of killing plants.

And ants like sweets, and the secretions of aphids contain sweet substances such as glucose and sucrose, which is really difficult for ants to resist temptation. Even ants will keep aphids in captivity to provide them with food and protect their personal safety. Even they don't forget to bring them to their nests during the winter. Biologists vividly call captive aphids "cows".

Walking in the shade, will you feel that there are always "little raindrops", especially poplar locust willow, Luan tree and pomegranate pepper tree, the more sunny they are, the more sunny they are, the more they drop on their faces and clothes, the road always feels wet, and in some places they are covered with oily black, and walking on them is like stepping on glue. When they lift their feet, they will make a noise. These are also the "masterpieces" of aphids. If you have such an experience walking under a tree, it means that there must be a lot of aphids on the buds of this tree.

They can not be judged by their appearance, but their small bodies hide great abilities.

Aphids can be divided into two types: winged and wingless. The color of aphids is different in different stages, green in the early stage, black in the later stage, and the skin is white. Armies of aphids breed all year round, reproducing faster at a temperature of 29 ℃ and on a par with red spiders. It also has solitary reproduction, and females can reproduce without mating with males. In spring and summer, aphids begin to play the role of "heroic mothers" to reproduce by parthenogenesis, and in winter they spawn by mating between males and females. It is said that in the warm south, they are even more rampant, carrying out parthenogenesis all the year round.

Imagine a female aphid for nearly 150 days from June to November, assuming that all the offspring can survive. During this period, it takes about 10 days to complete one generation, so that 15 generations will be produced when generations overlap, and the number of children and grandchildren is amazing! And with the increase of temperature, the breeding days of aphids will be shortened accordingly. Suddenly feel that the aphid army to occupy the earth, but also by the natural environment and natural enemies constraints, did not reach the above-mentioned number.

Make use of aphids' tendency towards color to ward off sticky aphids!

Hang the armyworm yellow board, pay attention to choose the yellow armyworm board, aphids have a special preference for yellow, smear a layer of high-viscosity sticky glue on the yellow board, when the aphids throw in, they will die once they are glued. At the same time, the armyworm yellow board has no harm to the natural enemies of aphids, so it is also conducive to biological control.

Key points for the use of armyworm yellow board

1. Placement time: the effect of continuous use is the best, starting from early May to early November. It is best to use it from the nursery stage. The effect is the best during the whole production period.

2, the number of use: usually armyworm yellow board is the size of A3 paper, a balcony to put 1-2 sheets is enough, you can also cut open scattered layout.

3. Usage: insert the lower part into the flowerpot with a stick or bamboo pole. Or with wire or plastic rope armyworm yellow board perforated hanging. The effect of placing armyworm yellow board in east-west direction is better than that in the north and south dynasties.

4. Placement method: the armyworm yellow board should be kept slightly higher than the plant growth point. When the aphid coverage area reaches more than 60%, the effect of the armyworm decreases and should be replaced in time.

In addition, aphids have the characteristics of avoiding silver gray. In agriculture and forestry, there are also ways to use silver-gray plastic film to avoid aphids. At home, we can collect some silver-gray food bags or milk powder bags. Puffed food and biscuit bags are all silver-gray, cut and washed, flip silver-gray outward, and insert them into flowerpots with small sticks. It can play a role in repelling aphids.

A potion that is amicably evaluated by 90% flowers, kill with good aphids!

Imidacloprid, usually see the following types on a certain treasure, 10% wettable powder, 25% wettable powder, 50% wettable powder, 70% wettable powder, the principle is to interfere with the motor nervous system of aphids, after contact with agents, the normal conduction of the central nervous system of aphids is blocked and paralyzed to death.

The reason why imidacloprid has good insecticidal effect is that it has plant internal absorption, which means that the drug ingredient will enter the plant after spraying and transmit to the details with the flow of plant body fluid. Unlike avermectin killing red spiders, you can't miss every corner of the plant. As long as imidacloprid is sprayed on the front of the leaf, the aphids on the back will also be hit. Of course, don't take any chances, you should spray it evenly and prevent it from getting worse.

Main points for use of imidacloprid:

The main results are as follows: 1. The efficacy cycle: it has a high control effect 1 day after the drug, and the duration is as long as 25 days.

2. Usage: we generally dilute imidacloprid about 1000 times, and the effect is good, that is, the content of 10% wettable powder should be one gram and a liter of water, the content of 25% wettable powder should be one gram, two and a half liters of water, and so on.

3. Use time: in order to give full play to the efficacy, the spray should be better in the sunny and windless morning, and the effect should be brought into full play when the temperature is high. In addition, the efficacy is positively correlated with temperature, so the higher the temperature, the better the insecticidal effect of spraying.

4. Precautions: continuous use of imidacloprid is easy to produce drug resistance. It is not recommended to use imidacloprid for a long time. It can be used alternately or mixed with other agents with different action mechanisms.

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