
Everlasting green roses mountain roses look like budding roses

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Mountain rose (plant) mountain rose is a general name for succulent plants of the family Rhodiaceae and mountain rose (Latin: Greenovia Webb & Berthel), which has been classified into the genus Lotus. Having leaves in growing season (winter and spring).

Mountain rose (plant)

Mountain rose is a general name for the succulent plants of the family crassulaceae and mountain rose genus (Latin: Greenovia Webb & Berthel), which has been classified into the genus Lotus. It has the characteristics of leaf expansion in growing period (winter and spring) and closing in dormant period (summer).

The fleshy leaves are arranged in a rosette, and the plant sizes of different species vary greatly. The Aeonium aizoon of small species is only 2 to 4 cm, while that of large species A.diplocyclum can reach 30-40 cm or more.

The leaf color varies from gray-green, blue-green to emerald-green according to the difference of species and growth environment, and the leaves may show reddish-brown markings after exposure to the sun.

In some species, the leaves are slightly powdery and tomentose, or the leaf margin is glandular hairy. The flowering period is from late spring to early summer, with racemes and yellow flowers. After flowering, the mother plant will gradually wither with the maturity of the seeds, but the lateral buds at the base of the reliable plant will continue the offspring.

Morphological characteristics

The fleshy leaves of mountain roses are alternate and arranged in a rosette, and the plant width varies greatly from 2 cm to 40 cm according to different varieties. The leaves are gray-green and blue-green.

Or emerald green, etc. Florescence late spring to early summer, racemes, yellow flowers. After flowering, with the maturity of the seed, the mother plant will gradually wither, but there will be small buds growing at the base.

Because of its dormant period to avoid strong light, heat and other adverse weather, the outer leaves aging and withering, while the central part of the leaves tightly wrapped together, the plant type is very similar to the budding roses, precisely because of this characteristic, it makes most plant lovers crazy.

Distribution range

Distributed in the rock crevices of the coniferous forest area on the northward slopes of the Canary Islands and the nearby islands of Grand Canary, Tenerife, Yero, Gomera and La Palma, the southern high island of Tenerife, the inaccessible area on the north slope of 950m above sea level, and the open area of coniferous forests on the north side of La Palma, Yero and Gomera Island.

Growing environment

Mountain roses grow in canyons, mountain rock crevices, and coniferous woodlands. The dormant period is from July to August. During dormancy, the outer leaves wither, the central leaves shrink in the shape of roses, and the summer ventilation, less water and 50% shading can maintain the state of "enchantment".

Mountain roses like cool, dry and sunny environment, resistant to drought and semi-shade, afraid of stagnant water and muggy humidity, and have the habit of dormant in high temperature season and growth in cool season. The growth period is from autumn to late spring, it is appropriate to give sufficient sunlight, such as lack of light will make the plant grow too long, resulting in loose plant type and thinner leaves.

The growing period is from mid-September to June of the following year. If you move indoors in winter, you can grow normally. Pay attention to regular ventilation. After entering the growing period, the original "enchanting" rose pattern will unfold rapidly within a few weeks, and its shape is very similar to that of other Aeonium species, which may be the reason for merging with Aeonium.

Reproduction method

Season requirement

The growing period of mountain rose is from autumn to late spring.

Lighting requirement

It is appropriate to give sufficient sunshine, always keep the basin soil slightly wet, avoid hot sun exposure, but also avoid rain, so as not to cause plant rot due to muggy heat and humidity. In addition to summer dormancy appropriate shading, the rest of the time should be given sufficient sunlight, which is consistent with most crassulaceae plants.

Fertilization requirements

Whether to apply fertilizer or not is not strict, generally put some particles of slow-release fertilizer in the soil to meet its growth needs.

Matters needing attention

1. Although the plant will not die at about 0 ℃ in winter, the growth often stops, so it is best to have the lowest temperature of about 5 ℃ and the temperature difference between day and night of about 10 ℃.

2, summer most mountain roses should enter the dormancy period, should avoid hot sun exposure, but also to avoid rain, so as not to cause plant rot due to muggy heat and humidity.

3. The basin turning of mountain rose is better in autumn, and the basin soil is required to be loose and breathable, and has a certain granular soil, which is generally planted with a small amount of peat or peat soil mixed with vermiculite, perlite or other granular materials.

Cultivation techniques


The ventilation of the indoor closed balcony is not good, so the amount of non-granular part of the matrix is very small, only about 1 peat 6 hull and peat; the remaining 5 accesses 6 are all kinds of particles, including honeycomb cinder, blue stone, light stone, ceramsite, perlite, pebbles, etc.; in addition, 2 mm diameter Maifan stone and pebbles are used for paving. The particles at the bottom of the basin can be larger, but the particle size in the middle is best controlled at 3mm or less, because the root system of mountain roses is relatively fine, and the particles are too large, which will be disadvantageous to root growth. Personally, I don't put pesticides in the matrix, and I rarely use fungicides other than potassium permanganate. All substrates are soaked in water before use and heated in the microwave oven for 20 minutes, at the expense of some favorable bacteria in exchange for peace of mind to avoid pesticide residues.

Feed water

The air humidity in Nanjing is relatively high, which is relatively more than Rain Water, and the light intensity is also insufficient, so water is generally given only once every 4 weeks, which is helpful to control the plant type. Personal habit to soak the basin, the water surface is about 2par 3 height of the basin, soak it out for a few seconds, keep the surface of the matrix dry all the year round, so as to avoid bad heart as far as possible. Another advantage of soaking basin is that it can freely control the water supply, for example, at the end of spring, many growers will gradually reduce the water supply and then transition to water cut-off throughout the summer. But I did not cut off the water for the mountain roses in summer. At most, I took it out with a quick dip in the water to keep the bottom of the basin moist. Facts have proved that there is no problem, especially the seedlings, there is no need to cut off the water in summer, and at most it can be controlled slightly.


Mountain roses must be well ventilated in summer. For example, when you put it in an open window during the day, people usually turn on the air conditioner at night. If you don't turn on the air conditioner, you can leave it in the open window all day. You can even hang a breeze ceiling fan nearby. As long as it is well ventilated and the plant roots are healthy, they can spend the summer safely. But it's best not to put it here in the morning, put it there in the evening, and move it constantly every day, for that excessive indulgence is not conducive to the normal growth of plants. If you want to grow plants well, the key is not what you want to give them, but try to figure out what they want.


The southward window is ideal, of course, the more ideal state is open-air cultivation, but this is just a dream for most balcony households. So except for lovers in blessed places such as Kunming, it is hard for most Jingtian lovers to see mountain roses being sunburned. What a charming purplish red with a gray background!

Key points of culture

The whole plant state, which is like a rose bud, only appears in the dormant season in summer, during which the leaves at the bottom of the plant wither and the root system becomes darker, like dead wood. In the other three seasons, its leaves, like other lotus palms, opened normally in the shape of a rosette. If you pay attention to the observation, you will find that the flower bones formed by all the leaves rolled toward the center when the mountain roses are dormant are very similar to the leaf centers of many lotus palms in summer. In addition, I would like to remind you that in the actual planting, please try not to accumulate water in the center of the leaves, otherwise it is easy to break your heart, especially in an indoor environment with poor ventilation. If you inadvertently accumulate water in the heart of the leaves, it is best to ventilate as much as possible after being dried with cotton swabs.

Key points of cultivation

Mountain roses like cool, dry, sunny environment, resistant to drought and semi-shade, afraid of stagnant water and muggy humidity, and have the habit of dormant in high temperature season and growth in cool season. The growth period is from mid-September in autumn to late spring in June of the following year, when the plant should be given sufficient sunlight. If the light is insufficient, the plant will grow too long, resulting in loose plant shape and thinning of leaves. If you move indoors in winter, you can grow normally. Pay attention to regular ventilation. Adequate sunlight should be given to keep the basin soil slightly wet all the time. The dormant period is from July to August.

Although the plant will not die at about 0 ℃ in winter, the dormant period in summer requires good ventilation and controlled watering to make the plant spend the hot summer in a ventilated, dry and cool environment. Avoid hot sun exposure, but also to avoid rain, so as not to cause plant rot due to muggy heat and humidity. The turning pot of mountain rose is better in autumn, and the basin soil requires loose, breathable, granular and contains a small amount of organic matter. Generally use a small amount of peat or peat soil mixed with vermiculite, perlite or other granular materials.

During the growing period, the basin soil should always be kept slightly wet, the accumulation of water in the soil and excessive drought are not conducive to plant growth, especially to avoid stagnant water in the center of the foliage, otherwise it is easy to cause heart rot. Fertilization requirements are not strict, generally put some particles in the soil slow-release fertilizer can meet the growth needs.

Related species

Green jade cup

Scientific name: Aeonium aizoon (Bolle) Mes

Relatively rare, the leaves are dark green and covered with a thin coat of villi, which are smaller than other plants of the genus Nelumbo nucifera. They are generally 2 to 4cm in diameter in natural growth, and many lateral buds grow at the bottom in spring. The florescence is from February to April, the inflorescence can grow to 12cm, the color of the flower is golden, the mother plant withered and the lateral buds continue to grow.

Golden Mountain Rose

Scientific name: Aeonium aureum (C.Smith ex Hornemann) Mes

Distributed in Grand Canary Island, Tenerife Island, Yero Island, Gomera Island and La Palma Island. The leaf is 20-25cm in diameter with a light blue color and a layer of white powder on the surface. The florescence is from May to July, the flower color is milky yellow, there are a large number of seeds after flowering, and a lot of lateral buds can also grow.

Egg mountain rose

Scientific name: Aeonium diplocyclum (Webb ex Bolle) Mes

Distributed in Gomera, La Palma and Yero in the Canary Islands. In the native place, it is often mixed with Huangjindi rose, with a diameter of 10-20cm, and the plant type is also difficult to distinguish from Huangjinshan rose. it may be slightly smaller, but the flower is larger. The leaves are yellowish green and covered with white powder. The summer leaves are cupped and wrapped in withered leaves.

Emerald ball

Scientific name: Aeonium dodrantale (Willdenow) Mes

It is distributed in the east and west of Tenerife Island and grows at an altitude of 150-1200m. Remote eastern and western regions. As a result of tourism development, the number of wild plants is decreasing day by day, the diameter is 10cm, it is very easy to grow lateral buds, and the inflorescence is 20cm.

The reproduction of mountain roses can be sowed in the growing season, and autumn is the best. Spread the seeds evenly on the soil surface without covering the soil, and water them in a "soaking basin" where there is no direct sunlight, so as to prevent the small seeds from being washed away by water.

Germinate 5 to 10 days after sowing, keep the soil moist at seedling stage, and give sufficient and soft light. When the seedlings are overcrowded, the seedlings should be divided in time so as not to affect the growth. Can also be in the growing season to break off the lateral buds to dry for 3 to 5 days, such as the wound dry directly on the pot planting, roots can survive without roots.

Most of the mountain roses in summer should enter the dormancy period, so the maintenance of mountain roses in summer should have good ventilation, control watering, and make the plants spend the hot summer in a ventilated, dry and cool environment. Avoid hot sun exposure but also avoid rain, so as not to cause plant rot due to muggy heat and humidity.

Mountain rose language

Green roses that never fade.

Mountain roses refer to plants of the genus greenovia. In fact, the small genus greenovia no longer exists after 2003, because it was incorporated into the genus Aeonium by taxonomists in 2003. But for the sake of description, the following is called greenovia.

Mountain rose series are so popular mostly because they look so sweet when they are dormant.

The so-called "everlasting green rose" is the charming series of mountain roses in Jingtian family. The flower language of roses is love and beauty, so does the everlasting green rose represent more lasting love and beauty?