
Is there anything more drought-resistant than the inventory of plants that do not need to be watered?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Bonsai flowers with green plants need to be watered. What if they don't have time to water regularly? Then raise the following kinds, lazy people can raise well, too diligent but may be waterlogged to death. First, South Tianzhu, South Tianzhu is a good photographer in the hometown of farmers.

Bonsai flowers with green plants need to be watered. What if they don't have time to water regularly? Then raise the following kinds, lazy people can raise well, too diligent but may be waterlogged to death.

First, South Tianzhu, South Tianzhu is one of the favorite courtyard green plants of farmers in the farmer's hometown. Its leaves are always green all the year round, and the fruit is red. Chinese people all like red. Moreover, it has the characteristics of drought tolerance. It is grown in the open courtyard environment. 365 days a year do not need watering, drought tolerance 5 stars.

Second, cypress, this is a very high-grade bonsai tree, cypress planting is also very simple, as long as it can come into contact with air and sunlight, fat is not thin, fat is not rotten, adaptability is particularly strong, drought resistance is also a good first-class ah, basically no watering, drought tolerance 5 stars.

Third, the tiger thorn bonsai is popular in recent years, its leaves are also evergreen, the fruit period is from November to the Spring Festival (mid-February), hanging fruit for a long time, the fruit is festive red, drought tolerance five stars.

Fourth, the desert oasis cactus, its drought resistance needless to say, desert plants to the general place, it can only be afraid of waterlogging, ah, drought resistance 5 stars.

Fifth, orchid, as the saying goes: dry orchid wet chrysanthemum, which means that orchids like dry soil, because orchids take root in fleshy gas, and if there is more water, they will rot.

The good farmer is to raise orchids in the open air. He only watered the Beginning of Autumn once in 2016, when there was no rain for more than 40 days in midsummer. The ability to resist drought is 4 stars.