
The cultivation technique of breaking film and collecting rain in corn nest pond has a remarkable effect on increasing yield.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The cultivation technique of breaking film and collecting rain in corn nest pond has a remarkable effect on increasing yield.

Wotang breaks membrane to collect rain

The cultivation technique of breaking film and collecting rain in pond can concentrate the rainwater around the pond to the maximum extent to ensure the moisture needed for corn emergence and achieve seedling uniformity and seedling strength. The technology breaks through the limitation of non-concentration of rainwater scattered by traditional flat film mulching, collects rainwater through ponds, improves rainfall utilization rate by 3 times and seedling emergence rate by 5.9% compared with conventional flat film mulching, and has remarkable effects of rainwater collection, drought resistance and yield increase. The technical points are as follows:

I. Soil preparation and soil moisture management: after harvest, cultivate land and sun-sow in time. It is required that the soil moisture is flat and fine, 1.3 meters open, and the soil moisture surface is 15 cm high. Pond: large row spacing 90 cm, small row spacing 40 cm, plant spacing 40 cm, pond depth 13-15 cm. Ensure that 2300-2400 ponds are drilled per mu.

II. Fertilization: according to the principle of formula fertilization, appropriately control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer and increase the amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. The base fertilizer is applied with 1500 kg of decomposed farm manure and 40 kg of compound fertilizer per mu; the farm manure is applied in the center of the pond, and the compound fertilizer is applied in a ring around the pond.

Third, cover film: properly relax the film, compact the side film, take a certain amount of soil to compact the center of the pond, form a pond shape, so as to effectively collect rainwater. Break the film: in the center of the pond position with a wooden stick to pierce the film, conducive to rainwater concentrated in the pond center, see the soil moisture timely sowing.

IV. Sowing: Select medium-early and excellent varieties with stable yield and short growth period, and appropriately increase the sowing amount. 2-3 seeds per pond, sowing 2-3 kg per mu, ensuring 4600-4800 plants per mu.

V. Intertillage management: timely thinning and fixing seedlings, scientific topdressing, and prevention and control of diseases, insect pests and weeds.

VI. Harvest: harvest at the right time, harvest in fine weather after the corn is really ripe, and store it properly after drying.