
This kind of wild fruit looks like a cherry but cannot be eaten, but it is a folk medicine for skin itching.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In the past, when it came to summer, it was time for rural children to go crazy, because in summer, all kinds of wild fruits began to bear fruit or mature in the countryside, wild fields and mountain forests.

In the past, when it came to summer, it was time for rural children to go crazy, because in summer, all kinds of wild fruits began to bear fruit or mature in rural fields and mountain forests. For rural children at that time, these wild fruits are the most delicious snacks. I believe that many post-80s and post-90s rural children have experienced it, but not all wild fruits can be eaten. Some wild fruits don't look good. But can not eat, the following author introduces such a kind.

It is now mid-July, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Many friends must be hiding at home with air conditioners, eating watermelons and playing with their mobile phones, but the author still went to the mountains to explore a lot of wild plants. Today, the name of this wild plant is more interesting, called "chicken striped tree".

Chicken stripe trees are mainly distributed in the rural areas of Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan, Shandong, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hubei, Sichuan and other provinces and cities in China. Many friends may not have seen it, because this tree mainly grows in the mountains, streams and valleys or under the woods at an altitude of about 1000 meters to 1500 meters above sea level.

Seriously, this chicken-striped tree is worthless, at least in my hometown. It is very small and generally has a height of about 1.5 meters. I remember that in the past, I often went to the mountains with my parents to cut firewood. The chicken-striped tree is often cut down, because it is not high and it is easy to cut down.

However, there is something unique about this chicken tree, that is, it blossoms beautifully, and it will bear wild fruit after July, which is also very attractive and shaped like a cherry. The author remembers that when I was young, there were many rural children in the village who secretly picked and ate the wild fruit because it was good-looking, but found that the wild fruit could not be eaten, so they did not like it and helped adults to cut it down.

However, the author recently found that the chicken striped tree fruit is still a rarity, and now it sells for 20 yuan per jin in my hometown, so what is the use of the chicken striped tree fruit?

According to a friend of an old farmer in the village, this chicken tree fruit can not be eaten, but it has very good medicinal value. It is a kind of folk medicine for treating diseases. It can be used to boil water and drink or directly mash it into juice. It can be used to relieve cough and treat symptoms such as acute and chronic tracheitis and cough.

The author also consulted the relevant materials, according to the records of "Chinese Materia Medica", not only the fruit of chicken strips has medicinal value, but even its branches and leaves also have medicinal value, in which the branches of chicken stripes have the effect of activating menstruation, detoxification and itching. It can be used to treat rheumatic arthritis, low back pain and leg pain, while leaves can be used externally to treat sores, furuncle, ringworm, skin itching and other symptoms.

So don't underestimate this kind of tree, its value is actually very high, but many people don't know it. Of course, the author here is only to give you the knowledge of "popular science" chicken trees, and it is not recommended that you use them at will.

Dear friends, do you know anything about "Chicken Tiao Tree"? Did you eat the wild fruit of "chicken stick tree fruit" when you were young? Welcome to leave a message and exchange!