
What should we pay attention to when applying nitrogen fertilizer?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, How to spray foliar fertilizer on wheat? Please guide and introduce that wheat enters the critical period of yield formation after flowering. Spraying foliar fertilizer from flowering to filling stage can effectively improve the yield and quality. Spray method 1, spray multi-dimensional potassium dihydrogen phosphate with 99.5% multidimensional potassium dihydrogen phosphate 100 grams, 30 kg evenly mixed with water.

What should we pay attention to when applying nitrogen fertilizer? Please guide the application of nitrogen fertilizer to pay attention to the following points: first, ammonium nitrogen fertilizer should not be mixed with alkaline fertilizer. Because the mixed application will produce ammonia volatilization and reduce the fertilizer effect. The commonly used nitrogen fertilizers are ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitride, ammonium acid, ammonium nitrate and so on, while alkaline fertilizers include calcium magnesium fertilizer, plant ash, lime and so on. Second, nitrate nitrogen fertilizer should not be mixed with organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizer contains more organic matter, nitrate nitrogen fertilizer will nitrify under the action of denitrifying bacteria and lose nitrogen. The commonly used nitrate nitrogen fertilizers are ammonium nitrate, sodium nitrate, calcium ammonium nitrate and so on. Third, nitrate nitrogen fertilizer is not suitable to be applied in rice fields. Under anaerobic condition, nitrate nitrogen fertilizer is easy to be decomposed by denitrifying bacteria to cause nitrogen loss, and the separated silver nitrate is lost with water, which reduces the fertilizer efficiency. Drylands should also be prohibited from applying or pouring water before and after heavy rain. Fourth, urea is not suitable for pouring. Because after being applied to the soil, urea will be hydrolyzed into ammonium bicarbonate by soil microorganisms, and then decomposed into ammonia and volatilized. Fifth, urea should not stick to seeds. Urea contains a small amount of biuret credit to affect seed germination, if the concentration is too high, the seed will be poisoned. When using urea as seed fertilizer, do not come into direct contact with seeds or control the amount of urea, which should not exceed 2.5 kg per mu. Sixth, the concentration of urea as extra-root topdressing should not be too high. As foliar fertilizer, the effect of urea is really good, but blindly increasing the dosage will be counterproductive. The appropriate concentration is 0.8% for grain and cotton crops, 0.4% for fruit, vegetable, tea and medicine efficient cash crops, and 0.4% for cash crops. Seventh, ammonium bicarbonate should not be applied on the soil surface. Avoid shallow application, the property of ammonium bicarbonate is unstable, and the soil should be covered immediately after application. Eighth, ammonium sulfate is not suitable for long-term use. Ammonium sulfate is an acidic fertilizer, long-term application will increase soil acidity and destroy soil structure. When applied to calcareous soil, sulfate ion will combine with calcium ion and make the soil solidify. Therefore, it should be applied alternately with other nitrogen fertilizers. Ninth, ammonium sulfate is not suitable to be used in paddy fields. Because the application will fall into the anoxic reduction layer, the sulfate radical will be reduced to hydrogen sulfide, and the black ferrous sulfate will be formed around the rice root, resulting in the loss of nutrients. Ten is that ammonium nitride should not be applied to taboo nitrogen crops. When applied to nitrogen-taboo crops such as sugarcane, sugar beet, potato, citrus, grape, tobacco and so on, it will have side effects, damage the physiological function of crops, even die, and reduce the quality of harvest. Click to get more nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium application techniques click to get more fertilizer application techniques