
Fermented organic fertilizer how to accumulate farm manure in winter

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Fermented organic fertilizer how to accumulate farm manure in winter

Farm manure

Farm manure is a good organic fertilizer, but in winter, due to the low temperature, the accumulated farm manure is not easy to ferment and mature, and it contains many pests. If it is not treated and propagated in large quantities, it will harm crops after application. Therefore, farm manure should be treated more scientifically in winter. Soil and fertilizer experts from the School of Resources and Environment of Northwestern Science and Technology University of Agriculture and Forestry came to the route to remind farmers that they should be dealt with in the following aspects:

1. Choose the location of fertilizer accumulation. First of all, choose the place which is close to the dung source, flat, leeward to the sun and convenient for transportation as the composting place.

2. Scientific stacking. The dung pile shape had better be round, the dung pile height is generally more than 1.5 meters, otherwise it is not easy to keep warm. When composting, all kinds of farm manure should be broken and mixed well. After determining the bottom of the dung pile, first lay a layer of yellow dung or all kinds of weeds, and then stack the mixed farm manure layer by layer until it reaches the required height.

3. Increase hot fertilizer. The accumulation of farm manure in winter should appropriately increase hot fertilizers such as large livestock manure, so that it not only ferments quickly, but also has good quality. In addition, the amount of water and soil should be reduced to increase the dung pile temperature and speed up fermentation.

4. Add chemicals. If the composting material is mainly barnyard manure, adding part of superphosphate can not only accelerate the maturity of barnyard manure, prevent the volatilization and loss of nitrogen in stable manure, but also increase the content of organic phosphorus in fertilizer and improve the efficiency of phosphate fertilizer. If the composting material is mainly composed of crop straw and leaves, adding 0.5% of 1% ammonium bicarbonate and an appropriate amount of human feces and urine can adjust the ratio of carbon to nitrogen, promote straw maturity, and improve the nitrogen content of fertilizer and improve fertilizer efficiency. If the proportion of human feces and urine in the composting material is large, adding 0.5% ferrous sulfate can convert ammonium carbonate in human urine into stable ammonium sulfate, which can protect fertilizer and deodorize and prevent nitrogen volatilization.

5. Pay attention to increasing the dung pile. Cold winter, dung pile if too small, easy to be frozen, can not be fermented, affecting the quality. After increasing the dung pile, the heat is released slowly, which is beneficial to fermentation.

6. Control the composting humidity. Mix all kinds of composting materials evenly and adjust the humidity at the same time, so as to prevent the humidity from being too high, poor air permeability and difficult heating and fermentation.

7. Seal the mud and keep warm. In order to maintain the temperature of the dung pile and prevent nutrient loss, the dung pile can be covered with corn leaves or messy grass to form an insulation layer of 30cm to 50cm, then covered with old straw, and then closed with mud. Compared with no insulation layer, the content of organic matter is increased by 1.96%, and the available nitrogen and available phosphorus are also greatly improved.

8. Fumigation increases temperature. When the temperature is too low, you can dig a pit in the dung pile, fill it with combustible materials such as hay, ignite it after the dung pile is built, and increase the temperature of the compost pile through slow fumigation, so as to promote the rapid heating and fermentation of compost. However, it should be noted that lighting smoke is not an open fire to burn grass, so as to avoid overheating and failure of manure. After the dung pile was thawed, it was stuffy for more than 10 days, so that both inside and outside were rotten.