
There are six ways to control termites in large orchards

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, There are six ways to control termites in large orchards

Orchard pest control

Many fruit growers have a headache when talking about orchard termites. Both new and old orchards occur, especially the newly reclaimed orchards in mountain forest land are more serious. Termites are different from black ants. Black ants live on tree trunks on the ground and build nests on trees, while termites move underground and build nests underground. If you do not pay attention to observation, it is difficult to find it on the ground, but you can only find it by peeling open the base of the fruit tree. It is understood that the more serious damage to the fruit tree is longan. The leaves of the seedlings damaged by termites are yellow and yellow, the growth is weak, the branches and leaves are dry, and even the whole plant dies. The prevention and control methods are as follows:

1. Biological control: mainly raising chickens in orchards, chickens are very sensitive to termites and love to eat them, so it is beneficial to eat termites with chicken pecking.

2. Root soaking method with medicine mud: when planting fruit tree seedlings, 75% phoxim 300400-fold solution was added to the soil, mixed with medicine mud, and the roots were soaked in 3-5ml.

3. Fertilizer root application: 3% carbofuran granules per square meter are used when planting fruit tree seedlings. 2-3 kg of mixed farm manure 1500kg, about 5-10kg per plant as the base fertilizer, pay attention to the results when careful use of carbofuran.

4. Drug solution root irrigation method: 90% trichlorfon crystal 1kg was added with water 500kg, each plant was irrigated with 2.5kg, or diluted to 600800 times with camphor wood oil, and 250ml was drenched at the occurrence site.

5. Drug poison bait trapping method: 25-30g Zhi Yi Ling per mu plus 15 tons of fried rice bran, plus appropriate amount of rice soup, mix well, 100-150g per plant, applied in the rhizosphere soil.

6. Cassava stem luring and killing method: spread 10-20 spots in the orchard, pile up cassava stem 3lg at each point, cover it with sugarcane leaves or rice stalks, seal it into a honeycomb shape with mud after getting wet, check half a month later, if termites are found, let the chicken peck or sprinkle kerosene and burn them.