
Small Tips, Big benefits-- Culture skills of Monopterus Albus

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Small Tips, Big benefits-- Culture skills of Monopterus Albus

Ren Chao of Neijiang, Sichuan Province, has raised Monopterus Albus in rice fields contracted for transformation since 2007. In order to raise Monopterus Albus well, he has used many new tricks, saying that one of them is to put Loach seedlings in Monopterus Albus culture ponds.

Ren Chao's cage, the surface of the water is 6 square meters, raised about 500 rice field eel, the cage only put 12 6-7 cm Loach. Loach itself is small, such a small number, will not take up too much space, nor will it cause hypoxia in both. Because Monopterus Albus and Loach are resistant to hypoxia, the gills of Monopterus Albus are underdeveloped. With the help of the inner epidermis of the oral cavity and larynx, they can breathe air directly. Intestinal respiration is a unique physiological phenomenon of Loach. The intestinal wall of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus is thin and rich in blood vessels, which has the function of assisting respiration for gas exchange. Putting such a small amount of Loach into the cage does not need to reduce the number of rice field eel breeding, nor will it have a negative impact on the life of rice field eel.

First, if you release the Loach, you can get several benefits.

The first advantage is to be a cleaner to remove the residue in the cage, purify the water quality, and reduce the disease of ricefield eel due to water quality. Because the feed is high in protein, it falls to the bottom of the box and sinks, blackening and smelling over time, which will cause certain pollution to the water quality, causing ricefield eel to get skin rot and, in serious cases, poisoning and death of ricefield eel.

Because of their nature, Loach has the role of clearing the disabled. Misgurnus anguillicaudatus is weaker than ricefield eel. When throwing yellow eel, they can't win because they are small and can't grab food as fast as ricefield eel, so Loach will stay away. When ricefield eel is finished, they can eat the remaining food of ricefield eel.

Loach has strong cleaning ability, in addition to acting as a cleaner, Loach can also help Monopterus Albus to do more exercise. Monopterus Albus likes to be quiet and does not like to move. During the day, they like to live under water plants, in mud, or in caves in rocks with water on the bank. They basically do not move very much. They come out to look for food at night, and when they are full, they do not move. After releasing the Loach, the Loach is naturally active, lively and active. They swim up and down and run around. Sometimes when it moves like this, it will inevitably encounter the ricefield eel, the rice field eel, which was originally motionless, and it will move when it is squeezed around by the Loach.

Misgurnus anguillicaudatus is active, which can help Monopterus Albus to exercise, which is the first benefit of Loach lively and active, and the second benefit is that it can prevent fights between Monopterus Albus. Eels like to get together in groups, especially small eels. The density of raising ricefield eel in cage is higher than that in the wild, so it is easy to fight and bite each other together, resulting in eel body injury. With Loach, drill in the group of yellow eels and spread them out, which can also reduce the fights and bites of rice field eels. The third benefit of Loach activity is to increase oxygen. Misgurnus anguillicaudatus is very active and moves downwards in the upstream of the pond, which can gradually dissolve the oxygen saturated in the upper surface of the pool into the lower water, which is helpful to the life of eel in water and to the growth of Monopterus Albus.

2. Grass carp in farmland

Ren Chao put a few Loach in the cage, which played so much role. All right. In fact, Ren Chao's good move is not the only one, he also put grass carp in the pool outside the cage. Ren Chao said: "our yellow eel pond is transformed by farmland, which is the kind of rice field planted by ordinary farmers. After the transformation of rice fields, a lot of that kind of water grass will grow." This is the water peanut. "

This kind of aquatic plant mainly grows around the yellow eel pond, and it is green and green this spring and summer, but it begins to wither in a large area after the weather is cold in the middle of October. If it is not treated, it is easy to rot in the water. After decay, the water in the whole pool will go bad, the water quality is not good, and the eel is easy to get skin rot. At first, the method adopted by Ren Chao was the stupidest way to unplug it, but this method is really a thankless method. Aquatic plants grow in the soil in the pond, the roots are very deep, difficult to pull up, very hard to pull up, hard to pull up, to the warm weather, grow up again, all over the pond, in winter, it is difficult to eradicate.

Ren Chao, head of a rice field eel cooperative in Sichuan, said: "later, we used grass carp and put them in eel ponds, because grass carps mainly feed on grass, and grass carps eat grass." In March every year, Ren Chao put grass carp into the yellow eel pond and put 80 grass carps of about half a kilogram per mu. As soon as the grass carp comes, it gradually eats the grass. In winter, there will be no grass in the pond, and grass carp can be harvested. In the second year, if the grass grows, it will continue to release fish. In this way, with the help of grass carp, there will be no need to pull the grass manually.

Grass carp can not only save manpower, but also increase an economic income. One mu can earn more than 1000 yuan of grass carp money, because no longer bait, this is a net income. Putting grass carp in the rice eel pond is indeed a good thing to kill two birds with one stone, but the reporter also has a question: the rice field eel grass carp stay in a big pond, will there be no conflict between them?

There is no rush for food between them. Grass carp and eels have different eating habits. Grass carp mainly eat grass, and rice field eels feed mainly on meat, so they will not compete for food with each other; let alone hypoxia. Monopterus Albus is resistant to hypoxia. The oxygen in this pool is mainly provided to grass carp. Only 80 grass carps are raised per mu, and there is enough oxygen in the pool. Besides, you don't have to worry about fighting for territory between them. Ricefield eels stay in a cage built in the pond, while grass carp are placed in a pond outside the cage, separated by cages, without any conflict, and live in their own small world.

Third, there is a new way to feed ricefield eel.

Putting Loach and Grass Carp are good tricks, so that Ren Chao has two good helpers to cultivate Monopterus Albus and improve the quality of Monopterus Albus. However, in addition to improving the quality, Ren Chao also wants to reduce costs, so he also uses his new trick in the formula of bait.

Ren Chao's recipes for Monopterus Albus are mainly river clams, which has his own ideas, starting with the recipes made when he first raised Monopterus Albus. Monopterus Albus is a kind of fish based on animal feed, which requires fresh feed. Earthworms are one of the most popular fresh feed of Monopterus Albus, which is rich in nutrition. Their dry body protein content is up to 61%. This feed is beneficial to the growth and development of Monopterus Albus. So Ren Chao initially formulated a diet for Monopterus Albus with earthworms accounting for 30% and artificial formula feed for 70%. Feeding Monopterus Albus according to this diet can meet the nutritional needs of Monopterus Albus, but Ren Chao also found some shortcomings.

The price of earthworms on the market is relatively high, generally 15 yuan per jin, one mu has to feed 3 jin, 100 mu a day cost is 4500 yuan, a year is more than 600,000 yuan. With such a high cost, Ren Chao can't make much money a year, but Ren Chao has not given up. He has been looking for ways to reduce costs and raise high-quality ricefield eels. When he is worried, there is a new turning point.

Ren Chao recalled: "when I was worried, I went around at that time. One day I went to the river and saw someone fishing for fish and shrimp, and there were a lot of these clam shells next to them, that's all." They didn't want it at that time, and that's what I wanted to use. Try giving this clam shell to Monopterus Albus. " Eel is a typical ferocious fish that mainly eats meat. It eats a lot and is greedy. Its daily food intake accounts for 5% and 10% of its body weight. They like to eat fresh bait, do not eat unpalatable or rotten food, like to eat small fish, shrimp, if the mussel, snail shell also like to eat.

Among the fresh feed that eels like to eat, Ren Chao made a comparison. There are more rivers, lakes, ponds and other water areas here, and there are many Rain Water, high temperature, rapid growth and reproduction of mussels, and many wild clams. The purchase cost is the lowest. After the mussel shell is shelled, the meat energy accounts for about 70%. The mussel has high nutritional value and is a good animal high-protein feed. According to the determination, the clam contains 61% crude protein and 7% crude fat, which is one of the best substitutes for fresh feed earthworms in terms of nutritional value, and in terms of cost, it is much cheaper than feeding earthworms.

Ren Chao then adjusted the diet of Monopterus Albus, replacing the fresh feed earthworms with river clams, and the bait increased the proportion of river clams. Clams accounted for 70%, plus 10% of small miscellaneous fish, and the remaining 20% were added with artificial formula fodder. the cost is significantly reduced. The diet is mainly based on river clams, which can save 30 to 400000 a year in breeding costs, which is another big problem for Ren Chao in raising ricefield eels.

Three ways to raise ricefield eel, the taste is more delicious

Ren Chao used three tricks to raise ricefield eel: the first trick was to put Loach in the cage, the second was grass carp in the pond, and the third was mainly river clams. In this way, the ricefield eel had a good aquatic environment, ate mainly fresh bait, and could exercise regularly. In this way, the cultivated ricefield eel is close to the quality of the wild ricefield eel.

Generally speaking, the skin of farmed ricefield eel is mostly black, while the skin of Ren overraised ricefield eel is yellow and has prominent brown spots. It not only looks like a wild ricefield eel, but also tastes very similar.

The quality is good, but there is no worry about the sale of such eels. The price is two to three yuan per jin higher than the ordinary one, and the dealers are still rushing for it. Ren Chao came up with a good idea to raise the best-selling ricefield eel, the scale of which is constantly expanding, and now he has become a local agricultural breeding demonstration base.