
The raising of native chicken has become a new hot spot, and the main points of scientific management and technology are summarized.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The raising of native chicken has become a new hot spot, and the main points of scientific management and technology are summarized.

Scientific management is very important in raising native chickens.

Native chicken, that is, local chicken, also known as grass chicken, different from caged broilers and laying hens, refers to broilers raised in mountains, forests and orchards. Native chickens raised in rural areas have better meat quality and delicious taste than ordinary broilers, and are deeply liked by consumers. A few years ago, due to the shortcomings of slow growth, small size and few eggs, native chickens were gradually replaced by excellent foreign chicken breeds, and the number of farmed chickens was greatly reduced. However, with the gradual improvement of consumers' requirements for food taste and quality, "native chicken" breeding has become a new hot spot in the breeding industry.

First, the choice of breeding grounds

Native chickens are raised in woodland

Site selection should consider comprehensive factors, such as area, topography, soil, orientation, traffic, water source, power supply, epidemic prevention conditions, natural disasters and economic environment, and so on.

(1) it is beneficial to epidemic prevention. Chicken breeding sites should not be chosen in densely populated residential areas or factory concentration areas, in places with frequent traffic, or near livestock and poultry trade places; they should be chosen in more remote areas where vehicles can reach them. Such places are not easily infected by epidemic diseases and are conducive to epidemic prevention.

(2) the venue should be located in a high, dry and well-drained place. If in the plain area, should choose the place that the terrain is high and dry, slightly to the south or southeast; if in the mountainous and hilly area, it is appropriate to choose the south slope, the inclination is below 20 degrees. Such a place is easy to drain and receive sunlight, warm in winter and cool in summer. It is better to have fish ponds in the site to facilitate sewage discharge and to carry out waste utilization and comprehensive management.

(3) there should be shade in the venue. There should be green bamboo, tree shade and grass in the venue to facilitate chicken activities.

(4) the site should have water and power supply. Chicken farms need water and electricity, so they must have water and power. The best source of water is tap water. If there is no tap water, it should be selected in a place rich in groundwater resources and suitable for drilling wells, and the water quality should meet the sanitary requirements.

(5) it should be enclosed within the scope of the site. The site should form an independent closed system (surrounded by bamboo or brick walls) to prevent outsiders from entering casually and from outside livestock, poultry and wild animals.

II. Management of chicks

Chick feeding

1. Prepare the chicken coop. Do a good job of preparation before entering the baby, the old house renovation of the chicken house, the walls and the top of the house with thick lime water painted 1-2 times, whether it is reconstruction or new chicken house, must be strictly disinfected, good hygiene, verify the house temperature regulation and ventilation facilities. The chicken house is equipped with elastic plastic mesh or bamboo mesh, the diameter of the mesh is 1 cm, and the net is about 1 meter from the ground. If the old house is renovated, the light window and ground window should be mined before and after. The daylighting window is 1.5 meters from the ground, and the floor window is 20 centimeters from the ground.

2. The source of chicks. In order to reduce the germs brought by exotic chickens and achieve pure breed, it is best to keep their own breeding chickens and self-breeding chicks.

Breeder chickens choose pure native chickens with bright coat color, strong coat and fast growth rate. The weight of hen is about 1.6kg, that of rooster is 1.6kg-2.25kg, and the ratio of male to female is 1:10. Brother and sister chickens are not suitable for male and female breeder.

When farmers adopt the method of hatching hens, in order to unify the age of chicks, in addition to achieving uniform feeding and keeping quality on time, the first hatched hens are hatched empty (no eggs are laid in the nest), but the empty hatching time should not exceed 7 days. When raising on a large scale, it is appropriate to use an incubator to hatch chicks.

3. Scientific management. The chicks enter the nursery, 50 chicks per square meter in the first week, and separated into a group. The elastic plastic net or bamboo net is covered with fresh and clean dry straw, and the thickness of the straw is so thick that chicken droppings can fall to the ground from its space. The second week, 40 per square meter, remove the grass, so that chicken manure directly through the mesh to the ground. 30 per square meter in the third week, and 10 after that. Chicks are raised in groups according to age, strength, size, male and female.

The temperature of the chicken house was 32 ℃ in the first week, then decreased by 2.5 ℃ per week, and de-heated when the natural temperature was 21 ℃. The use of 1 hour light, 3 hours dark 4 hours as a week gap light, so that the chicken activity and rest appropriate amount, promote the growth of native chicken and improve feed utilization rate, while saving electricity. The light intensity refers to the light intensity of daylight windows. Chicks can not graze until they are 25 days old, which is one of the important factors to ensure a high survival rate.

III. Stocking process

Native chicken stocking

1. Stocking scale. A piece of woodland to stocking 2000 is appropriate, the scale is not convenient to manage, the scale is small and the benefit is low. Can be stocked from late spring to Mid-Autumn Festival, low temperature in winter, Cordyceps sinensis reduced, should stop stocking.

2. Stocking method. Native chickens should choose improved breeds with strong disease resistance, just like ordinary brooding before 3-4 weeks of age, choose a room with good heat preservation performance for artificial breeding, and then transfer to the mountain for stocking after de-heating. When the chicks were first stocked, they had no habit of going up the mountain to find food, so they had to be trained. It usually takes two people to cooperate. One person whistles in front and scatters pellet feed to let the chicken eat later, and the other drives it away with branches until all the chickens go up the hill. At noon every day, we should supplement the whistle and feed once on the mountain, strengthen the training, and then use the same method to discipline the chickens to return home in the evening. After about 10 days of training, the chickens have established a conditioned reflex.

3. Points for attention. In order to prevent stress, a certain amount of vitamin C or multivitamin can be added to feed or drinking water in the first few days of stocking; antibiotics and insect repellents are not used 3 months before the cage.

IV. Disease prevention

Infected chickens must be quarantined in time.

Prevention measures should give priority to prevention, so as to observe the diet and drinking water of chickens every day. Diseased chickens were quarantined immediately. The feces removal work is done once a week. Grazing is strictly prohibited in rainy and snowy weather so as not to wet feathers and make chickens catch cold.

Chicken plague is the most harmful and prevalent to native chickens. Chicken plague is a highly contagious and destructive infectious disease caused by Newcastle disease virus, with a mortality rate of almost 100%. The disease can occur all the year round and is more common in hot summer. Farmed native chickens pay attention to nature and ecology, and taboo on the use of chemicals and other hormones, so simple and easy local measures should be taken to effectively prevent and control chicken plague.

⑴ mung beans: grind mung beans with alum into powder and water into paste to feed chickens. Feed 2-3 tablespoons 3 times a day for 7 days.

⑵ spirit: after soaking granular grain in liquor for 2 hours, feed chickens once in the morning and once in the evening, 2-3 grams per chicken for 5-7 days.

⑶ ginger: take 10 grams of ginger, chop it up, add 50 grams of alum powder and mix well, then feed the chicken once or twice a week.

⑷ garlic: 2 heads of purple garlic, peeled and mashed, soaked in boiled water for 1 hour, then filtered for chicken drinking water, once a day.

⑸ Sophora flavescens: 50 grams of Sophora flavescens, 1 kg fried soup with water, drink once in the morning and evening.

⑹ wheat: 500g wheat, mix well with 0.5% potassium permanganate solution and feed the chickens twice a day for 3-4 days.

⑺ salt: soak the granulated grain in 5% salt water for 2 hours and feed the chickens with 10% of the daily feed for 3-5 days.