
Change the traditional thinking, scientific and ecological pig raising, how to design pig houses

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Change the traditional thinking, scientific and ecological pig raising, how to design pig houses

Pig house

Piggery architecture is an esoteric science, which needs to be constantly summarized and improved. For the pig house building of lazy pigs, we need to combine the excellent achievements of the traditional pig house design, but at the same time, do not use the traditional thinking mode to limit our design ideas, we need to use creative thinking to guide and constantly innovate the pig house design.

I. the basic concept of pig house design

The scientific ecological slacker pig house is to maximize the use of natural resources, such as sunlight, air, airflow, wind direction and other free natural elements, and to use as little as possible modern energy or substances such as water, electricity, coal, etc.; make full use of biological and physical transformation, and use chemical transformation as little as possible.

Second, the guiding ideology of pig house design.

First, it is conducive to play a role, save labor and improve efficiency. Second, it is beneficial to save the occupied area and control the appropriate density of pigs. Third, it is conducive to the growth and development of all kinds of pigs and improve the climatic environment in the house as far as possible. The fourth is to control the appropriate construction cost.

III. Basic principles of piggery design

Lazy pig house design, also need to consider the following principles in advance, these principles need to be guaranteed by the production system and fences: first, the "zero" mixed principle. Pigs from different sources are not allowed to mix, so it is necessary to consider the preparation of isolation houses. The second is the principle of the best column. Always maintain the use of the fence, which requires the determination of a balanced production system. Third, according to the principle of grouping pigs of the same age: pigs at different stages can not be together, which is the basis of the whole system.

4. the requirements of the internal and external environment on the design of the pig house.

Between the collective and the environment of pigs, there is an exchange of matter and energy all the time. Under normal circumstances, pigs can keep a balance with the environment and form a virtuous circle, which can promote pigs to give full play to their growth potential. Therefore, in order to ensure the normal life and production of pigs, we must artificially create a climatic condition suitable for the physiological needs of pigs.

Pig house

V. site selection and overall layout

1. Site selection

The architectural design of ecological lazy pig raising is not much different from the traditional intensive pig farm site, and it is more flexible than the traditional pig farm. The following aspects should be comprehensively considered and analyzed.

2. Geographical location

Determine the location of the site, as close as possible to the feed producing area, there are relatively good transport conditions. As the lazy pig-raising achieved zero discharge of manure, the pig-raising environment was significantly improved. Therefore, the site selection of pig farms should be combined with regional planning, with emphasis on the overall epidemic prevention of pig farms. It is necessary to stay away from pig wholesale markets, slaughtering and processing enterprises, scenic spots and traffic roads. Generally, it is required to be at least more than 1km from the animal products processing plant, more than 300m from the main road and 100m from the general highway, and special pig farm passageways can be set up to connect with the main traffic roads; and the nearest village had better not be less than 2km; high-voltage lines shall not be passed above piglet houses and nurseries.

3. Topography and topography

The site of lazy pig farm requires high terrain, dry, gentle and sunny. The site is at least above the local historical flood water level, and the water under it should be below 2m, so as to avoid the threat of flood and reduce the ground moisture caused by the rise of soil capillary water level. Such as low-lying or humid ground, pathogenic microorganisms and parasites are easy to breed, machinery and equipment are easy to corrosion, and even lead to the continuous occurrence of various diseases in pigs. If the underground or semi-underground fermentation house is used, the groundwater level should be fully considered, otherwise the bedding material is too wet, which will affect the fermentation effect and reduce the service life of the bedding material. The above-ground fermentation cushion tank is more suitable where the groundwater level is relatively high. The plain area should be in a high, flat and sloping area in order to drain water and prevent stagnant water and mud. The ground slope of 1% Murray 3% is more ideal. Sunny slopes should be selected in the mountain area, which is not only conducive to drainage, but also sunny, which can reduce the influence of motive cold air flow. The terrain should be developed neatly, not too narrow or too many corners, otherwise it will affect the rational layout of buildings, so that the site of health and epidemic prevention and production contact is inconvenient, the site can not be fully utilized.

4. Soil quality

The soil of the ecological lazy pig house should not only have a certain bearing capacity, but also have strong air permeability, weak capillary function, low hygroscopicity and thermal conductivity and uniform texture. Sandy soil has large soil particles, large heat emission from sunshine in summer, large thermal conductivity, small heat capacity, easy to increase temperature, easy to cool down and obvious temperature difference between day and night, which is disadvantageous to pigs; clay has fine particles and small pores. If the permeability is strong, the moisture absorption is strong, and the capillary function is remarkable, so the soil is easy to become wet, which is often caused by overcast and rain, which hinders the normal operation of the pig farm. Sandy loam soil has the advantages of both sand and clay, good air permeability, no muddy in rainy season, small thermal conductivity, large heat capacity and stable soil temperature, which is suitable for pig growth and development, health and epidemic prevention, greening and planting.

5. Hydropower

Because the ecological lazy pig does not need to wash the enclosure, the water consumption is widely used in the drinking water of pigs, while ensuring the humidity control of bedding materials, washing utensils, staff and greening water. The water quality should be good and meet the standard of human drinking water. for the stagnant water of pond bay and bitter water of wells with narrow water surface, it is not suitable to be used as the water source of pig farm because of more microorganisms, parasites and impurities. Due to the use of natural light in pig houses, the power consumption of pig farms mainly ensures the use of electricity for related facilities and equipment and lighting at night.

6. Occupied area

In a word, the site selection of ecological lazy pig farm involves many factors, which must be taken seriously, carefully investigated, taken measures to local conditions, comprehensive consideration, and determined after repeated comparison.