
What are the functions of potash fertilizer?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What are the functions of potash fertilizer? What should be paid attention to when applying potash fertilizer? One. The effect of potash fertilizer on crops 1. It can promote crops to make better use of nitrogen, increase the content of protein, and promote the formation of sugar and starch; 2. Make nucleolus, seed, fruit and tuber, root enlarge, shape and color beautiful.

What are the functions of potash fertilizer? What should be paid attention to when applying potash fertilizer? One. The effect of potash fertilizer on crops 1. It can promote crops to make better use of nitrogen, increase the content of protein, and promote the formation of sugar and starch; 2. Make nucleolus, seed, fruit and tuber, root enlarge, shape and color beautiful; 3. Increase the oil content of oil crops and increase the content of vitamin C in fruits; 4. Accelerate the ripening of fruits, vegetables and other crops, improve the shape, size, color and flavor of fruits and vegetables, and enhance their storability. Enhance the ability of products to resist bruising and natural decay, and extend the storage and transportation period; 6. Increase the strength, length, fineness and color purity of cotton and hemp crop fibers. Two. Reasonable application of potash fertilizer crops lack of potash fertilizer, will get "osteomalacia", easy to fall down, often plagued by germs and pests. Potash fertilizer can be used as base fertilizer and topdressing fertilizer, and some varieties can also be used as foliar fertilizer, but it is better to use potash fertilizer as base fertilizer and foliar fertilizer. The use of potassium fertilizer as base fertilizer can meet the demand for potassium in the whole growth period of crops, which is important for crops with short growth period and soils with obvious potassium deficiency. The combination of basal application and foliar spraying can be used for crops with long growing period, such as cotton. The combination of basic application and topdressing can be used for sandy soil. The mobility of potassium in soil is between nitrogen and phosphorus. At present, the content of available potassium in soil is less than 100mg / kg / mu; when the content of available potassium in soil is less than 100mg / kg, K??O??%-5 can be applied in kg / mu. When the content of available potassium in soil is more than 150mg / kg, there is no or less application of chemical potassium fertilizer according to crop types. For example: the soil test results of our province in the past three years show that the content of available potassium is on the low side, which is due to attaching importance to diammonium phosphate and urea and neglecting the use of organic fertilizer and potash fertilizer. The money from the purchase of urea can be used to buy 15-20 kg of urea and 5 kg of potash fertilizer, increase the use of potash fertilizer, improve the disease resistance and stress resistance of crops, and achieve the goal of balanced production. Third, the harm of excessive application of potash fertilizer: potash fertilizer has many benefits, but the more it is used, the better. If it is used strictly in accordance with the required amount, excessive application will bring adverse effects to crops. 1. Excessive application of potash fertilizer will not only waste valuable resources, but also reduce the absorption of magnesium and calcium by crops, which hinders the growth of crops. two。 Excessive application of potash fertilizer will cause harmful metals and harmful bacteria in some plots to exceed the standard, resulting in the deterioration of soil properties and water pollution. 3. Excessive application of potash fertilizer will weaken the production capacity of crops. Click to get more nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium application techniques click to get more chemical fertilizer application techniques