
What is the method of weeding corn seedlings?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What is the method of weeding corn seedlings? Please give the introduction of corn seedling weeding can refer to the following points: first, the correct selection of post-seedling herbicides: in recent years, the herbicides with better weeding effect after corn seedlings are selected before 5 leaves of corn, such as Gengjie, Qiancian red, post-seedling protection, etc.; after 8-10 leaves, the plant height reached 60 cm.

What is the method of weeding corn seedlings? Please give the introduction of corn seedling weeding can refer to the following points: first, the correct selection of post-seedling herbicides: experiments in recent years, corn seedlings after a better herbicide corn 5 leaves before the selection of Gengjie, thousand layer red, seedling protection, etc.; after 8-10 leaves, the plant height reached 60 cm, paraquat, gram no trace and so on. Second, master the best spraying time. The best time for weeding after maize seedlings is the 3-5 leaf stage of maize, when the resistance of maize is high and the drug damage is not easy to occur. The herbicide containing nicosulfuron should be applied before the 5-leaf stage of corn as far as possible, and it is easy to cause drug damage after 5-leaf stage, and it is also easy to cause drug damage if high temperature is encountered during application. The best grass age is 2-3 leaf stage, when the weeds have a certain drug area, the weed resistance is not big, and the weed control effect is significant. The best spraying time is after four or five o'clock in the evening, because at this time, the temperature is lower, the humidity is higher, the liquid stays on the leaves of the weeds for a long time, and the weeds can fully absorb the herbicide components, which ensures the weeding effect. the use of medicine in the evening can also significantly improve the safety of corn seedlings and is not easy to cause drug damage. Third, scientific dispensing methods. The medicine must be shaken well before use and the secondary dilution method must be used. First, mix 100ml of raw medicine with a little water into mother liquid, then add 25ml 30kg of water, mix evenly and then spray. In view of the high temperature and drought weather, the amount of liquid sprayed should be increased to 125ml, and be careful not to hesitate to take medicine. Fourth, pay attention to sensitive varieties. For the post-seedling herbicide Yunongle which contains nicosulfuron, sweet corn and waxy corn are sensitive to this ingredient and are prone to drug damage, so they should be used with caution. Pay attention to the mixed use of pesticides. Seven days before and after spraying post-seedling herbicides containing nicosulfuron, it is strictly forbidden to spray organophosphorus insecticides, otherwise it is prone to drug damage. However, it can be mixed with pyrethroids and carbamate insecticides, and attention should be paid to avoiding heart leaves as far as possible. after the 6th and 8th leaf stage of corn, the field which has not been removed or the effect of pesticide application is poor and can not control the harm of weeds, it can be sprayed directionally after the 10-leaf stage of corn, after the plant height is more than 60 cm, and after the stem base is aged and purple. When directional spraying, be careful not to spray on the stems and leaves of corn to avoid drug damage. Click to get more corn planting techniques click to get more herbicide application techniques click to get more pesticide application techniques