
This is the gorgeous and beautiful Zhu Dinghong. Friends who like potted plants, come and learn about it.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Original title: this is the gorgeous and beautiful Zhu Dinghong. Friends who like potted plants, come and learn about it! Abstract: friends who still don't know the name of potted plants come and have a look. Today we introduce a kind of flower called Zhu Dinghong, Zhu Dinghong again.

Original title: this is the gorgeous and beautiful Zhu Dinghong. Friends who like potted plants, come and learn about it!

Abstract: friends who want to raise potted plants and don't know what their name is, come and have a look. Today, we introduce a kind of flower called Zhu Dinghong, also known as Hualien Zhu Dinghong. 6-8 bulbous leaves are a kind of very gorgeous flowers. Friends who like flowers can understand this kind of words. This kind of flower is also very good-looking when cultivated in pots. This is the gorgeous and beautiful Zhu Dinghong. Friends who like potted plants, come and learn about it.

Morphological characteristics

Zhu Dinghong is 5-7.5 cm in diameter and has 6-8 crawling tablets. After flowering, the green shape is about 3.5 cm long and the base is about 2.5 cm wide. It prefers to live in a warm and humid environment. There are many horticultural works originating in Brazil. Because it is very beautiful, many people generally use it as horticultural products. Sudan red has certain requirements for light, soil and water. After all, the life habits of each kind of plant are different, and there are many varieties of Zhu Danhong. I suggest you know it because it is very suitable for ornamental plants.

Ball-sharing method

Shaolin can produce 2-3 small balls a year, and it is OK to take them off and plant them separately, but do not hurt the roots of the bulbs. In the case of retransplantation, a lot of attention needs to be paid. For example, to cut the martial arts respectfully into several parts and then divide them into two halves in the middle, so that each part of the lower end is attached to Lin Jing and the root part of the disk tail, and then insert them in the cutting bed mixed with peat soil and sand. After six weeks of proper watering, 1-2 small balls can occur in the middle of the scale, and take root in the lower part of the female bulb can get many young bulbs.

Sowing method, cutting method

Sowing as the name implies is to use seeds to plant flowers, it has a high germination rate, and when sowing, its soil needs to be mixed with two parts of peat soil and one part of sandy soil, the seed is relatively large and convenient to grow, its seed germination temperature is 15 ℃ to 20 ℃ generally in 10-15 days, it needs to wait 2-3 years before it can bloom after sowing. The cuttage method takes the dried powder of Chunhong Nuo from the mother, from which the scales are obliquely inserted in the stone sand, and the value is set when two real leaves grow. When planting false bulbs, the pot soil is too loose to blossom or reduce the number of flowers. So do not let it too loose, you can use sandy soil 5% peat ash soil 2 parts of sand mixture, this kind of soil can make plants grow better. The best planting depth is Lin Jing's 1 stroke and 3 shows the best soil surface.

Zhu Danhong's water

When watering Zhu Danhong, you must keep it, but it is invisible, and if you water it, you should water it thoroughly. Do not water too much, it may cause stagnant water to affect Zhu Danhong's growth. The root is breathless to cover the rot and keep it moist, but when the summer evaporates faster and the air is dry, you can spray some water around to make the air a little wetter. But remember that too much watering can not cause drainage to rot the roots. Watering should also be very careful. Do not water too little or too much. If you pay less, you will dry up and water more easily.

Soil and sunshine temperature of Zhu Dinghong

Zhu Dinghong likes the sun better, it can be properly exposed to direct sunlight, but not for too long, because it is easy to cause leaves to wither and sunburn for too long, it is best to put it in places with bright and ventilated light, such as balconies, etc. There is no strong light and it is best to let Zhu Dinghong's soil be rich in minerals, and the drainage must be good, otherwise too much watering can not be discharged, and there is a set of pure water machine. Be sure to keep in mind that the soil is not too sticky. Just keep Zhu Dinghong in the greenhouse during the dormant period in winter.

Conclusion: this is Hua Zhu Ding Red. Do you understand? Let's try to raise a pot of Zhu Ding Hong. The ornamental value of Zhu Ding Hong is very high and it is not very difficult to raise. It is a very good potted ornamental. This is the gorgeous and beautiful Zhu Dinghong. Friends who like potted plants, come and learn about it.