
How to manage okra in the field of "kidney-tonifying grass"

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to manage okra in the field of "kidney-tonifying grass"

As a rare and special vegetable variety, okra contains a sticky and slippery juice composed of bovine lactoglycan, pectin and arabinan, which tastes smooth and has the effects of helping digestion, enhancing human endurance, protecting liver and whitening skin. So okra has a good market prospect. The planting time of okra is from late April to early May. When the plant unfolds 3-4 true leaves and the seedling age is 30-40 days, it is planted. When planting, the plant spacing is 60 cm, and the row spacing is 50 cm, which is convenient for later picking. The following is a brief introduction to the field management techniques of okra after planting:


1. The seedlings break their hearts. That is to say, okra is carried out for the first time between seedlings, and between disabled and weak seedlings. When there are 3 true leaves for the second time, strong seedlings are selected. 3The seedlings were fixed when there were 4 true leaves, and 1 plant was left in each hole.

2. Weeding and soil cultivation by ploughing

After the seedlings of okra are unearthed or planted, the temperature is relatively low, so they should be ploughed twice in a row to increase the ground temperature and promote slow seedling. Before the first flower of okra blossoms, it is necessary to strengthen mid-tillage in order to squat seedlings moderately to facilitate root development. After flowering and fruiting, the plant growth is accelerated, and the soil should be turned over after each watering and topdressing, and the soil should be ploughed and cultivated before closing ridges to prevent plant lodging. In the rainy and windy areas in summer, it is best to insert about 1 meter of bamboo poles or branches near the plant to prevent lodging.


3. Watering and fertilization

① watering. Okra has higher requirements for air and soil moisture during its growth period. In case of water shortage within 20 days after sowing, artificial sprinkler irrigation is selected in the morning and evening. Mechanical sprinkler irrigation or furrow irrigation can be used in case of water shortage when the seedlings are slightly larger. Okra harvest season is in the hot summer season, with large water demand and high surface temperature, so it should be watered before 9 o'clock in the morning or after sunset in the afternoon to avoid root damage under high temperature. Pay attention to drainage in the rainy season to prevent dead seedlings. Proper soil moisture should be maintained throughout the growing period.

② topdressing. On the basis of applying sufficient base fertilizer to okra, proper topdressing should be applied, not partial application of nitrogen fertilizer. The first time was Qimiao fertilizer, which was carried out after emergence, applying urea 90-120 kg per hectare.

The second time is to raise seedling fertilizer, fixed seedlings or planting after opening the ditch to withdraw application, per hectare application of compound fertilizer 225,300kg. In the flowering and fruiting period, okra should be re-fertilized once, 30000-45000 kg of human feces, or 300,450 kg of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer. In the middle and later stage of growth, a small amount of topdressing was applied many times according to the situation to prevent plant premature senescence.

4. Plant adjustment. Okra grows vigorously under normal conditions, the main and lateral branches are stout, the leaves are hypertrophic, and the time of flowering and fruiting is often delayed. Twisting branches can be used to twist the petiole of okra into a curved and drooping shape to control vegetative growth. In the middle and later stage of growth, the old leaves of okra were removed in time, which can not only improve the ventilation and light transmission conditions of plants, reduce nutrient consumption, but also prevent the spread of diseases and insect pests. The plants harvested from young okra should be coring at the right time, which can promote the fruiting of lateral branches and increase the early yield. The plants that harvest okra should pick the heart in time, which can promote the fruit to mature, make the grain full and improve the seed quality.