
Plastic film mulching cultivation technique of spring kidney bean driven by plastic film

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Plastic film mulching cultivation technique of spring kidney bean driven by plastic film

The cultivation of green beans has the characteristics of short production cycle, less investment, labor-saving and labor-saving. After the harvest of green beans, corn, peanuts, grain and oil crops or other vegetables can be sown in the next crop. The yield of kidney beans per mu is about 1500 kg, and the planting benefit is outstanding. The following is to introduce the main points of cultivation of spring green beans covered with plastic film.

Green beans

(1) fertilization and soil preparation

The soil with medium fertility should be selected for the cultivation of string beans, and 5000 kg of mature farm manure and 50 kg of N, P and K ternary compound fertilizer should be applied to each mu of base fertilizer. Combined with fertilization, ploughing to make a border, the border 20 cm high, 50 cm wide, every 3 meters with the soil to draw a horizontal line. Cover plastic film in sunny and windless weather, choose 1 meter wide plastic film, after plastic film covering, both sides should be compacted with soil to prevent wind damage.

Second, sowing seeds at the right time

Kidney beans can be sown when the temperature is stable at 10 ℃ for 5 consecutive days. If plastic film mulching is used in the north, the sowing can be advanced to the first ten days of April and in the south to the first and middle of March. The varieties of kidney beans with strong disease resistance and high yield, such as Didouwang, etc., were selected, and the amount of seeds per mu was 6-7.5 kg. Punch holes and sow seeds with a depth of about 3 cm, hole spacing of 30 cm, 3-4 seeds per hole, two rows per row, and row spacing of 20 cm.

III. Field management

When the seedlings break the soil, use the soil to compact the plastic film around the green bean seedlings to prevent the strong wind from tearing up. If stagnant water is found on the film after a rainy day, it should be removed in time, and the damaged film should be pressed or covered with new film in time. When the bean seedlings grow to 3-4 true leaves, the first water is irrigated, and 15 kg of nitrogen and potassium fertilizer is applied along with the water mu. After entering the peak podding period of kidney beans in May, topdressing once and applying 20 kg of urea per mu. Kidney beans have strong resistance to diseases and generally do not need drug control. In the harvest period, such as aphids and other pests can be controlled by imidacloprid and other spray.

IV. Timely harvest

It takes about a week from flowering of green beans to pod harvest. Plastic film spring green beans generally enter the harvest period in early May, at this time, it is the peak season of market demand, consumption is large, the price is higher, can be harvested early appropriately.