
Improvement of Survival rate Prevention and treatment of Nine main Blight Diseases in Native Chicken

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Improvement of Survival rate Prevention and treatment of Nine main Blight Diseases in Native Chicken

Native chicken breeding

The disease resistance of native chicken is strong, and some epidemic diseases are easy to occur in improved breeds, but rarely occur in native chicken. The main factors affecting the health of native chickens are 3 kinds of viral diseases, 3 kinds of bacterial diseases and 3 kinds of parasitic diseases. In view of the easy disease of native chicken and combined with the local epidemic situation, the corresponding prevention and control work can effectively improve the survival rate of native chicken.

Prevention and treatment of one and three kinds of viral diseases

1. Newcastle disease: caused by Newcastle disease virus, it is generally characterized by dyspnea, diarrhea, green feces, mental depression and neurological symptoms, head and face swelling, stopping egg laying, etc., and the mortality rate of sensitive chickens is often as high as 90%, 100%. Preventive measures: 7-10 days old chicks were first immunized with Newcastle disease IV vaccine or nasal drip, 18 days old were given second immunity, and over 60 days old were injected intramuscularly with Newcastle disease strain I vaccine.

2. Infectious bursitis: caused by infectious bursal disease virus, the symptoms are white or light green dung, mental fatigue, drooping head, closed eyelids, fluffy feathers, and finally extreme exhaustion. Preventive measures: drinking water with attenuated bursa vaccine at the age of 14-21, and adding 2% skimmed milk powder to the water.

3. Fowlpox: caused by fowlpox virus, nodules can be seen in all parts of the body of diseased chickens. Oral and esophageal tracheal mucosal ulcers or yellow-white lesions can be seen in diphtheria fowlpox. Preventive measures: 14-21 days old with fowlpox vaccine inoculation.

Prevention and treatment of two and three kinds of bacterial diseases

1. Chicken pullorum: caused by salmonella, diseased chickens show mental and poor appetite, drooping wings, loose feathers, like crouching and excreting yellow-white or green feces. Prevention and control measures: drink water with norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin or enrofloxacin.

2. Avian cholera: caused by Pasteurella multocida, the most acute diseased chickens died suddenly, acute diseased chickens showed loose feathers, no food, shortness of breath, foamy mucus from the nose, yellow, gray or green thin feces, body temperature rose to 43 ℃-44 ℃, coma, died for 1-3 days, chronic type showed arthritis, claudication, dyspnea and so on. Prevention and treatment measures: after 30 days of age, inactivated avian cholera vaccine was injected intramuscularly, and sulfonamides, penicillin, streptomycin and erythromycin were used to treat the disease.

3. Colibacillosis: caused by Escherichia coli, chicks show anorexia, loose feathers, do not like to move, and finally die, adult chicken crown atrophy, pale face, some diarrhea. Local infection shows local clinical symptoms, such as arthritis, ophthalmitis and respiratory symptoms. Prophylactic Escherichia coli oil vaccine is injected intramuscularly at the age of 1 month, and therapeutic antibiotics (such as kana, new, chlorine, streptomycin), sulfonamides and furans are all effective.

The prevention and control of three kinds of parasitic diseases include taeniasis, ascariasis and coccidiosis.

1. Native chickens infected with tapeworm and Ascaris lumbricoides showed growth retardation, pale crown, anemia, loose feathers, prolapse of wings, enteritis and dysentery, etc. Albendazole 5mg per kilogram of body weight could dispel these two parasites.

2. Chickens aged from half a month to 3 months are most susceptible to coccidiosis, often showing symptoms such as anemia, weight loss, dysentery and blood in feces. The drugs to dispel coccidiosis are chlorophenylguanidine, dysentery, coccidiosis powder and so on.