
Good feed brings good benefits four tricks skillfully distinguish the quality of fish feed

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Good feed brings good benefits four tricks skillfully distinguish the quality of fish feed

Fish feed

In many years of breeding practice, four methods of "seeing, smelling, soaking and chewing" were summed up to identify the quality of fish feed.

1. Look (look at the color of the feed and the uniformity of the particles): the full-price fish formula feed is made by evenly mixing and granulating the main raw materials, such as fish meal, soybean meal, rapeseed meal, cottonseed meal, premix (containing trace elements), etc. Feed appearance color has the natural color of raw materials, generally dark yellowish brown or brown. If there are more fishmeal and soybean meal, the material color will be slightly yellow, and when there are more miscellaneous meals, the material color will be dark red. Fish in different growing periods should use different specifications of pellet feed, as the same specification of fish products, the particle size should be uniform, the surface luster is bright, the cross-section cut is smooth, and the particle length is generally 1.5-2.5 times of the particle size. If the proportion of fish feed length and particle size is out of proportion, it will seriously affect the palatability of fish to food, resulting in a large amount of feed loss.

2. Smell (smell the smell emitted by the feed): the compound feed for full-price fish is made by mixing all kinds of raw materials and ripening with steam, which generally has a light meal flavor and fishy smell. The feed added with the antibacterial drug allicin has garlic flavor, while the feed with fish treasure and fish essence (fake and authentic, instead of fish meal) has a choking fishy smell, which is soaked in water for a period of time. The smell of fish immediately diminishes or disappears.

3, bubble (check the fineness and water resistance of the feed): the method is to grab a handful of feed into the water, observe the time when the feed is dispersed, and check the thickness and evenness of the feed. The fish we generally cultivate (green, grass, bighead carp, crucian carp, carp, etc.) belong to carp, and the digestion and absorption of food is in the intestinal tract, relying on intestinal peristalsis, digested and absorbed under the action of digestive enzymes, which requires that the finer the feed size, the better. The finer the utilization rate is, the higher the utilization rate is. The intestinal emptying time of fish is generally 1.5-2 hours, and the appropriate time for feed to disperse with water is 3-5 minutes. Feeding once in 2-3 hours can achieve the purpose of not wasting feed.

4. Chewing (feeling the taste of the feed and the content of impurities): although the fish ingest the feed, the taste is the main factor affecting its feeding behavior. Through the sense of touch and taste of our mouth, we can feel the hardness of particles, the degree of impurities (such as sand and soil) and whether there is a peculiar smell. If there is the feeling of fangs or the smell of soil, it is proved that the feed contains sand, soil and other impurities; if there is bitter, sour, astringent smell, it means that the feed raw materials or finished materials have mildew phenomenon.

Generally speaking, to judge the quality of a kind of feed, we should consider the appearance quality and internal nutrition, and evaluate the enterprise scale, equipment, technology, manpower and other conditions. Only by choosing high quality and efficient feed can we obtain high benefit.