
Using potassium dihydrogen phosphate to plant external fertilizer for flower green should pay attention to these three points, otherwise it will cause fertilizer damage.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, With the improvement of people's living standards, many people will raise some flowers and green plants at home, such as orchids, jasmine, happiness trees, etc., to decorate the home and add green flavor. And plants need fertilizer to grow and blossom, and phosphorus.

With the improvement of people's living standards, many people will raise some flowers and green plants at home, such as orchids, jasmine, happiness trees, etc., to decorate the home and add green flavor.

While plants need fertilizer for growth and flowering, potassium dihydrogen phosphate is a kind of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer commonly used by many flower friends for extra-root topdressing of plants. it has very strong fertility and obvious effect, but we should pay attention to these three points when applying it, otherwise it will be counterproductive, without any promotion to plants, but will lead to plant withering and death.

1. The concentration should not be high.

Most of the extra-root topdressing with potassium dihydrogen phosphate is sprayed directly on the branches and leaves, and the fertilizer is transported through the stomata, but if the concentration is too high, it is easy to burn the leaves, cause fertilizer damage and affect the whole plant.

In general, it is most appropriate to configure a solubility of 0.1% Mo 0.3%, which can be sprayed almost once a week during the peak growth period. High temperatures in summer should be sprayed once or twice a month when the temperature is low.

2. Spraying time

Spraying potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution is best placed in the evening, which is easy to be absorbed, while if it is placed in the morning, it is easy to dry up and stick to the leaves and cannot be fully absorbed.

The second day after spraying, the plants should be hydrolyzed, that is, the leaves should be cleaned with clean water to prevent the fertilizer from remaining on the leaves and affect the leaves.

3. Spraying method

For plants such as jasmine and happiness trees, it is best to spray them from the bottom up first, and then spray them diagonally, so that they are all sprayed evenly, while for such plants as Gentleman and Tiger Pilan, you can use spray spraying, but it is still best to gently wipe the leaves with cloth dipping liquid, which is most appropriate from the leaf tip to the leaf base, and can be wiped repeatedly for 2-3 times to make it fully absorbed.

This is the introduction of plant topdressing with potassium dihydrogen phosphate. Flower friends have other additions. You can share them with you in the comments area below. If you want to know more about flower cultivation, you can pay attention to flowers.