
Pumpkin blossoms more and bears less fruit. How to plant it to make pumpkin yield more

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Pumpkin blossoms more and bears less fruit. How to plant it to make pumpkin yield more

Pumpkins are very popular in recent years, but in planting pumpkins are often more flowering and less fruiting, so the yield is not high. The reasons for more flowering and less fruit of pumpkin are generally these reasons, such as insufficient light, excessive nitrogen fertilizer, poor pollination and so on. So when growing pumpkins, we should focus on the following points:


First, apply sufficient base fertilizer. Large water and fertilizer is needed for the growth of pumpkins, so the basic fertilizer must be fully applied when planting pumpkins, and the growing pumpkins must be guaranteed to increase sufficient fertilizer and water.

Second, hit the top at the right time. When the main vine of the pumpkin grows to 2 meters, pick the growth point on the main vine, make the main vine grow 4 branches, and blossom and bear fruit.

Third, build up the scaffolding. When the branch vine of the pumpkin grows to 2 meters, the vine is put on the shelf to improve the light transmission and ventilation conditions, so as to increase the pumpkin sitting rate by more than 40%.

Fourth, prevent overgrowth. The excessive growth of pumpkin vines will result in less melon. The way to prevent pumpkin vines from growing is to cut a crack 30 centimeters away from the roots and plug a piece of black charcoal to restrain the overgrowth.

Fifth, auxiliary pollination. First, cover the soon-to-open and pollinated female pumpkin flowers with melon leaves to prevent Rain Water from invading. At 9: 00 the next morning, the male flowers from different plants were picked and covered over the female flowers, and then removed 3 days later.

Sixth, burying the stem in the later stage. Pumpkins that grow to a later stage will use vines to grow adventitious roots. By burying stems, the yield can be increased by 20% Murray 40%. The time of burying stems was carried out when some wax yellow leaves appeared on the roots of pumpkins after 3 batches of pumpkin fruit 2muri. Generally buried from the pumpkin root of the nearest 4murmur6 stem, with a small amount of organic fertilizer mixed with fertile, moist soil as stem soil. The depth of the burial is about 15muri 25cm.