
Sesame needs a large amount of fertilizer how to use fertilizer skillfully in the florescence of sesame

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Sesame needs a large amount of fertilizer how to use fertilizer skillfully in the florescence of sesame

Sesame needs more fertilizer. For every 100kg sesame seed, it needs to absorb 89kg of pure nitrogen, 7kg of phosphorus pentoxide and potassium oxide of 3kg. At present, the yield of sesame per mu is generally 40-60 kg, while that of high-yield fields is 75-95 kg. In the early growth stage, the sesame seedling is weak, the root system is not developed, and the ability of fertilizer absorption is weak, but when it enters the flowering and capsule stage of both vegetative growth and reproductive growth, the sesame root system also enters the flourishing stage and needs more fertilizer. If the fertilizer requirement of sesame in this period is not met, it will lead to short plants, fewer flowers and pods, fewer seeds and low yield.

Sesame florescence

Topdressing is a rapid fertilization measure taken to make up for the deficiency of base fertilizer and seed fertilizer in the process of sesame growth and development. The absorption and accumulation of nutrient elements by sesame is different in different growth stages. after bud flowering, a large number of elements are needed, but at this time, the supply of soil nutrients is insufficient, so topdressing is skillfully applied to the growth of sesame stems and leaves, the differentiation and development of flower buds and the formation of seeds. At the early flowering stage, 15-20 kg per mu of sesame was fertilized, at the same time, 0.4% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.2% borax were sprayed on the leaves, once in 5-7 days, twice in a row. Note: exuberant sesame does not need to be used.

The growth of sesame is the most exuberant, and the peak period of fertilizer demand is the flowering and capsule stage, during which about 70% of the total nutrients need to be absorbed, and more flower fertilizer should be applied. Practice has proved that the skillful application of flower fertilizer can increase the yield of sesame by more than 30%. The way of topdressing is to apply sesame special fertilizer and sesame root spraying phosphorus, potassium and boron fertilizer. It is best to choose cloudy days or fertilization sooner or later. In addition, for sesame seeds with insufficient fertility or de-fertilizing in the middle and later stages, foliar spraying fertilizer can be applied for 1-2 times. Generally, 50 kg 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be sprayed evenly all over the stems and leaves per mu.