
Weeds compete for nutrition to reduce watermelon yield how to skillfully control weeds in watermelon field

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Weeds compete for nutrition to reduce watermelon yield how to skillfully control weeds in watermelon field

The traditional watermelon planting technology leads to the low yield of watermelon, which is mainly due to the weeds in the melon field and the harm caused by competing for nutrition with watermelon.

Watermelon field

There are two peak periods of weed growth in watermelon field, the first peak is unearthed with watermelon seedlings unearthed, the amount of weeds in this period accounts for 60% of the total weeds in the whole growth period of watermelon, and the second peak is when watermelon vine grows to about 70cm.

First of all, plastic film mulching is recommended to reduce the chance of weeds being unearthed.

In addition, chemical herbicides can be used to control weeds in watermelon fields. Herbicides in watermelon field can be divided into two types: non-selective type and selective type. Non-selective type can effectively control all kinds of weeds, while selective type is aimed at a certain kind or type of weeds. In the first peak period, the soil surface can be treated with herbicides such as Caojing, Shicaojing, herbicide, chlorpromazine, aminophos and other herbicides before the watermelon seedlings are unearthed; in the second peak period of weeds, selective herbicides such as cover grass energy, refined grass grass and Jingshengde should be used, and these herbicides can be used in the 2-5 leaf stage of Gramineae weeds to control weeds and be safe for watermelon seedlings.

Application technology of herbicides

1. Non-selective herbicides: if used improperly, watermelon seedlings are prone to drug damage, and the suitable time for use is the period before emergence after sowing. Such as Caojing: before emergence after sowing, 150-200g 50% Caojing wettable powder is sprayed on the surface to control annual weeds. Shachaojing: before watermelon emergence, 150-200 grams per mu with 80% Shazaojing wettable powder surface spray.

2. Selective herbicides. It is suitable for use during the growing period of watermelon and will not cause drug damage. Such as cauliflower, 2-5 leaf stage medication, can prevent and remove annual and a small number of perennial grasses. Cover grass energy EC with 65 ml per mu, spray stems and leaves, and double the amount of medicine used to prevent and remove perennial grasses. Jingzhoude: it has the effect of control and removal of both annual and perennial grasses, but has no effect on broadleaf weeds. In the 2-5 leaf stage of Gramineae weeds, 35% or 15% of 70-130 ml per mu is used to spray the stems and leaves. Fine grass gram: in the 2-5 leaf stage of Gramineae weeds, spraying stems and leaves has quick effect and good effect.