
Key points of management of soybean planted in three different ways at the turn of spring and summer

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Key points of management of soybean planted in three different ways at the turn of spring and summer

At the end of spring and the beginning of summer, it is cloudy and rainy, and the temperature changes greatly. the proper management of soybean field is directly related to the yield and quality. Today, the editor of Green Food Network will introduce to vegetable farmers the growth stage of fresh soybeans with different cultivation methods at the turn of spring and summer, as well as the management measures to be taken.

Open-air soybean

Greenhouse soybeans. At present, it is in the pod filling stage. The soybean in the pod filling stage likes to be cool, but the temperature in the pod filling stage should be at least above 15 ℃, and the seed filling stage can withstand a low temperature of 9 ℃. After entering the seed filling stage, the temperature is slightly lower, which is beneficial to the accumulation of dry matter. Therefore, the earlier soybeans that have been in the seed-filling stage in the greenhouse can be removed; those who are sowing later in the podding stage can roll up the skirt during the day, put it down at night, increase ventilation and light penetration, and increase the concentration of carbon dioxide in the greenhouse. it can not only promote the seed setting of soybean, but also prevent the premature senescence of soybean plants caused by too high temperature and humidity and low carbon dioxide concentration in the greenhouse. According to the soil moisture in the field, do a good job of water management.

Small arch shed soybeans. At the flowering and podding stage, measures: ① timely topdressing soybean flower and pod fertilizer. Generally, only nitrogen fertilizer is applied, and the amount of nitrogen fertilizer is 60% of the total nitrogen fertilizer, which translates to about 14 kg of urea and is poured with water, half of which is applied at the early stage of flowering and the other half at the early stage of podding. ② field water management should be strengthened. The water consumption of soybean at flowering and podding stage is higher, which should not only meet the needs of soybean growth, but also prevent waterlogging damage. The ditch cleaning work should be done well to ensure smooth drainage and irrigation, mainly drainage, so as to prevent excessive humidity in the soybean field, resulting in falling flowers and pods. Soil water holding capacity is generally kept at 70-80%. ③ controls weeds. The soybean field with flower and pod fertilizer has sufficient fertilizer, suitable temperature, weeds are easy to grow, and compete with soybeans, affecting the growth of soybeans, so weeds should be removed in time, mainly by hand.

Soybeans covered with plastic film or cultivated in open field. In the seedling stage, ditch cleaning and drainage should be done well to prevent stagnant water in the field. Soybeans with symptoms of fertilizer deficiency, such as light leaves and weak growth, should be suitable for seedling fertilizer, which can generally be irrigated with 2.5 kg urea; for strong-growing soybeans with thick green leaves, seedling fertilizer can not be applied; fresh soybeans sowing earlier and about to enter the flowering stage, if there are symptoms of fertilizer deficiency, flower fertilizer should be applied in advance, and the amount of fertilizer used for barbecue should be appropriately increased; for soybeans cultivated in the open field, the soil should be ploughed in time to remove weeds.